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Julien-K live with Chester?


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A new show! Yeah! But wait, not a Linkin Park show.....


Julien-K will be playing on November 21st at The Viper Room in West Hollywood, California. Julien-K, you say? Yeah, we usually don't report on things like a new Julien-K show, especially since the date has been on the Julien-K Live Guide page for several days, but when Linkin Park sent out a MySpace bulletin today about it, something seemed odd. Just as you could have guessed, the bottom of the bulletin says,


"I'll be there with my JK button on singing every word!..................C"


As you can also guess, I'm sure that that means Chester will be there. The questions, though, that I will leave you will be the following:


-Will Chester just be at the show for the heck of it?

-Will he sing on 'Technical Difficulties' like he usually does for them, and perhaps on 'Maestro?'

-Since Julien-K is planning to release their album in January, could this be a joint-promo show for Julien-K and an unannounced surprise guest: "Dead By Sunrise"?


What do you think?


And we hope you enjoy the new forums! 4.0 is coming along nicely. This is the forum that will be integrated fully into the new version of LPLive when it debuts hopefully around January. Things that are being worked on being fixed for the forums include patching the Private Messaging system up, adding a "newest post first" option to threads, and assessing why some links/quotes are not working properly. Thanks for the support!


Thanks to 'persephone' for the news.

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I'm with LPPRJKT4. With both albums being released next year, one would only assume that this could be an un-conformed appearance by DBS to start promoting their album. That's what I am hoping for. I still love Walking In Circles and My Suffering even if it isnt the best quality in the world. It's the fact that we heard it that matters. Point is, I am hoping DBS does make an apperance and we get another audio rip of some DBS music.

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Taper would be good. Could Julien-K be performing any new material?

well thats what they said...Julien-K WILL be headlining this show. They will be playing more songs than usual, including a few that won't even be on the record.
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guys I live in LA and am planning on attending, so I'll record if DBS comes out and plays

you should record julien-k too, they have great music... im telling u these guys know their shit :)

i think he is just there to support Jk

Yeeah, he will be doing the same he did on PR07 see them backstage and when Technical Difficulties starts he will jump on.
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I can try and get a taper if you all really think DBS might be playing. All they have to do is get Chester and Fu out there and DBS can play.


Just Chester being at the show means there will be the possibility of some memorable moments whether DBS plays or not so yeah if you (or anyone) can get a full taping of the show (preferably video) that would be fantastic!

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