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Joe Hahn recently recorded a theme song for the reboot of the TV series Hawaii Five O, read what Joe had to say about it and listen to his interpretation below.


"Hawaii Five O just got a reboot this week. It was very exciting to see director, Len Wiseman do his thing on the small screen. I’m a big fan of his Underworld series. He asked me to do the theme song for the show. I was happy to do so until the stuffy suits over there said thought that it wasn’t good. I personally don’t think that it sucked and would like to share it with you people of the world with taste. Listen here to check it out. BTW, the show has a bunch of Koreans in it. Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park, and Will Yun Lee of the SEED!!! Executive Douche Bags get a thumbs down. Koreans get a thumbs up!"


Listen To Joe Hahn's Hawaii Five O Theme Song - Here


Source: LPassociation.com



we can do one thing now, ask JOE to upload BlackShooter Remix and THE SEED FULL Scores


Add comment on this track and send him message. BUT DONT SPAM, Send One in a Day (Per Person)


There shouldn't be a problem with putting up a download for this track; it wasn't used for the show, and i'm 99.9% sure it will never be commercially released.


Now Response From Staff

So Here it is :


Hawaii Five 0


Remove it if you want to. But this is not released officially yet and i dont think any label is related to it.


[it could only be downloaded 10 times, anyone who downloads make a mirror]

Posted (edited)



Make a mirror :)

who told you that was linkin park?


Reinhold Heil & Johnny Klimek composed the Without a Trace theme

Edited by McArt

LP is credited for writing the song, (source) but from what I understand, the composers were asked to make a song that sounds like In the End.

ha. nifty. i'm confused though. that lists LP as the composers, but Heil & Klimek have recieved awards for the theme..?


so that begs the question, is the theme LP composed not the one they used, or did LP compose it and Heil & Klimek are merely the "performers"?





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