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Everything posted by SouthernGirlAM

  1. Great review! Bottom line...great review...Sounds like an awesome show!
  2. It was great, don't get me wrong...stellar performance...but I think you could definitely hear signs of being raspy (more so than usual). Same in the meet and greet come to think of it. That's just me though...
  3. NEW MERCHANDISE IN THE MUSIC FOR RELIEF STORE November 26, 2008 There is lots of new merchandise in the MFR store, as well as some regular favorites. New Items and Old Favorites available in the store include: - The new MFR eco-friendly bag. Its the perfect size for books, groceries or any other items you need to haul and purchase. Use the Branch Out bag rather than paper or plastic for a healthier planet. Click here to check it out and/or buy. - The White-On-Black MFR bandanna. This is the same on that was on sale the past couple of LP tours, including the Winter U.S. Arena tour and Projekt Revolution 2008. The bandanna was designed by the one and only Mike Shinoda. Click here to check it out and/or buy. - The new MFR Branch Out and Carbon Neutral Earth T-shirts. The Branch Out T-shirt is made from 100% organic cotton and the Carbon Neutral Earth T-shirt is organically and ethically made using Green Energy. You can check and buy these new shirts here and here. - The Mike Shinoda MFR Shirts. These shirts are on sale for the holidays and you can pick out yours here and here. As with all MFR merchandise 100% of proceeds benefit Music for Relief. So check out these new items today and support MFR! Source: MFR Email
  4. Sommet Center, Nashville, Tenn. 2.26.2008 “A Night of Firsts” The Background. When it comes to Linkin Park, I’ve always been a hardcore fan, dating back to their first days in 2000. I had all of their CDs, DVDs, etc., and had begun to get involved in Music For Relief. But there were two things I hadn’t experienced yet: Membership in the LPU and a live show...for various reasons beyond my control. Well, in December of 2007, that was all about to change. Awhile prior, I had found out my favorite band was coming to Nashville. I begged and pleaded with my parents to say, “Sure, go ahead.” (My parents were always and still are super protective of my sister and I.) Of course it was a no-go and it was looking like the chance to see LP was slipping away once again as it had for eight years prior. But then, in the middle of December, a trip I had been saving for fell through the morning we were supposed to leave. I was crushed. All of a sudden, my dad calls and his words were as follows, “Look, I know you’re bummed, but here’s what I want you to do…take the money you’ve saved for the trip and save it…we’ll go see Linkin Park in February.” I WAS STOKED!! The month of February could not have come soon enough. I had already made arrangements to miss classes that night, had gotten my tickets and joined the LPU in the off chance I could get a meet and greet. In January, I had even signed up to be a volunteer at the MFR booth. Two weeks before the show though…I had a horrible scare. I had gotten sick. It was rotten timing. And it was something that was not going away - a dang respiratory infection. But I wasn’t going to let this illness stop me. And thankfully, I began to get better with just days to spare before the show. I finally was getting pumped. It was going to be an awesome show. All the pieces of the puzzle were coming together to make this night the best ever...with just one missing piece…a meet and greet pass. On the Friday before the show, the missing piece found its way to my email. On a very rainy and nasty February 22nd, I got the coveted email at 5:55 p.m.: I had been selected for the meet and greet! I was so excited and so nervous. February 26th would not come soon enough. The Show. Finally, the day I’d been waiting for for almost eight years had arrived. It was a nasty February day in Tennessee as my dad and I got up early to make the three hour trek to Nashville. We’d decided to spend the day there and go to the show early. Around 2:30-3:00 p.m, we arrived in downtown Nashville at Sommet Center. We decided to go ahead into a lobby of Sommet Center that was open (since the doors weren’t open yet) due to the drop in temperature throughout the day. I wasn’t supposed to meet Missy, the MFR volunteer coordinator, until 4:30-5:00 pm, so we just chilled in Sommet’s lobby. The LP buses were already there and were parked outside. The excitement continued to build until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I decided to call Missy and see if there was any way we could come in and help her set up. Otherwise, I was going crazy just sitting and waiting. Hey, it couldn’t hurt was my logic. So, I dialed her cell and got her voicemail (CRAP!). So I left her a message and continued to get more and more anxious. Finally, my cell phone vibrated. It was Missy. After I explained to her that we were there, she was like…where are you? I’m coming to find you. So, we got out to where the line is and I see her walking towards the door. I knew who she was because she was wearing the lime green coat she told me to look for. She come and let