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Posts posted by Trumtram

  1. I read up on Linkinpedia about "Figure.09" yesterday. In the Meteora booklet it is said that they swapped the original rap verses of the song for singing only to undo that change while in NYC "because it made the song more interesting". Until yesterday I never questioned it but then I realized that it was most likely not the case (conspiracy time :D).
    What I THINK is far more likely than changing a fundamental part of a song during the mixing progress (the band themselves said it is extremely rare and stressful to record while mixing, which was true during that time) especially after they worked in the studio on the version with singing which they took to NYC is that Chester's sickness prevented them from finishing the singing verses. Pure speculation on my part but I can imagine them trying their hardest to finish up "Somewhere I Belong" because it was supposed to be the first single (and "From The Inside") left Chester too sick to record anymore vocals. Therefore they had to react to that and changed the verses back so Mike could finish them.


    The devil lies in the details: "Somewhere I Belong" and "From The Inside" were finished as intended but "Figure.09" (by my theory) couldn't get finished the way they wanted to. Therefore they had to go back to an "inferior" version which is something they probably wouldn't ever say upfront because after all Meteora was the album they wanted to be perfect.

    Anyway, long ramble, judging by everything we know that seems more likely to me than what "officially" got said about this episode. Maybe M20 will shine a new light on it or I'm completely wrong. If anyone appreciates these thoughts it might be someone on here, though :D.

  2. 17 minutes ago, blackout said:


    They put this video on purpose, for sure! I noticed it too. For me it's almost a confirmation that this track is going to be on Meteora 20. They are teasing us again 😁 I wonder if it will be a track with vocals or just instrumental. I wouldn't have anything against either of these options. I just want to finally have this track in the official version and not as a fan remake. I don't know if I am not waiting for this demo more than even for "Lost". Especially if it has vocals, wow! This piano melody is mesmerising and imagine if it comes on after a beautiful vocal melody. I am going to lose my shit when I finally hear this song and if it is with vocals. I cannot wait!

    I'm with you on this. Waiting for that track since 2003.

  3. When they started playing Meteora for journalists they had tight security. People had to give away their phones and stuff during the listening session (which was rather extreme in 2002/3, mind you). Korn's album leaked about half a year before its release in an unmastered state in 2002, so LP and the label were really careful. The album leaked only a week (or rather a couple of days) before release which was a great achievement during that time because albums were leaking left and right with the rather fresh filesharing phenomenom. I think getting on top in these times shaped LP a lot.

  4. 4 minutes ago, lpliveusername said:

    Exactly. He doesn't think of them as demos anymore. Just tracks that never got vocals or simply tracks with vocals. You don't see Session listed as "Session (Instrumental)". There's no need for that. The titles with additions are tracks which are different versions of songs already included in the other discs. A6, Cuidado, Husky, etc.

    Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying!


    "Serpent" fits "Nobody's Listening" quite well actually because it can be both a snake and a wind instrument (don't know if this is the correct term, I had to google). Thinking about a snake charmer.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hybrider said:

    There is a lot of evidence that it got scrapped really late in the recording proces. If you listen carefuly to instrumental chorus in LPTV Summer Sanitarium you will know that it has polished guitar like all finished Meteora songs we have on album. Also short version of A.06 has polished guitar.

    Damn it, stop to excite me so much :D. It would be so cool to get this track after 20 years. Let's hope for the best!!

  6. 19 hours ago, IWillWalkAway said:

    Mike’s Shirt LPUTV 

    the verse part of the official TTTAMP instrumental is heard in the background, and we can hear it is very different from Numb.


    One thing I've noticed: This part has scratching. This could either mean it is a pre-production demo where scratching was applied OR the song actually was finished in the studio. Scratching was done just before vocals (so the instrumental should be done) and we know that TTTAMP has received vocals in the studio. My guess at this point is that the song got scrapped really late in the recording process.

  7. 4 hours ago, LPLStaff said:

    Koln, Germany 2001: With You, Runaway, Papercut, Points, Step Up, Pushing Me Away, And One, In the End, A Place for My Head, Forgotten, Crawling /// My December, Joe Hahn Solo, By Myself, One Step Closer
    *Setlist on the show page has been wrong since 2001 and has now been fixed to the proper setlist!

    I'm confused here. I remember that I provided the setlist for the page but not in 2001 rather much much later. Could you elaborate on what was wrong previously, really curios. That was my very first concert ever btw :).


    Eit: My dumb ass clicked the show page and could see for himself. Still moderately confused as to why this was. Thanks for fixing that!

  8. 1 hour ago, LPLStaff said:


    What if the unreleased Meteora remixes surfaced one day?

    My bad, I should've been more specific here: I don't feel any need for new remixes of 20 year old songs. I gladly take the scrapped Reanimation and Meteora remixes (for their history alone) and I could do with the odd new remix here and there. I just would prefer pretty much anything else instead of a new remixing of old songs kind of project.

  9. 20 hours ago, Wilderness said:



    Being open about your late ex does not mean she deserves to be a source point for fanbois to message whenever they want to know to see if she remembers some minor and mostly-useless information regarding what songs he played at on a tiny little stage what, 26 years ago? She is not a point of contact for all your little annoying fucking questions, so cut it the fuck out!

    It is 100% disrespectful, why can you guys not see this? 

    Agree to disagree then. Also, hope things get better for you.

  10. Well, it's not like she lived secluded and hasn't talked about anything Chester-related since his passing. She wrote a book about their life together and helped Jeff Blue with his. Sure it's a real nerdy thing to ask and certainly a long shot but I don't see anything disrespectful or sensational about it. Plus she seems to be ok with being a "communicating" person about Chester.

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