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Minutes to Midnight B-Sides reincorporated


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i consider nrl as the 13th track of mtm (even though my mtm cd doesn't have it)


i wouldn't change much and would only add atl, lockjaw and asp since the other 3 songs imho don't fit into mtm at all. but i have no idea before or after which mtm songs i would put them...

Lockjaw would never had made the album, since it was made after the MTM sessions :P
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It's stupid if somebody doesn't include Across The Line or Blackbirds. Blackbirds was very close to making the album probably, they recorded live strings for it as seen on the DVD, and the ending sounds exactly the same on the DVD as the final version released this year. I don't think they reworked it much, it's probably virtually the same song as it was in 2007, they may have just touched it up a little to make it sound more professional.


EDIT: I'm sorry, but it just pisses me off when people say Blackbirds was written solely for 8BR. How can you say such an idiotic statement when you can hear Blackbirds on the MTM DVD?!?!? You can clearly hear ''I'm giving back what I gave'' and it sounds exactly the same. Obviously it was intended for MTM if they completed enough to recorded strings and vocals that weren't just jibberish. Damn.

Edited by Geki
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1. Qwerty

2. Given Up

3. Leave Out All The Rest

4. Blackbirds

5. Shadow Of The Day

6. What I've Done

7. Hands Held High

8. No More Sorrow

9. Across The Line

10. No Roads Left

11. In Pieces

12. The Little Things Give You Away



As much as Bleed It Out is great live, the studio version just doesn't do it for me. A full mastered version of QWERTY that mixes both the demo and live versions would have been a killer track to begin the album. Obviously No Roads Left was the better Mike singing track than In Between, and Valentine's Day in my eyes was just filler.

Edited by FORTsunrise
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1.Announcement Service Public

2.Bleed It Out

3.Valentine's Day

4.Across The Line

5.No Roads Left

6.Shadow of the Day

7.What I've Done



10.Given Up 

11.Leave Out All The Rest

12.No More Sorrow

13.Not Alone

14.QWERTY ( Bonus track )

No TLTGYA wha-wha-what?!? lol jk

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A lot of people say that Valentine's Day was just a filler, but I bet these people didn't know that it was one of the first songs written for the album. I think it's a great track. The music is beautiful and the vocals are really powerful. But anyways, I could go on with facts about MTM forever...I'll stop now.

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i know that there is.

i'm just saying that i (and probably most people here) don't consider it a part of the album because it's not on all versions of the album.


i'm not trying to start an argument. i'm just pointing out that it is a MTM outtake and not an actual A-side album track.


you asked why i considered it an outtake and i told you why.

On the Nine Inch Nails album With Teeth, the fourteenth track, Home, isn't on the US edition but is on pretty much every single edition otherwise and is generally considered part of the album. I think that applies to M2M and No Roads Left as well.


Also I think plenty of people here consider NRL to be part of the album. iTunes even grouped them together and it was the only M2M b-side we had for over two years because of that.


also never separate Wake and Given Up on any tracklist ever




1. Wake

2. Given Up

3. Bleed It Out

4. No Roads Left

5. Leave Out All the Rest

6. Hands Held High

7. No More Sorrow

8. Blackbirds

9. Shadow of the Day

10. What I've Done

11. Valentine's Day

12. In Pieces

13. Across the Line

14. In Between

15. The Little Things Give You Away


Sucks, I know. But it flows well for me.


also I'd much rather consider QWERTY, ASP, and Not Alone to be part of the M2M "era", not b-sides, because the first two were recorded before the album was even announced really and NA was trashed for over three years before Mike pulled it out and threw some sappy lyrics over it and called it a song.


was that bitchy

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I just can't possibly look at No Roads Left as part of the album (or Home either on With:Teeth) because both of those would ruin the absolutely perfect album closing of The Little Things Give You Away (and Right Where It Belongs).

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I just can't possibly look at No Roads Left as part of the album (or Home either on With:Teeth) because both of those would ruin the absolutely perfect album closing of The Little Things Give You Away (and Right Where It Belongs).

Highly agreed. Nothing can come after TLTGYA for me. Chester once said before the album was released 'The closing track is a song called The Little Things Give You Away. Nothing could come after it, because everything would be eclipsed by it. No Roads Left is a shitty song IMO. It should never come after TLTGYA.

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I haven't listened to M2M start to finish in forever, I just realized. Maybe I should sometime.


reminds me of another example of reincorporating b-sides: any tori amos album. oh my god you would double the album's length, easily.

Edited by SomedudeRemix
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A lot of people say that Valentine's Day was just a filler, but I bet these people didn't know that it was one of the first songs written for the album. I think it's a great track. The music is beautiful and the vocals are really powerful. But anyways, I could go on with facts about MTM forever...I'll stop now.

