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Everything posted by sckofelng

  1. actually theres a fault^^ not quebec 08, but toronto 08 did not have the intro, already told that mark in irc
  2. or like that thanks very much, posted that on DIME with thanks to you^^
  3. well i guess it´s a problem with your firefox with my firefox it works totally fine, viewed it via firefox, soo...
  4. sckofelng


    no i am not excited much! i am excited very much @ nick: you really have not to do anything better in the airport, huh ?
  5. sckofelng


    he has not as serg already told imo 4.0 would be an total exclusive would be a milestone for LPL itself so fuck yeah i hope that this will be one of the last posts with LPL 2.0 EDIT: updates from IRC: [22:30] <@[AndOne]> last check from my side and it can go up i think, right mark? [22:31] <@Hahninatr> you and sotrix be ready, guys!
  6. sckofelng


    new design would be 4.0 i guess
  7. sckofelng


    he said no live show
  8. sckofelng


    maybe mark ripped us all off and 4.0 is coming out this night? that´d be epic, even if i doubt it..
  9. lmao yeah, i had so many problems, but yeah thanks so much to joe that he gave me a nice ftp now from his server
  10. someone please edits my page? new one: http://sckofelng.de.vu
  11. same as leper, only with the fact that chester was right nah let´s be honest, Paris might have been the loudest crowd, at least of 2008, the audience was extremely loud (heard AUD audio, too) my list would be: frankfurt 08 rar 04 paris 08 tokyo 03/06
  12. sorry, but it´s only LP... just to prewarn you^^ glad that you enjoy it
  13. yeah, the only exception might be that some1 here posts DL links, then we can add them, too but i don´t think that anyone here will post some, so you have to deal with DIME alone..
  14. shit blacky was faster the first ones can expect to have it done in the next 36 hours (if they stay along with us )
  15. hope that adam can confirm something soon, but i am pretty positive that bangkok will be confirmed on that date
  16. yeah feel lucky that you have 37 kb my max speed might be 48 kb xD i am firewalled as well, maybe some1 can help me? nkramar sent me a guide to do it, but i did not understand it xD someone pm´s me or adds me on an IM to give me a nice instruction, please?
  17. i think it works for you know are you that one with alicedsl.de? if yeah, i am seeding for you xD
  18. Hey LPL, my 2nd strike has arrived. 1 Year ago, Linkin Park played an awesome show at the Waldbühne in Berlin. This DVD is pretty nice for an Audience dvd, even if there are sometimes obstructions and shakyness. I hope you will enjoy the DVD as much as I did! Get it here! Cheers, sck
  19. lol now it´s beijing vs. bangkok what will it be? i hope for bangkok somehow, cause china already got some dates scheduled..
  20. i was really shocked when i read the confirmings coming into the tv broadcasters... that is really sad
  21. Bangkok same as Rock am Ring, confirmed by Yeast when i asked him some minutes ago.
  22. i dunno my opinion, but it´s definiatly better than almost all M2M vids i think new divide is as good as the GU vid, which i like pretty much, so it´s pretty good imo
  23. i have my pic shot from chester on faint @ frankfurt (on the middle barrier) with my mobile, sad that it´s not the best since i was trying to touch him, but in the end i was too far away
  24. 24.06.2008 Mannheim: ITE bridge acapella style
  25. same for Kölnarena, which is called LANXESS Arena now
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