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Which LT songs will be played on the Honda Civic Tour?


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I don't want to pay money to see shitty songs like Meteora/HT songs live. Ew. That was for 2000-2004.

Oh, were you there? Thankfully, there are people who would pay to see it again... You are not the center of the universe.


I will pay LP twice as much each show to play more older songs. Play more from HT/Meteora. As much old shit as possible. And HTEP. Damn. Shit rapes MTM/ATS music.


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Honestly, I don't really think that "Living Things" will be a good live album, there are some songs that just shouldn't be played live, because they will sound shitty in live setting by default, like "Skin to Bone"(too much of Mike's singing here, no thanks, he won't handle it live) and "Until It Breaks"(well, it'll be just..meh), other than that..


They will surely keep "Lies Greed Misery" in the set, because it showcases the band(nowadays) very well(maybe Chester even decides to scream the third chorus, like it's done on the record, and then it'll be an even more killer live song). I see it as a show opener.

I see "Burn It Down" being switched from time to time with likes of "New Divide"(more likely) or "What I've Done".


The other song that will have the permanent place in the set will be "Castle Of Glass", it will be a good breath of fresh air somewhere in between "The Catalyst" and "Crawling".

They will surely rehearse "I'll Be Gone" and "In My Remains" - because these are just plain rock anthems, they just need to be played, but, most likely, they will be switched from show to show.


"Lost In The Echo" will be a permanent encore opener, I can guess, just because of its nature.


I guess that's all from me.


Though I'd love to, I just can't imagine "Roads Untraveled" and "Victimized" being played, because there's just no place in the set.

"Powerless" is a very big question, I don't think it'd go very well live, can't imagine its place in the set, but since its a soundtrack and blah-blah-blah it'll be played at times.

And, again, I can't see "Skin to Bone" and "Until it Breaks" ever making their way in the live set, they will just seem so out of place, sorry if you like them, just my 5 cents.


P.S. The fact of "Waiting For The End" already having an "Apaches intro" talks for itself on behalf of "Until it Breaks" never ever being played live, I guess they'll just keep it that way.

Edited by iamthecentury
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Honestly, I don't really think that "Living Things" will be a good live album

Are you fucking kidding me?


Living Things was created FOR the live setting! All of the band members have said countless times that they made this album to add energy to the setlist through songs that they are sure will be a blast to play. Each and every song on this album has the potential to blow minds on stage.


And how is Victimized unplayable due to no place in the set? How a song even have no place in a setlist to begin with is beyond me... The song is 1:46 long. It can literally be placed ANYWHERE and still rape face. Not to mention the "chorus" to Roads Untraveled just screams for a sing-along with the audience.


Powerless would be played just like any other rock ballad the band has produced. I don't understand the doubt here either.


The only song I could see not being played is Until It Breaks, simply due to the fact that Brad may have difficulty singing live. The "Apaches" verse was placed on WTFE as a sneak peek at the song before it's release.

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Are you fucking kidding me?


Living Things was created FOR the live setting! All of the band members have said countless times that they made this album to add energy to the setlist through songs that they are sure will be a blast to play. Each and every song on this album has the potential to blow minds on stage.

Give me a quote from them then, anyway, I don't really care what they said, I just wrote down my own opinion.


And your phrase about "Each and every song on this album has the potential to blow minds on stage." - man, LT have some cool sounds in it, got the catchy choruses, but the only melody(in terms of music) that really gets my attention is the main theme from "Castle of Glass", other than that, there's no that much of originality, especially in the synth parts.

And again, Linkin Park used to be a live band for the last 10 years, first three albums were mixed and mastered like a live-arena-rock\metal albums, ATS was mixed rather well, but the lack of live instruments in front of the mix took its place(at times) already, and then LT - it is mixed with an aim to make it sound synthetic, there is a little of a live drums on the album, guitars sound overproduced, there are some nice chord progressions, but the way they've been recorded and mixed just ruins it all.


And that's why I think that it will not be a good live album.


Try to cope with people having a different opininon, it makes things a lot easier.


"Victimized" being placed anywhere in the set?

It's a nice joke, as "Victimized" placed after "Numb", "Powerless" or "Breaking The Habit" will seem just dumb.

And its length is one of the reasons it shouldn't be played, because it's not the song in many ways, as for me. First, it's just composed from some different pieces, there's no really good transitions from part to part, they're coming out of nowhere. Secondly, the well-composed, well-sang song has to leave you feeling after the listen, while the "Victimized" seem more like to leave you just an emotion.


"Roads Untraveled" has no place just because there are songs that "should be played from Living Things", because they have more potential on becoming a single, and that will be the matter of the first choice for "LT songs" during the first tour in support of an album.


"Powerless" seem so overrated to me, it is built on the same pattern as "Roads Untraveled", and if I had to choose from these two: I'd choose "Roads Untraveled" - this song has much more meaning and feeling in it.

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I think that Until It Breaks could essentially be played the following way:


Song A has extended outro including Mike's first part,

transition using Chester's mini-verse,

Waiting for the End with Apaches intro


and sorry Brad but we gotta cut your part


Anyways, I feel like Victimized could easily be rotated with Lies, Greed, Misery. similar energy and length would make that prime for rotation


Lost in the Echo, In My Remains, and I'll Be Gone are for sure going to be played since they'll likely translate well to a live setting.


Powerless could be a good song for closing the main set and I could definitely see that being played.


Skin to Bone, Castle of Glass, and Roads Untraveled will be hard to pull off I think

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I think, in Honda Civic Tour, they won't be play every songs from Living Things. LP will play 7-8 songs. I think, it will be: Lost In The Echo, In My Remains, Burn It Down, Lies Greed Misery, I'll Be Gone, possibly Victimized, possibly Roads Untraveled and Powerless (with Tinofil on intro). STB, COG, UIB are too strange to play at once. LP will play this songs later.

