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Hey guys, just wanted to provide an update so far for our Share 2 Win: LIVING THINGS contest. As you know, multiple fansites are participating in this event. It's not a contest that is putting these sites against each other but it's rather a contest that is spreading awareness of the LIVING THINGS album through fans. Each site gets rewards and fans benefit as well.

With this said, I wanted to mention a few rewards (not all) that the sites can get and set a goal for LPLive. After 50 purchases of LIVING THINGS through your link, the fansite will get 2 tickets to the Honda Civic Tour to give away. After every 20 additional purchases, another set of tickets will be given away. After 100 purchases of LIVING THINGS, Mark Fiore will put together a short 30 second promo video for your site, including a shout out from a band member. Linkin Park will post the video on their YouTube account and all of their social networks. And after 250 purchases of LIVING THINGS, Linkin Park will take over your site for a day. 2 band members will post a blog and 1 video, and 1 member will do a Q&A with readers.

As you can see, these are incredible prizes and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to win them. We wanted to set a goal for LPLive to have at least 100 purchases of LIVING THINGS through our link (http://lplive.net/livingthings) so that we can get a 30 second promo video by Mark Fiore of the site and also give away three sets of tickets to the Honda Civic Tour to fans (staff is not eligible for these tickets, only members of LPLive). We have until July 3 to complete our goal!

Also, you might have noticed a clip of an interesting song at the end of our Share 2 Win video. To celebrate the contest, we will release the full version of an unreleased Frgt/10 demo a few days after the end of the European Tour (whether our goal is reached or not).

We are very excited about this contest and hope our goal of at least 100 exclusive LIVING THINGS purchases can be reached!

To preorder LIVING THINGS, click the banner at the top of our homepage or go to http://lplive.net/livingthings!

As much as I'd like to support LPLive and Linkin Park themselves, I won't be ordering LIVING THINGS via the link.

The physical album is $19.99 + $6.99 for delivery. So that is $27 for an album that I won't receive until at least a week after its US release date. Granted, I get the MP3 on the day but still.


I can pick up the physical album on the Friday before for around €14.

Thats a lot cheaper and I get it 4 days before its US release.


So for those reasons alone, I won't be pre-ordering via the share to earn link


We understand! No problem :) Just trying to get stuff for the fans and the website. We know that the 0:30 video probably impacts the website more than 3 pairs of tickets for the fans, so that's why we added the demo in as well - so the fans can get more out of it. LPLive is a two way street :)


We understand! No problem :) Just trying to get stuff for the fans and the website. We know that the 0:30 video probably impacts the website more than 3 pairs of tickets for the fans, so that's why we added the demo in as well - so the fans can get more out of it. LPLive is a two way street :)


If there was more album choices then I would order an extra one like I did for ATS (deluxe edition).

The remixes just aren't very appealing to me.


Also, if the album was a little cheaper, I'd order it too. Not sure why the price has jumped between ATS and LT, especially with the lack of a making of dvd. I can only assume the album art has something to do with it since the band said they would do something thats not been done before.

As with a lot of folks, money is a bit tighter these days and the lack of choices doesn't warrant an additional purchase on my part (as much as I'd like to help out).


Others have mentioned this before, but it's a shame the competition started after many of us had pre-ordered already :(


Having said that, I always end up buying multiples of their albums, so I'll kick in another :)


At least 90... pretty sure we have less than 10 :(

Well , fuck. I'm gonna buy a physical copy of the album the 16 of June (that's the release date for LT here in Argentina) but i will try to pre-order a digital copy through LPL just to help you guys. Good Luck


Yeah I preordered literally 2 days before I found out about this but I think I'll buy it again to get us another purchase. Maybe we can get to 15...lol. I'd love to get to 100.


I would totally buy a copy or two from LPL but I don't really want to since there is no making of DVD. I really don't understand why in the hell there wouldn't be one, it's strange to me. But yeah, buying just the regular CD without any DVD/special edition fanpack, isn't appealing to me. I ordered the same day the album went on pre-sale on lp.com and that's enough for me, I'm gonna buy the album at BB the day it comes out anyways. Can't wait for the Frgt10 demo though.


I would like to buy a copy through LPL but I've already preordered a copy on day 1 directly fom lp.com :(

Hope you will get the 100 goal! *fingers crossed*


can't wait for the Frgt/10 demo

thanks for this oppertunity :)


btw: When we will get the first Remix? (May is already over)


Shinoda said the first remix will come before June. Still a few days left. I also already preordered through LP.com before this launched - they started this a bit too late :/


I would like to buy a copy through LPL but I've already preordered a copy on day 1 directly fom lp.com :(

Hope you will get the 100 goal! *fingers crossed*


can't wait for the Frgt/10 demo

thanks for this oppertunity :)


btw: When we will get the first Remix? (May is already over)

i'm not sure, but i guess it's safe to say that they'll start coming out after LIVING THINGS is released.


Update: We have 4, lol. So 96 to go...

FOUR?!?! Come on everyone! Do your bit! I had ordered one before this comp started, plan on buying one in Australia on day of release (since it is out here first) and STILL ordered a third copy through here. $14.99 and even $19.99 is not a lot of money. Plus, to get it shipped to Australia, we have to pay an additional $15 on shipping, so all you locals have no excuse! ;)


Hm well, if i didnt orderd the pre-sale on Pinkpop (you get a signed Burn It Down single with it) i would have orderd another cd. 3 is a bit too much of the same cd eh :P


FOUR?!?! Come on everyone! Do your bit! I had ordered one before this comp started, plan on buying one in Australia on day of release (since it is out here first) and STILL ordered a third copy through here. $14.99 and even $19.99 is not a lot of money. Plus, to get it shipped to Australia, we have to pay an additional $15 on shipping, so all you locals have no excuse! ;)

some of us don't have as much money or our money is tight

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