us in and off to the MFR booth we went. She gave us our VIP/MFR passes and me a shirt. And yes, the beautiful green one. (Side note: I LOVE that shirt.) We began setting up the booth when all of a sudden we hear random music/noise coming from the arena itself. Then all of sudden, I hear short snippets of LP music. Like NMS, Numb, etc. OMG!! They were doing the LP sound check. I looked at my dad with my mouth dropped. I wish I would’ve been able to go and see it. It continued for a while longer…guitars, then keyboard, then samples/drums. Didn’t get to hear any vocals though during the sound check, which was not all that surprising to me. I was just stoked to get to hear what I had heard. And well, I wish I had gotten to see it! So, we finish setting up the booth and the other workers began to show up . We all hung out and talked, set the items on the booth, and prepared for the doors to open. I loaded like 30 bracelets onto my wrists to sell and bandannas in my pocket. I was ready to go. Too bad the doors didn't open for like 20 more minutes, lol. But then, some of the tour workers come by and said hi, including Maurice – LP’s Production Utilitarian Man. He pretty much helps do everything behind the scenes and is a super cool and entertaining guy, too. Soon the doors opened and we were off telling people about MFR and raising money. I took a little jug and walked all around Sommet Center asking for money, selling bandannas, bracelets, pins, etc. It was absolutely the most fun I had had in a long time. And it was all for such a good cause. I knew I had to keep an eye on the time, because soon it would be time to go get my meet and greet bracelet. I went and got that in between rounds of selling bandannas throughout the arena. I was getting pumped as I could hear the music begin when the show began. Chiodos opened the show, which honestly, I didn’t really care about, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before LP would be tearing up that stage. And before that, the meet and greet, which time to line up for had finally come. I met up with some other LPUers and we waited for the M&G. And we waited… and waited… and waited some more… when no one else showed up but us few, we all began to panic. What if we missed it?! I began to panic. Surely we would not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I didn’t know what else to do, so I called Missy. She already had worked it out for me not to miss the M&G and still work the booth. She came and found the few of us and called Maurice. Apparently, there had been a mix-up in where the meeting place was. Not really anyone’s fault because if you’ve ever been to Sommet, it’s easy to get a little confused. But anyways…they walked us down to catch up with the others and we didn’t miss the meet and greet. We got in line and I was the last person in the LPU line. Everyone was waiting and waiting…LPUers in front of me…and radio contest winners behind me. We waited for a good majority of Coheed and Cambria’s set. Finally, they come out and explained to us the rules, what to do/not to do, etc. I had my MTM booklet ready to be signed. And the line began to move. As the line began to move, I noticed a family off to the left. I didn’t really understand what was going on at first, but then it hit me as I got closer. They were a selected family for the Make-A-Wish foundation. And their young son, who I’m not sure what the nature of his illness/disability was, had wished only to meet his favorite band. LP had flown the boy and his family from the somewhere in the Midwest I believe to Nashville for the show and a meet and greet. I have to admit. I have more respect for LP as a band knowing this. Seeing this boy, his smile, the smile on his family’s face, just made the evening all the more special. But as I was noticing this, I was finally at the door of the meet and greet. I had totally zoned out, lol...but anyways, I went in and met the guys…Phoenix first with his black cowboy hat and Brad with his gloves, lol. They noticed my MFR shirt, asked me if I was the MFR auction winner. I told them no, that I was working the booth. They said cool and told me thanks for my work! Freaking sweet! Next was Chester who was chatty with everyone and Rob who was quiet. Both smiled, we exchanged hellos and moved on. Joe didn’t really say anything (not really a surprise) and Mike was as chatty as can be. He was in serious conversation with the guy before me so I just joined in that conversation before we were sort of ran off. As I walked out the door and down the hallway, my heart was beating out of my chest. I had just met my favorite band. I was speechless and the whole thing seemed surreal. And the best part…I still had their set to enjoy next. I went back upstairs to the main concourse of Sommet and back to the MFR booth. I find Missy and she asked me if I had enjoyed it. Of course, I said. Heck, I was on cloud nine. At this point, Chiodos was at the MFR booth signing CDs and posters. After the line was cut off for the fans, the workers got to meet and talk to the band. Super nice guys – they signed and gave us posters and then let us take pictures. Way cool! After they finished and walked off, it