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I never knew that. LP played in China in 2007 and played Given Up..

Well yeah that's the interesting thing. In 2007 they played in Shanghai and had no problems. Given Up was in there as you said. In 2008 they had 3 shows scheduled in China and of course canceled....that really sucks because that would have been the year they played their most shows in China. Anyway, in 2009 in Shanghai they had to drop Given Up and Hands Held High. HHH is obvious - because it's considered a political song. Given Up, who knows. Maybe because it says "Feels like I'll never leave this place, there's no escape" or maybe because of the "fuck". But Bleed It Out has a "fuck" too. Very strange. Then for Macao 2009, they were allowed to play both again. When the Portuguese gave Macao back to the Chinese they basically said it had to operate under autonomy until 2049, so that explains why the Chinese government isn't meddling in the affairs of a concert in Macao.


But Bleed It Out has a "fuck" too. Very strange.

if you totally ignore the words though, Given Up is a much more agressive sounding track than BIO (Victimised doesn't include swearing, but it's still a fucking violent sounding song!) . but I agree it's odd that Given Up was restricted and then allowed again in different years though.


maybe different individuals were making the decision in the respective year, and it was up to their intuition?


Nice. Hope they will play at least one unplayed LT song.


+1!!! They also don´t deserve good music like this :P

They "don't deserve" it? It's not the fault of the people.


let's not be silly.


China is not alone, Malaysia '03 for example -

"There were strict regulations in place by the Malaysian government for this show. The band couldn't spit on stage, curse, throw things into the crowd, jump around violently, wear short pants, or scream excessively."


yes it's not song censorship, but China is not the only place to have put restrictions on them

LoL. That was part of most of their songs back then.

What if the band just played Given Up anyways? Who cares what government thinks about anything. I'm anti-establishment anyways.


What if the band just played Given Up anyways? Who cares what government thinks about anything. I'm anti-establishment anyways.

Then they'd probably never be invited to play in China again, and possibly could have even had the plug pulled on the show mid-set.


Then they'd probably never be invited to play in China again, and possibly could have even had the plug pulled on the show mid-set.

Wow.. Even though Given Up is a single??


LoL. That was part of most of their songs back then.

haha true :P I would assume that it referred to their general conduct onstage, not just in the songs


Then for Macao 2009, they were allowed to play both again. When the Portuguese gave Macao back to the Chinese they basically said it had to operate under autonomy until 2049, so that explains why the Chinese government isn't meddling in the affairs of a concert in Macao.


HK and Macao are so-called "special administrative region", and having some kind of independence on many aspects, check the wiki page for more details


Funny how everyone is talking about China in this thread.. Makes me proud lol

The things is, there are rumors about them being rejected to play in China in 2011 because Mike met Dalai Lama and shook hands with him. I don't know, but Tibet and Taiwan are two key issues that CN Gov is trying to resolve, so they may over-react over this. And about Given Up.. That's definitely about the F-word. They dropped that word in Bleed It Out..

But honestly, I hope to see them again in Shanghai this year. A lot of people do. Word on the streets is that Muse is coming to China as well. Not sure when or where though.



HK and Macao are so-called "special administrative region", and having some kind of independence on many aspects, check the wiki page for more details

I think that's what Mark means.

I had a friend from HK back in college who'd get all technical on your ass if you said he was "from China" :P


I think that's what Mark means.

I had a friend from HK back in college who'd get all technical on your ass if you said he was "from China" :P

I understand that :lol:


Is there only one arena in Hong Kong?? :D Lp always play at the same hall :D

Hong Long isn't that big. In fact London is bigger than Hong Kong (area).

Is there only one arena in Hong Kong?? :D Lp always play at the same hall :D

There are 2 venues here which are suitable for large shows in Hk.

LP played both in the past shows

HK Convention and Exhibition Centre in 2004

and AsiaWorld Arena in '07,'11

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