If anything, What I've Done was a filler and used as a single

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A lot of people say that Valentine's Day was just a filler, but I bet these people didn't know that it was one of the first songs written for the album. I think it's a great track. The music is beautiful and the vocals are really powerful. But anyways, I could go on with facts about MTM forever...I'll stop now.

I would like Valentine's Day a lot more if the final part didn't include the words "on a Valentine's day" over and over again. To me it just kills everything the track did up to that point. It seems cheesy in my opinion.


Other than that, it would be one of my favorite tracks from Minutes to Midnight.

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fuck, right? Written and recorded in a week...was an okay first single though.

I'm going to go ahead and say that What I've Done basically saved LP's career nearly. It was the first single off of the album and it did really well, lots and lots of people loved it. It was even used in Transformers which was a huge movie at the time. I think it promoted MTM well and really helped LP out a lot. It's a great song, I think it's one of the best LP songs to date, it's just very radio friendly.

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I agree 100 percent. What I've Done was a much-needed song for Linkin Park. It's amazing that they made such a good song in as short a time as they did.


I'm not saying it's the greatest thing since sliced bread or anything, but it is a very solid track that really transitioned the old Linkin Park sound with the new sound.

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My opinion's prolly marred a bit by the fact that I listened to the radio rip on repeat nonstop for...I dunno, every day until the album leaked? It's just burned into my brain and messed with my opinion of the song. I know that the first full year after it came out, I thought it was the best single LP had done. It's still really solid IMO.

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1. Wake

2. Blackbirds

3. Leave Out All The Rest

4. Bleed It Out


6. Given Up

7. What I've Done

8. No More Sorrow

9. Valentine's Day

10. HHH

11. In Pieces

12. Across The Line

13. No Roads Left

14. In Between

15. The Little Things Give You Away

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Obviously No Roads Left was the better Mike singing track than In Between

Sorry, but why do some people make it seem like Mike was only allowed to sing on one song? Like it had to be either In Between or No Roads Left... I just never really understood that. Also, I wouldn't say that NRL is better singing because it's edited like crazy. Yeah, it's more "powerful" or whatever, but not necessarily better.

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Sorry, but why do some people make it seem like Mike was only allowed to sing on one song? Like it had to be either In Between or No Roads Left... I just never really understood that. Also, I wouldn't say that NRL is better singing because it's edited like crazy. Yeah, it's more "powerful" or whatever, but not necessarily better.

If anything the album needed more Mike at the forefront, singing, rapping, playing the fucking vuvuzela, whatever, just needed more Mike

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HOW the fuck is No Roads Left a shitty song Geki?

I don't like the first 2 minutes of it...Mike sounds better with heavy guitar backing him up. IMO. Chester should have sang the song!!!

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There was a lot of Mike on Minutes to Midnight.


He played keyboards, rhythm guitar, sang backup, rapped, sang lead on a couple songs...


Mike was all over MTM.

I'm not saying he wasn't. But it was hard to tell, is all. He went from being in the forefront on nearly every song on HT/Meteora to having lead vocals on three songs (five w/ No Roads Left and Blackbirds). Yeah, he was all over M2M, but if you didn't know that you'd think they downgraded him or something. That's all I'm saying.


I like hearing Mike's voice on mah LP.

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Sorry, but why do some people make it seem like Mike was only allowed to sing on one song? Like it had to be either In Between or No Roads Left... I just never really understood that. Also, I wouldn't say that NRL is better singing because it's edited like crazy. Yeah, it's more "powerful" or whatever, but not necessarily better.

I didn't say it had to be one song. I just saw this topic as b-side tracks in place over album tracks. However I will stick by my claim that No Roads Left is the better Mike singing track. In Between has strong lyrics but its music doesn't really go anywhere and neither does Mike's singing. No Roads Left has good lyrics and the music has that build up in tension and mystery before it cuts loose. You can really sense the emotion in Mike's singing on that track in spite of the fact that it was heavily edited.
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Also, I wouldn't say that NRL is better singing because it's edited like crazy.

Uh, surely every song that has EVER been made has some form of "editing" and "vocal editing". As for Mikes' vocals on NRL it hasn't been edited like crazy. There seems to be no auto tune at all. Just you standard vocal editing effects.

Edited by AudioNick
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1. Wake

2. Given Up

3. Shadow of the Day

4. What I've Done

5. No Roads Left

6. Valentine's Day

7. Leave Out All the Rest

8. Bleed It Out

9. Blackbirds

10. In Pieces

11. Announcement Service Public

12. Hands Held High

13. Across the Line

14. No More Sorrow

15. The Little Things Give You Away


Listening in this order gives me much more satisfaction than the album's real tracklist, although that could be due to the added awesomeness of the B-Sides. Sadly, In Between does nothing for me and is excluded.

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