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Posts posted by Trumtram

  1. 1 minute ago, LPLStaff said:

    I think the audio is completely raw, they should have/would have recorded multitracks for the audio along with the video but they have never mentioned the audio. This is probably a direct rip from the board. If anyone were to really release this they'd definitely mix it properly and edit it, probably fixing some stuff like the SIB guitar, levels, etc, but not Chester on Don't Stay haha.


    Yes, he was far from sober on the Meteora tour.

    Yeah, I also think that the messed up audio is because of the raw recording. But especially during "Papercut" you can hear how things got adjusted during the performance. Brad also was a bit sloppy in the "Don't Stay" intro. There were a few places where things didn't feel connected or a bit sloppy. But you are right, they would have fixed most mistakes / technical hickups. Still, it wasn't the best showing for the band from what I could gather here.

    And concerning Chester, I mean, it's Smoke Out, so that feels like the theme of his day back then, too ;).

  2. Wow, great stuff and also so unexpectedly bad. It's probably because of the mixing of this recording(?) but man, they were off at times. "Papercut" had terrible levels (never heard these string sounds Joe made at the end, especially not that loud), Chester messed up the first chorus of "Don't Stay", Mike's guitar went dead during "Somewhere I Belong" and overall Brad's guitar volume was waaaaay too high which didn't help the overall performance. Speaking of high, Chester was very likely far from sober that evening. Still he performed greatly!

    All in all, I can see why something in the sense of "just destroy the tapes" might have been said at some stage. I don't think the band wanted to go through this performance again immediately after it happened and then might have just forgotten about it (I mean, they forgot about "Lost" being ready and done, so...).


    Nonetheless having more of it is awesome and the changed setlist plus "Nobody's Listening" are much appreciated. Great mash-up, just terrible mixing.


  3. 18 minutes ago, SerioDrew said:

    Now available on this topic!

    Thank you man appreciated! Figure.09 is intense!

    Hope you just heard ETR!

    The whole thing from start to finish. When "ETR came on I immediately had to comment here again, haha.

    Well done everyone, there are some fantastic songs on that one. Have to re-listen for more impressions. Thanks for your effort!

  4. Again, no expert on the legalities and I haven't dug deep into the details of those songs like other people did. In the end his claims need to be proven by him / his legal team. I honestly have no idea what qualifies as performance or writing credits in these cases and I don't know what he got offered as compensation. My gut still tells me that he deserves money from it (with "it" being stuff he contributed to) how little it may be. Let's see how this progresses.

  5. 15 hours ago, LPLStaff said:


    Isn't it a matter of songwriting credits vs performance credits and the latter is not guaranteed based on what was done at the time?

    I'm not an expert in the legality of things concerning this distinction. I'm not saying that he should automatically get money for all his claimed contributions. But if he contributed bass lines for songs that got released (i.e. HT20) then it should be natural that he receives money for it IMO. As I understand it he should have writing credits for some of those songs (e.g. "Could Have Been") and therefore should be eligible for royalties from them. It needs to be clear what he contributed where and whether he in fact got "erased" from tracks he performed on (e.g. HTEP). Time will tell.

    It seems a bit far-fetched to me, though, that he "will come back for more" because he can't claim anything more than what he in fact contributed (if so, of course). Why it took him 20+ years for this, I don't know. Still it needs to be evaluated.

  6. 22 minutes ago, SardonicallyParanoid said:

    In one of his snippets, he was very visibly drumming to the music. I know he was recently noting he wanted to learn, wouldn't be surprised if he got some help from Rob or some of the guys he was touring with in 2018. So overall, he can sing, rap, do the guitar, play the keys, sample/dj, mix/produce, and now he can drum. And I'm probably short ending that. He has the tools to do it all. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, and I wouldn't complain, either. It doesn't seem like the guys really want to continue. Rob is almost certainly a no, Brad seems on the fence, Joe is possible just because I know he's been up to stuff for a while now, and I think Dave wants to go on like Mike. It's messy, and hard to get the whole band together for another tour or anything. 

    Yeah, that's what I meant. Plus he can do art. He is truly a capable one man band for music creation.

  7. The idea of what became Linkin Park was always Mike's brainchild. In the beginning he needed all the elements for it to be filled by different persons because he couldn't play guitar or sing or drum. He wouldn't be the first "mastermind" behind a band's sound to go full on solo. It seems like he now has everything he needs unified in himself.

    Of course there is a lot of simplification in the above and it doesn't have to mean anything. But the hints so far with "new era" and Mike playing all the instruments in the preview clips could be a statement. We all hope for (more definitive) answers and I'm just curious what the way forward will be. Let's wait and see what the song is all about. I'm mildly excited for it.

  8. 17 minutes ago, lpliveusername said:

    Does anybody remember this track? Starts the same way. It wasn't done on Twitch, it came out of nowhere. Maybe an early demo from this project? The new song, based on the snippet played by Mike, definitely has punk rock influences (more like pop punk), which explains the imagery we've been seeing for the last few days. If this turns out to be an album, I think we might hear other songs in this style.



    Wow, nice catch! This is probably it. The snippet even has the high-pitched (harmonic?) guitar noise and the riff has elements, too. Could be the seed of the song.

  9. 3 hours ago, Justin said:

    IF that ever happens, I think the band would be straight forward and direct about it.

    Generally speaking, yes, I'm with you on that. But after these last 6 years I fail to see the band being direct about it when all we got until now are rather vague statements about the state of the band.

    It's just that "new era" is a big statement in this whole context. My money is on a new MS cycle, too, though.

  10. 14 hours ago, LPLStaff said:

    Since Mike has Xero live footage, he probably has HT band live footage too, etc. So, it's realistic that that information (not the recordings) can be given to us one day. Mike has been nothing but extraordinarily kind to us (and all fansites) over time.

    Chances are that the HT footage/performance is bad, judging by what Jeff Blue shared about those. It was a missed opportunity to get a recording out during HT20. Maybe one day.

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