was time to pack up the booth and head to hear/watch LP rock the stage. I gathered my stuff and headed into Sommet to wait for the show to start. I sat down for the first time in many hours while I waited. But all of sudden, the lights went out and I, like the rest of the crowd, rose to my feet. The intro to WID started up and the crowd began going nuts. When the intro built up and Mike began the piano part of WID, Sommet went off. The most epic thing I had ever seen. Of course, that probably had a lot to do with the fact that I was seeing them for the first time. Next in the set came Faint and No More Sorrow. The outro to Faint and the intro NMS…amazing….absolutely amazing! You could tell though the Chester’s voice was a little rough. (This was two shows before the cancelled shows due to illness, so he was obviously struggling.) But that still didn’t stop him from delivering; same for Mike…note the voice crack in the intro of NMS. But anyways, they plowed on… Next, came the Meteora block of songs featuring SIB, LFY and FTI. Chester and Mike turned the mic over to the crowd in parts of all of these songs, which I’m sure was because of illness, but still nothing short of amazing. The crowd was into the performance all the way. I mean, Chester still gave his epic scream over the top of the FTI intro. Pure awesomeness! Next came POA, featuring In Stereo over the beginning…absolutely epic. This song was amazing….the crowd was so into this one. Until…the outro…POA ends…and it’s like aww, song over. Nope…Mike is talking, rapping, whatever…but the crowd doesn’t know…because the house speakers go out. From where I standing, you could see the band playing, Mike rapping and could faintly hear the drums. So…the entire crowd is like, wtf? Mike finishes what was the TTG outro in killer fashion screaming “turn the f------ speakers on!!” Right with the regular outro, too, which we got to hear that line and music cause that was right when the speakers come back on, haha. I looked at my dad and died laughing. Before continuing, Mike talked to the crowd while they made sure the speakers were set, including the flipping off the crowd/killing it talk and telling anyone that if they didn’t like the show so far to go get a drink or leave or something. Classic! Next was the one song I was really hoping for, Hands Held High. There are no words to describe the feeling you get hearing this song played. No words. This was one song Chester did great on this show, despite his vocal struggles – just purely amazing. I was majorly impressed. They continued with more MTM material including Wake/Given Up. Nothing too special there imo, pretty standard runs of these songs. Valentine’s Day was next and was absolutely amazing. I’m glad I got to see this one live. However, Chester dropped a line because it appeared he lost his breath in this song. But he spit, and kept on going. Bottom line…impressive in my book. Next came Numb…pretty standard once again, though it was GREAT to see this one live. Mainly cause I never had before. SOTD was pretty awesome, which was the next song…this song was the song that made my dad like Linkin Park! Imagine that, lol. Finally, came the end of the concert…and let me just say amazing!!! You had Crawling, In The End and Bleed It Out. The crowd went absolutely crazy for these songs. I mean you had the great crowd sing-alongs and Rob’s amazing drum solo in BIO. Amazing way to end the show! Or wait…was the show over? Nope, LP wasn’t done yet, though we had just heard that the weather outside the venue was quickly deteriorating, we still had some more LP to listen to. The band come back out and did My December and Breaking the Habit. Pretty standard…loved getting to hear My December though. I always wanted to. Then away they went again after this first encore break. They come back out with Brad playing a guitar intro...that went on for what felt like forever…then the lights went out. But no rest of the band…I was seriously like…wtf?! Then all of a sudden Mike appears under the spotlight…in the middle of the pit! It was totally APFMH!!! The band kills the song and Mike nails the crowd surrounding him with silly string. I mean, this was right down from where I was standing. Incredible! My biggest regret for this night and show was that I hated myself for not getting pit tickets at this show. I mean amazing…the pit was totally insane. After APFMH, they finished out the show with OSC and sadly, the greatest concert I had ever been to come to a close. As we headed home in the ice and snow, my ears were ringing and my feet were hurting, but my face…held the biggest smile ever. It was a night of firsts – first time traveling a good distance for a show, first time getting really involved with MFR, first time meeting a band, first time meeting LP, my dad's first time listening to and liking something LP and my first Linkin Park show ever. This show would also lead to my first exposure to the Linkin Park Live Guide. So it truly was “A Night of Firsts.” And it is one that I will remember for the rest of my life! P.S. The group I worked with at the MFR booth and I made over 300 dollars for the cause in a little less the two hours...awesome!!!
