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Posts posted by Trumtram

  1. 1 hour ago, RayGun4200 said:

    True dat man. Also why in the vid the audio seems to go up and down plus it sounds kinda weird at times? Was it the ripping process or just the Cassette?

    It sounds more like a 4-track demo. Vocal tracks getting recorded at different times and bounced at different volumes. More like what you would expect these songs to sound like. Still there are notable differences compared to the released baby cassette. Cool stuff. Let's see what we'll get in the end.

  2. 17 hours ago, WISDOMJUSTICELOVE said:

    It’d be awesome to get at least a double CD with the standard album and one with rarities, like they did with the “minor” HT20 edition 

    Yeah, would be down for that. Should happen at the very least. We will be wiser in a couple of months I presume.

  3. As far as I can tell LP didn't stand a chance in any category in 2011. It clearly wasn't a rock album and even the "Alternative" category had stuff like "Suburbs" (which didn't win, either). So I don't see them winning an award for ATS. Sure, for us, who listened to it many many times, it is deserving of a price (to some extend). Having it "deserving" a Grammy is a bit far-fetched for my taste, though.

  4. Personally, I don't care much for single song releases. Especially with Mike who is mostly doing single song stuff these days, I just... have no interest in it. I mean, I've listened to some releases but not anymore. I like bigger projects and am always down for new ones (if they get released officially, won't care for anything NFT-related). But yeah, for the most part I pretty much ignore any new Mike Shinoda news.

  5. 2 hours ago, deanowardust said:

    I pay for art with money accessible from my employment, which for a vast majority of individuals will not change any time soon.

    Let's hope so. Maybe we will grow old and younger people will laugh at us like we did when our parents or grandparents stopped going with the times.

  6. 5 hours ago, martinez said:


    You know, I'm not sure if Tom is the only person, people should blame, IMO they should blame mainly LP for how the track sounds. I think Tom might just adjusted for what the band wanted. The band always could say "you know Tom we wanted on this track something more dynamic, aggressive" etc.


    Well yeah, I have an opinion (or rather assumption) on this as well. But it doesn't matter and I don't want to unnecessarily point fingers. I just hope you didn't misunderstand my point as me taking position on it because this wasn't intended :).


    I like unpredictability generally, just think in this case it was kind of shame especially when you take the nature of the album into consideration. It was a perfect fit.

  7. 16 hours ago, martinez said:

    I remember that with Tom Morello was the same, some people were like: "wow, Tom Morello? it's gonna be an awesome song" and later the same people were like: "meh, he's wasting his talent on this track"

    Personally, I felt that it was a missed opportunity. Tom Morello is one of the fathers of new metal-riffing in a way and seeing how the whole album turned out with all the guests being "representative" for their sound Tom's part felt lacking. Like with Daren on "Rebellion" I hoped for something similar with Tom. "Drawbar" is a nice little instrumental, sure. But seeing how motivated Tom was when he went in the studio it's a shame IMO that this was everything they came up with. Not putting any blame on anyone for it, though.

  8. This is beyond silly, honestly.

    The only hope I have from this strange musical direction is that Mike is working with a lot of vocalists and maybe one is among them who can fill the gap in LP's line-up. I think it's cool that he tries to give artists a platform and well produced music.

  9. Thanks Mark, for clearing that up, really appreciate it!


    The whole NFT thing: Even if we are puzzled by it and think it's stupid, Mike was always ambitious with new technology since day 1. LP were pretty much revolutionary in the way they used the internet back in 1999/2000. So that doesn't surprise me.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Stranger said:

    by "get back", it was just a reunion show, not remaking/reproduced the entire discography. with OML, the band is active touring at that time. i dont Chester will have time for re-recording all of the stuff.

    Hmm? I always was under the impression that there were plans (maybe not finalized, but still) of them getting together und re-record stuff. I mean, sure, OML would have taken up most of Chesters capacities for 1-2 years. Sorry, if I got something wrong here.

  11. 6 hours ago, Cesar656 said:

    GD is milking Chester's legacy, MS is doing work that has nothing to do with LP or Chester

    Well, Grey Daze was supposed to get back together for this project so I guess that one is a bit unfair. Still, having all these items for purchase remains overkill, though.

  12. Ah, Meteora, 18 years already, damn...


    After listening to HT for years at this point back in the day (at one time even backwards because it felt "fresh" :D) I highly anticipated the new album. Almost everyday I would check lp.com for a new studio diary. When LPTV episodes started to drop I would hurry back home from school every tuesday to watch the newest episode with the hopes of getting some glimpses of new songs. I would rewatch those episode over and over again for it's small snippets. "Breaking The Habit" got hyped by the band beforehand for how experimental it was and they were right. When the website relaunched and it had the small snippt of "A.06" on its intro the hype built even more. Probably one of the most exciting moments for the community was the Nottingham show because it got streamed and therefore rips of a couple of new songs got available to a wider audience. I remember trying to not listen to those too much. When "Somewhere I Belong" dropped before that I listened to it on repeat for well over 100 times. I was so hyped.

    Also I was one of the lucky ones who attended the LPU tour in Hamburg which was the second live show after the studio. On the drive to Hamburg my dad had to endure SIB on repeat for hours :D. The show was amazing, even though it worried/annoyed me how the audience changed. It was obvious at this point that even more teenage girls got into LP (especially Chester and Mike). At the Hamburg show (and every show from thereon out) there would be girls protected by their parents, screaming at the top of their lungs for the "cute" vocalists... When we started to mosh during the support act (Emil Bulls <3) angry fathers tried to intimidate us. When LP took the stage they luckily had to retreat because shit got crazy. Still, this show marked the end for "old school LP shows" in terms of crowd rowdiness on a broader scale. Something I dearly missed everytime I went to see them later on. After the show I had the pleasure of finally meeting Jessica which was one of the big names in the LP camp during the HT days. Also there was the probably best meet and greet with the band. We were only like 20-30 people? I really like to think back to this show.


    I can go back to Meteora everytime. I like it as a whole (yes, "Hit The Floor", too, nice vibe, nice flow). One criticism that always remained was how many times they had the rewrite songs on that album but after learning a lot more about the making of HT I think it's easy to conclude that this was always the case for the band. Though, the lyrics felt too "easy" at times compared to HT. Still, whenever I pop this album in I feel like the 17 year old LP maniac all over again. Happy birthday! 


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