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  ninex said:

don't understand why installation of iTunes is so painful to you guys? no one uses apple devices?



  ninex said:

don't understand why installation of iTunes is so painful to you guys? no one uses apple devices?

I even haven't got a apple device and I'm using iTunes as a player because I really love the design ;)


Back to topic, I think if Mike is talking about a "surprise", it'll be a surprise. Not sure what it is, but I think it will be something great. For me it's most likely that they'll play an old song, can't think of a performance together with Adele...


Seeing Jay with LP again would be awesome, was seen at wimbledon last week but that was last week. Guess we will have to wait until tomorrow! Arrived in London in prep for tomorrow :-D like ive been saying will be tweeting regularly :-)

Posted (edited)

I guess I'll have to struggle with installing iTunes and sacrifice some precious hours of sleep tomorrow... It'll be on at 10pm in Finland and work starts at 7am Tuesday morning. Looovely. But I would never miss an LP surprise!


- and no Jay-Z, thanks.

Edited by diff
  KATHYxx said:



If it comes between updating iTunes and swallowing live scorpions on fire covered in gasoline and seasoned with nightshade and antifreeze, I much rather have the gorram scorpions. I have never seen an installation process so painful than with iTunes. It took me THREE GORRRAM HOURS last time because I had to be a doofus and follow Mike Shinoda on Ping. And that wasn't even on my first attempt.




I am seriously considering just not watching the livecast because of this. I won't get the next set of three hours back, and I don't have anything newer than an iPod video so it's not worth it to me.

This is the craziest shit I have ever heard besides that other post on the last page I replied to with pictures.


I have no idea what your computer was trying to do there but every time I update iTunes it takes maybe 2-3 minutes max, if even that. I update to the newest version of iTunes every time it comes out because I have that alert option turned on and it never takes long. I don't even know if I install Quicktime with it because it might be an option. Or maybe I install Quicktime with it and never use it and choose not to install Safari. Whatever it is I know I haven't ever used Quicktime since I started using iTunes in 2004 - over 7 years ago and my installation time has never gone over 3 minutes.


3 hours? How is that even possible??? An HOUR? Three hours?? What in the world is your computer doing that long lol? The only things that have ever taken that long on my PC are downloading a torrent or defragging. You might need a new PC if your iTunes installation is taking over 10 minutes.


I don't understand why people have so many problems with iTunes/Apple. Nothing wrong with either. I have an iPhone and use iTunes but I'm not some Apple fanboy or anything like Jim :P but iTunes is great.


In regards to Jay-Z - it's possible. I don't like how Jay-Z, like Pez said, was in the same cities most of the Australian tour and nothing happened....even Chester talked about it in an interview at the first show. The media was talking about it, etc, Chester said it's possible but I don't know why it never happened....weird. It's possible they'll do a Jay-Z collab in London but it really won't be anything special unless they do like, the entire Collision Course album or something. I sure don't want to hear HALF of Numb/Encore (wtf wtf wtf) again but anything else would be neat. DOYS/LFY, Jiggafaint, POA/99/OSC would be epic.


Also, your posts didn't break any rules as far as I can see.

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