  5. Please do not have ongoing conversation in the forums guys. Use private message for that.
  6. Great work Serg! One more note - Everybody please take the time to check out this new rule AS WELL AS refresh yourself with all of the forum rules right now. We have given out more warnings in the past three days than ever before. And most of the warnings not related to media links, were the direct result of not reading the forum rules. We have tried to be lenient on this in the past, but we will not any longer. Please abide by the rules and make the forums a great place to visit and chat. Thanks and if you have any questions on any of the rules, please contact a member of the staff!
  7. Latest update from Mike posted above and in first post in this thread. Discuss... Just a friendly reminder...please do not spam/flood this thread or any other. If you've posted your thoughts, then take it easy. Just because a new post is made doesn't mean you have to give your opinion on each little thing said. Please abide by this. Warnings will continue to be given for failure to abide by this.
  8. Post your opinion and move on. Use PM for personal conversation and don't spam the forums please...
  9. As people who have the LPU8 package have said in this thread already... IT IS NOT A SECOND CD. There was only one CD in the package and that you see is supposedly a sticker. Please read the thread carefully prior to posting...
  10. AB on a DVD player could refer to the A-B repeat button on the DVD remote. It's the one that lets you repeat from a set point by you, A, to a second set point by you, B.
  11. MFR BANDANNA - WHITE ON BLACK NOW ON SALE November 26, 2008 The MFR bandanna with the white logo on black is now up in the store, click here to get yours. *Note: This is the same bandanna that was on sale at the MFR booth during the past few tours.
  12. MFR EBAY AUCTION FOR HURRICANE VICTIMS November 26, 2008 Music for Relief is raising funds to help victims of the 2008 hurricanes this holiday season. Auction goes live on December 2nd, CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL REMINDER or visit www.ebay.com/musicforrelief At least 100,000 homes were flooded in southeastern Texas as a result of Hurricane Ike. The city of Galveston and other coastal communities were devastated and residents are still struggling to rebuild. In Haiti, four storms; Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike caused widespread flooding and destruction, killing over 600 people and affecting hundreds of thousands more. Some of the items up for auction include a Linkin Park autographed guitar, an Alex Rodriguez signed NY Yankees jersey and baseball, VIP Clippers v. Pistons basketball tickets and more. 100% of auction proceeds will benefit MFR's efforts on the U.S. Gulf Coast and Haiti for victims of the 2008 hurricane season. Thank you for your support! Source: www.myspace.com/musicforrelief
  13. No Howard Benson...I mean POD and Daughtry did great things in their own right, but nothing earth shattering...I mean you never really hear P.O.D. anymore...they've not been mainstream since like 2002...and as for Daughtry, their sparkle has definitely worn off...I mean each their songs sound so alike, no variation, which gets redundant...you just don't get that earth shattering quality...I just don't think he's a good direction for the band...but to be honest, I don't know who would be a good fit for this album...honestly though, if Mike was to sole produce it...I'd be fine with that...I know there are some people who think he won't do a good job, but for crying out loud, the man's had a hand in producing every one of their releases to date to some extent...so have some faith...and as always, time will tell...
