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happy birthday phx!

btw if you really wanna get that trending use the hastags that are already trending

like the most popular one

#Retweetthisif you like Linkin Park #HappyBdayPhoenix


^something like that haha and youll get the retweets going :P


I was making my way through the snow covered streets in Philly today on my way to school, and I was listening to either WMMR 93.3 or 104.5 but one of the guys gave a shout out for Phoenix's birthday. Then he dedicated a song to him it was a cover of one step closer. Anybody know who sings that cover? Its a female vocalist


I keep hearing that No Doubt sings this but I don't think it is. Anybody else have any idea? Or more proof that it is in fact No Doubt?

I'm 100 % positive that it isn't No Doubt, and I used to know the name of the singer... But for some reason I can't think of it right now! *lol*

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