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Someone ban him lol

LOL yes, let's ban someone because they don't like Meteora songs live.


I honestly think we will NOT get the whole album live, like some people think. I think they will DEFINITELY play Lost In The Echo, In My Remains, Burn It Down, Lies Greed Misery, I'll Be Gone and Castle Of Glass, like stated above. I think good possibilities are also Victimized, Roads Untraveled and Powerless. Not too sure about Skin To Bone and Until It Breaks being played live. I don't think Brad would want to sing his part in Until It Breaks live every night, and I'm not sure if Mike could handle singing Skin To Bone live every night either, maybe he could have Chester sing it every night because it would be easy for him. I think the set for the Honda tour will be very good, a mix of all there old classics with Living Things songs, what could be better? And who isn't fucking excited to hear Lost In The Echo live?!? I totally am.


In no particular order, I expect these songs to be played live.


01. LITE

02. IMR

03. BID

04. LGM

05. IBG

06. COG

07. VM

08. RU

09. PL


10. Papercut

11. One Step Closer

12. With You

13. Crawling

14. In The End

15. A Place For My Head


16. Faint

17. BTH

18. Numb


19. WID

20. BIO

21. GU


22. WFTE

23. TC

Edited by Geki
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Honestly, I don't really think that "Living Things" will be a good live album

I couldn't disagree more.


"Skin to Bone"(too much of Mike's singing here, no thanks, he won't handle it live)

It is a very simple melody that Mike would easily be able to "handle" live.


Though I'd love to, I just can't imagine "Roads Untraveled" and "Victimized" being played, because there's just no place in the set.

Roads Untravelled I know what you mean, but they could easily slot Victimized in near the beginning, it's less than two minutes long!


I could imagine In My Remains and I'll Be Gone getting rotated either soon or in future, as they're very similar songs. I could also imagine the same for LGM and Victimized as leftshoe said.

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I HOPE to hear Roads Untraveled, Powerless, Lost in the Echo, Castle of Glass and I'll Be Gone.


What it probably will be is Burn it Down, LGM, Lost In The Echo, Tinfoil, Castle of Glass, and the beginning of Until it Breaks before WFTE.


I hope once LITE drops as a single that the band can start phasing out Burn It Down. I don't like it as a live song. LGM is sounding better ever show they play so that could stay. Also still not a fan of Victimized so I really don't want that live unless they make an epic intro/outro with it.


But LP never does what I think they will. No way would I have thought they would choose When They Come For Me over Wretches and Kings in the set. I was at the ATS release concert and the crowd LOVED W&Ks (sigh still a bit bitter they dropped it so soon)


Only one more month to wait.

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It is a very simple melody that Mike would easily be able to "handle" live.

He wasn't really good at verses of "Burning In The Skies" and "Iridescent" even, so I'd rather hear no singing from him in live setting, it's quite unprofessional, Mike is a great musician, producer, MC, whatever, but he can't fill the shoes of being a singer, as of me.


Roads Untravelled I know what you mean, but they could easily slot Victimized in near the beginning, it's less than two minutes long!


I could imagine In My Remains and I'll Be Gone getting rotated either soon or in future, as they're very similar songs. I could also imagine the same for LGM and Victimized as leftshoe said.

If you check out my post you'll probably understand what I've meant while talking about "Victimized" not having a place in the set, as well as about "Living Things" not being a good live album.

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I think that the first songs that will be played live are:

Lost In The Echo , Burn It Down, Lies Greed Misery, Castle of Glass, I'll Be Gone.


But in the future i wish i will see this rotation:

- Lies Greed Misery <--> Victimized (Are both short but energetic songs)

- I'll Be Gone <--> In My Remains (They are similar songs)

- Skin To Bone <--> Until It Breaks


I wish also that Powerless and Roads Untraveled will be in the same set because they are two fantastic ballads.


O...and in the another future...i wish that the band will drop Burn It Down even if it is a single...I hate it live!

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I'd love to see Roads Untravelled, but I doubt that'll happen.


BID, Lost In The Echo, In My Remains are dead certainties.

Skin To Bone'd be cool too, but it may end up like BITS and be a cool song, but doesn't translate too well

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Songs That Will Make It Into the Set w/o a doubt:

  • LITE
  • BID
  • LGM
  • IBG
  • COG
  • Tinfoil/Powerless

Possibly in the set:

  • IMR
  • Victimized
  • Roads Untraveled

Most Likely Not Going To Make The Set

  • STB
  • UIB (Will probably be in the Apaches Intro for WFTE, but not in full)
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first 5 songs from LT, and Powerless. (Tinfoil as show intro, and the rap verse of UIB in WFTE.)


COG, Victimized, Roads Untraveled will be appeared soon.


STB is just like Robot Boy, not be played, lol.

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first 5 songs from LT, and Powerless. (Tinfoil as show intro, and the rap verse of UIB in WFTE.)


COG, Victimized, Roads Untraveled will be appeared soon.


STB is just like Robot Boy, not be played, lol.

This is almost exactly what I hope for. Could do without I'll be Gone and Roads Untraveled, though.

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first 5 songs from LT, and Powerless. (Tinfoil as show intro, and the rap verse of UIB in WFTE.)


COG, Victimized, Roads Untraveled will be appeared soon.


STB is just like Robot Boy, not be played, lol.

I agree, I don't think Skin To Bone will ever be played live, not sure about Until It Breaks either, because of Brad's part solely. I think the other album songs will all be performed at one point or another, though.

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