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About irresistiblecookie

  • Birthday 01/31/2003

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Carnivores Tour - August 24th, 2014

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  • Location
    Toronto, Canada
  • Interests
    Interesting things

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  1. devil's drop, high voltage, the last line
  2. Mike created moshpits at the last show in Brazil, not the first one in Sao Paulo.
  3. I think that fourth track on the left might be 'Spiderweb'.
  4. Is there a video of Papercut (Luis Ortiz Jam Version) from the SOTS gala event?
  5. Yeah, these are legit as far as I can tell.
  6. That would be weird, considering the original idea for the sixth album was pretty much completely scrapped.
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