  14. MFR ON CAUSECAST November 25, 2008 Support Music for Relief on Causecast. Join now to connect with like-minded individuals and fantastic organizations working together for the greater good. Source: www.musicforrelief.org
  15. 7.5 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE IN INDONESIA November 17, 2008 A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck an area northwest of Indonesia's provincial capital of Gorontalo early on Monday. At least four four people were killed and nearly 60 were injured in the quake. Damage from the disaster is significant, around 800 houses were damaged in Buol, and it has been reported that schools and homes have collapsed in Gorontalo as well. A tsunami warning was issued by Indonesia, but was lifted a short time later. Click Here for more information via Reuters AlertNet. Source: www.musicforrelief.org
  16. ^ Just a friendly reminder: This is NOT LPU8 material. LPU8 tracks have NOT been leaked yet. This Songs from the Underground CD is something completely separate from LPU8. Don't get the two confused, though I can see how that'd be an easy thing to do.
  17. It was probably moved to the newswire by a staff member...chill out...
  18. Noone actually said they really liked Twilight for the record (and I don't, nor will I see it)...it was a theory based on practical business common sense. Like the movie or not, it's huge right now, and if LOATR is in the movie, come Monday, people might come out and say "Oh, I liked that song by Linkin Park, I wanna get this soundtrack now" and well look at that...new releases rack has the soundtrack...and Linkin Park's Road to Revolution and Paramore's CD/DVDs (who also did a song for the movie) sits side by side or in close proximity to it. Mark my words, this is will be seen in stores...if not, I'll be shocked. Point is it's smart marketing decision for Warner if this is the reason and if it's not, it's certainly a perk. The same thing happened after LOATR was on CSI...iTunes sales for it soared in the immediate days following, moving it back in the top 100. Hence, it was a theory....but I disgress...moving on... I, like several already, also wonder about the hidden features/easter eggs/etc if any...Anybody found anything yet?
  19. Nope, everything I'm seeing says the 24th for United States...
  20. I moved this to the newswire since its pretty newsworthy...thanks to Astat and others who have posted this date change. This new date is also reflected on Amazon and other online sites/stores as well. So now a Monday release date. I think it's a wise business decision, coming out a day earlier, with all the other "big" releases slated for Tuesday. (ex. Scott Weiland's Happy In Galoshes, Coldplay's Prospekt's March EP and more). Plus, with it being the opening weekend of Twilight. It makes sense to jump on the Monday release date after the movie premiering over the weekend, what with LOATR being on the soundtrack. Perhaps that might be why Paramore's CD/DVD The Final Riot! was moved to Monday, too, rather than the 25th as originally planned. So with all that said, thoughts?
  21. There are probably more, but I don't know of any, however, there has been a good number of them in TV shows...I remember two right off the top of my head, but I'll have to research to remember the others. Examples: 1. Sabrina, The Teenage Witch (The Last Seasons) - There is a Reanimation promo poster hanging on the left wall at Scorch, where she works. 2. George Lopez (All Seasons) - There is a Meteora promo poster hanging in Carmen's room above the closet door.
  22. Simmer down all... You've voiced your opinions already, let's calm down and move on...
  23. SOUTHERN CA WILDFIRES November 16, 2008 There are devastating wildfires burning in three Southern California counties today, more than 800 homes have been destroyed since Thursday. Click here to make a donation to aid those who've lost homes in the fires. Source: www.musicforrelief.org
  24. ^ There...credit posted, granted this news came from a couple of people, hence my not trying to single one out over the others. It's nothing personal, so please don't take offense if we forget a credit or leave it off. And please try not to double post. Thanks! Let's please get back on topic now...
  25. The Songs From The Underground is definitely legit as said. New thread for discussion on that topic can be found here. With that said, please stay on topic in this thread now. Thanks all!
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