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Posted (edited)

I used the link and can't find the video :( It says click "more" but i dont see it...


NVM it finally popped up lol

Edited by Cbass

I'm sure Chester still drinks and smokes some pot. No way he doesn't do any of that anymore.

You'd be surprised at what almost dying and having a family can do to a person.


I'm sure Chester still drinks and smokes some pot. No way he doesn't do any of that anymore.

He probably still drinks, just not to the dangerous extent that he used to.


He probably still drinks, just not to the dangerous extent that he used to.

lol well i literally was 15 mins from dying from vodka but i still get tipsy from time to time


I'm sure Chester still drinks and smokes some pot. No way he doesn't do any of that anymore.

Chester has said in numerous interviews that he doesn't drink anymore, or smoke. Look at the Kerrang 2010 DBS interview for example. And Chester didn't just use to drink and smoke pot, he used to do lots of fucking drugs too. Again, read interviews. Like the inked magazine for example, he talks about using cocaine, ecstasy, acid, shrooms, and he was also addicted to methamphetamine as a teenager.


Chester has said in numerous interviews that he doesn't drink anymore, or smoke. Look at the Kerrang 2010 DBS interview for example. And Chester didn't just use to drink and smoke pot, he used to do lots of fucking drugs too. Again, read interviews. Like the inked magazine for example, he talks about using cocaine, ecstasy, acid, shrooms, and he was also addicted to methamphetamine as a teenager.

I knew about the other drugs; I have that issue of Inked. I didn't mention them because I don't think he's been really heavy into any of that stuff during the LP days. Maybe every now and then he would, but certainly not anymore.

Wow...read this article. This is how bad Chester used to be with drugs and drinking...it's crazy.




''I took everything, he says. I got really, really bad. I was doing a ton of LSD and a lot of drinking. I got really bad, really quickly. On a normal day, my friends and I would go through an eight-ball of speed. We were smoking it in bongs - I was doing bong-hits of meth. It was ridiculous. Then we'd smoke opium to come down, or we'd take pills, or I'd drink so much that I'd shit my pants. It was not pretty''.


The whole article tells a lot more about his childhood too...wow. I never knew how bad his life really was...

Posted (edited)

Wow...read this article. This is how bad Chester used to be with drugs and drinking...it's crazy.




''I took everything, he says. I got really, really bad. I was doing a ton of LSD and a lot of drinking. I got really bad, really quickly. On a normal day, my friends and I would go through an eight-ball of speed. We were smoking it in bongs - I was doing bong-hits of meth. It was ridiculous. Then we'd smoke opium to come down, or we'd take pills, or I'd drink so much that I'd shit my pants. It was not pretty''.


The whole article tells a lot more about his childhood too...wow. I never knew how bad his life really was...

Thanks for the link, I had never read that article.


My view on drug/alcohol use is this. If you can experiment and have fun every once and a while with no addiction then go for it. But as far as Chester it seems he has an addictive personality and being sober is the best choice for him.

Edited by LPPanther

Wow...read this article. This is how bad Chester used to be with drugs and drinking...it's crazy.




''I took everything, he says. I got really, really bad. I was doing a ton of LSD and a lot of drinking. I got really bad, really quickly. On a normal day, my friends and I would go through an eight-ball of speed. We were smoking it in bongs - I was doing bong-hits of meth. It was ridiculous. Then we'd smoke opium to come down, or we'd take pills, or I'd drink so much that I'd shit my pants. It was not pretty''.


The whole article tells a lot more about his childhood too...wow. I never knew how bad his life really was...

That was a great article, thanks for the link. Incredible stuff to read.


I thought Chester said before the MTM sessions he was done with alcohol/drugs. Then in 08 we find out when they made MTM he'd come into the studio high as kite and drunk as a skunk lol. He might say one thing but don't tell me he hasn't done any of that in a long time. Look at what he released (see: DBS). Throw Chester into the studio with all of the INSANE Julien-K guys for a few months...that equals Ryan and Chester being the Hugh Hefner of pot and alcohol, saying "omg let's record this on the first take".... -> then Out Of Ashes was born.


Chester sang great when he was all over the drugs/alcohol.


I thought Chester said before the MTM sessions he was done with alcohol/drugs. Then in 08 we find out when they made MTM he'd come into the studio high as kite and drunk as a skunk lol. He might say one thing but don't tell me he hasn't done any of that in a long time. Look at what he released (see: DBS). Throw Chester into the studio with all of the INSANE Julien-K guys for a few months...that equals Ryan and Chester being the Hugh Hefner of pot and alcohol, saying "omg let's record this on the first take".... -> then Out Of Ashes was born.


Chester sang great when he was all over the drugs/alcohol.


Lol! you can't just straight up quit drugs. of course hes going to have relaspes. Especially since he done so many hard drugs for YEARS. I'm sure he still has a joint here and there.


Lol! you can't just straight up quit drugs. of course hes going to have relaspes. Especially since he done so many hard drugs for YEARS. I'm sure he still has a joint here and there.

I agree. Especially when he is with the Julien-K guys. Them and Chruch look like they could party hard. Though, I do like to see the good in people, so I hope he has kicked it completely, and that I am wrong.


Wow...read this article. This is how bad Chester used to be with drugs and drinking...it's crazy.




''I took everything, he says. I got really, really bad. I was doing a ton of LSD and a lot of drinking. I got really bad, really quickly. On a normal day, my friends and I would go through an eight-ball of speed. We were smoking it in bongs - I was doing bong-hits of meth. It was ridiculous. Then we'd smoke opium to come down, or we'd take pills, or I'd drink so much that I'd shit my pants. It was not pretty''.


The whole article tells a lot more about his childhood too...wow. I never knew how bad his life really was...

I've never read this before. This is a really good article!

Posted (edited)

Well keep in mind guys, Chester did all this shit up until like mid 2006. He has stated that many, many times in DBS interviews. Here are some, he says in one that he found himself re-experimenting with a lot of drugs and drinking a whole lot of alcohol. I don't understand though, because in the Kerrang! 2010 interview for DBS, Chester said he stopped doing it all 'last year' which would imply 2009. I don't know about any of this, to be honest...in some of the LPTV's and live shows, he did seem high or drunk during 2007-2009...


I thought Chester said before the MTM sessions he was done with alcohol/drugs. Then in 08 we find out when they made MTM he'd come into the studio high as kite and drunk as a skunk lol. He might say one thing but don't tell me he hasn't done any of that in a long time. Look at what he released (see: DBS). Throw Chester into the studio with all of the INSANE Julien-K guys for a few months...that equals Ryan and Chester being the Hugh Hefner of pot and alcohol, saying "omg let's record this on the first take".... -> then Out Of Ashes was born.


Chester sang great when he was all over the drugs/alcohol.

No offense whatsoever, but this post makes you seem like you don't care about Chester's overall health or family. You'd rather have him doing hardcore drugs and heavily drinking because you thought he sounded better? He went through a lot in 2005-2006, and he got remarried to Talinda and had Tyler and now they're one big happy family. I certainly don't want to see him risk losing that, as well as potentially dying from this shit. I'm happy that he's now clean...

Edited by Geki

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