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LP Wins The VMA For Best Rock Video

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only got a bit of their speech that they said


Transfomers was awesome-Joe


This guy Joe our beloved something -forgot what chester said-

and we couldnt be more proud of his work.-Chester


then they walk off stage



if anyone can correct me be glad to do so {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif


only got a bit of their speech that they said


Transfomers was awesome-Joe


This guy Joe our beloved something -forgot what chester said-

and we couldnt be more proud of his work.-Chester


then they walk off stage



if anyone can correct me be glad to do so :)

That was basically it. It was VERY short.

Holy awkward acceptance speech batman!! {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif Congrats to the band!!! {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif


Congrats to the band {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif

Thank god they won {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif

They deserved it


This is great news, mtv still thinks LP is relevant.

That's fine, it makes it easier to get concert tickets. :P


Have you heard about how mad those little Jonas Brother fans are.


Grats LP :P What do they do with their moon men. I want one!


Do you think the Director's Cut of the SOTD video could have been submitted to MTV somehow, so that they may have considered it? Joe's original cut is definitely a great video, one of his best. Of course, it didn't make much sense anymore after they had to cut it. But I'm still glad they won, the original cut earned it ....


After Paramore's killer performance, I was hoping they'd win, but I'm a LP fan at heart and therefore very happy with the results.


I wish "Given Up" would have won instead, though, because "Shadow of the Day" is a lame rock song with an even lamer video that I STILL can't sit through.


How can you guys make fun of Paramore or any other band's videos when LP's starts with a dude in his underwear?


After Paramore's killer performance, I was hoping they'd win, but I'm a LP fan at heart and therefore very happy with the results.


I wish "Given Up" would have won instead, though, because "Shadow of the Day" is a lame rock song with an even lamer video that I STILL can't sit through.


How can you guys make fun of Paramore or any other band's videos when LP's starts with a dude in his underwear?

there's nothing lame about shadow of the day, nor is the video lame. Not everything has to be SUPER CRAZY for it to be cool. there is nothing out of the ordinary having chester in only underwear. Many ppl just sleep in their underwear. Nothing funny about it, unless you're a immature child.

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