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Posted (edited)

I just picked up the April issue of Revolver and there is a short, but very interesting article about DBS. Chaz was interviewed for it and the origins of the names DBS and Snow White Tan are kind of explained. It also talks about "Let Down" and "Crawl Back In" having "electronic-tinged rhythms, rousing choruses, and catchy melodies." Chaz says there is a mix of dark and mellow songs. He says the album is expected to be released Summer '09.


Scan coming soon.


EDIT: This article here submitted by 'April' two days ago says that Julien-K and Dead By Sunrise will tour together.


But music is where Shuck's head is at now – and it's filled. Julien-K's album drops in just a few weeks, yet Shuck and Derakh have also had a hand in shaping the debut from Death by Sunrise, a side project from Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington.


That disc will be out this summer – at which point the two groups, who share several members, plan on touring together, definitely with an O.C. stop on the itinerary.


"It's an unconventional way of doing things for sure," Shuck says. "It would be like if Tool and A Perfect Circle toured together."


A Dead By Sunrise and Julien-K tour! Awesome! Everyone excited? Sounds like it's happening this fall!

Edited by Hahninator

Awww I was hoping for Let Down to still be an acoustic version on the studio release, ah well still can't wait to check these out!! Sounds like Crawl Back In is gonna be a single too!!!


Single or not, who cares. The only good thing is that a music videos come with it and bonus tracks eventually.


Any chance you can quote or scan the whole article?


Fantastic! I can't wait to read the article when the scan is available. I also love the acoustic Let Down, I'll just have to hope it will still be on the album as a bonus track or something.

  LPPRJKT4 said:

Awww I was hoping for Let Down to still be an acoustic version on the studio release, ah well still can't wait to check these out!! Sounds like Crawl Back In is gonna be a single too!!!

The live version of Let Down had a bunch of electronic stuff in it too...? Nowhere does it say that the album version will be any different/won't have acoustic guitars.

  Astat said:

Nowhere does it say that the album version will be any different

http://julien-k.com/scene/ -> Page 2 -> React Now ->


"Once again my house (in this case, my living room) became the rehearsal spot for our acoustic version of "let down"".


That says to me that the album version is heavy / more-rock than the one we have now. It says to me that they worked an acoustic version just for that performance, which is the way I've always understood it.

  Hahninator said:

http://julien-k.com/scene/ -> Page 2 -> React Now ->


"Once again my house (in this case, my living room) became the rehearsal spot for our acoustic version of "let down"".


That says to me that the album version is heavy / more-rock than the one we have now. It says to me that they worked an acoustic version just for that performance, which is the way I've always understood it.

I REALLY can't see that song working at all as a "heavy" tune, it's a total ballad. It obviously will have more stuff going on musically since the live version was just Chester, Ryan, and Amir, but I'd be extremely surprised if the basis of the song wasn't similar to what was played live.


OK guys, here's the article:


Morning Star

Dead By Sunrise, the near mythic side-project of Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, is ready to greet the day


"Tinkertoys, man, those things are dangerous," says Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington. It might sound like a joke, but the singer is dead serious. One day in October 2008, he was helping his 6-year-old son, Draven, build an airplane out of the construction set when the pair needed a connector stick; as Bennington reached ou to grab one, he herniated two discs in his lower back.

"My whole family was downstairs, so they couldn't hear me yelling for help," the frontamn recalls. "I managed to get on my knees in extreme pain and crawl down the hallway far enough so they culd hear me and call an ambulance. You'd think jumping off a balcony would probably hurt my back, but no."

If there is a silver lining to the rather absurd injury, it's that the mishap freed up time for Bennington to work on the much-delayed debut by his side project Dead By Sunrise. His back didn't require surgery, but the singer spent four days in the hospital and, afterward, used a cane to walk for weeks; the accident also forced Linkin Prk to cancel a tour in China. Using the resulting downtime, Dead By Sunrise-which also features guitarist Ryan Shuck and guitar-synth player Amir Derakh, both of California-based industrial rockers Orgy-have currently recorded more than half of their as-yet-untitled, four-years-in-the-making album with producer Howard Benson (Flyleaf, My Chemical Romance) at press time, and plan to finish by the end of February. If all goes well, the disc should be ready for release by summer.

As the band's name suggests, Dead By Sunrise are somewhat darker and heavier than Linkin Park, though songs like "Let Down" and "Crawl Back In" still feature bracing electronic-tinged rhythms, rousing choruses, and catchy melodies. "The most obvous difference is there's no hip-hop side to it," the vocalist says. "It's hard to describe, but when you hear it you'll see why I thought these songs wouldn't have worked for Linkin Park. And I'm happy to find another home for them because I think they're good."

Dead By Sunrise's origins date back to early 2005, when Bennington's more famous band was on break. At the time, Linkin Park were having disagreements with their label, and Bennington was going through a divorce from his wife of nine years. To erase the pain, he partied excessively, to the point that sometimes he wondered if he would make it 'til morning-hence the band name. "We went by the name Snow White Tan for a while, because I never saw the sun," Bennington says. "I wasn't injecting myself with heroin or anything, but I was sitting in my closet drinking a whole lot of Jack Daniel's."

As he drank, he cobbled together basic ideas for about 30 songs, and in June, Dead By SUnrise entered preproduction. They finished arranging the bes dozen or so tunes in Deember 2005, and did some basic tracking. Around that time, though, Linkin Park got back together to begin work on what would become "Minutes to Midnight", and Bennington put Dead By Sunrise on hold for nearly three years. "Linkin Park always comes first," the frontman explains, "Dead by Sunrise is just something I'm doing because I love music, and it allows me to be more involved in every aspect of songwriting and recording. In Linkin Park, everyone has their role. With this, if the songs are good or not, it comes down to me, and I like that challenge."

In August 2008, when Linkin Park finished the Projekt Revolution tour, Bennington hooked back up with Shuck and Derakh. When, writing new songs, Bennington found himself writing melllower songs that reflect the intervening three years, wherein he curbed his drinking and married ex-Playboy model Talinda Bentley. "There's an interesting juxtaposition between the stuff that's dark and the other songs, and I think that helps keep the album interesting," Bennington says. "The good thing about life, generally, is, as it's kicking you in the balls, it's also patting you on the back, and telling you everything's gonna be OK."

Posted (edited)

Really nice article. Thank you so much for typing this up.


Tinkertoys are dangerous haha!!!


Poor Chester!! He had to crawling down stair to get help.......


Draven should go to get help ha.


Chester is just so easy to get hurt.



Most important thing is I can't wait to hear his new album. Summer is good!!!!


Hope to see DBS and JulienK tour together this year. Please don't delay again.

Edited by chazmike

I can't fucking wait for this album...more than ever now. It sounds like it's going to be so awesome.


:lol:  YAAAAY! Thank you very very much for the article!


How could they NOT hear Yelling Chester???? <_<  hehe


Me again with english words meaning )))


"If all goes well, the disc should be ready for release by summer."

"By summer" stands for "at the beginning of summer"? (which starts in the end of June?)


I just can't wait for DBS any more :lol:


Thanks for typing that up. It said Chester was helping Draven but then it says all of his family was downstairs when his discs slipped? I guess Draven had left the room or something. Glad he didn't need to have surgery and hopefully he won't have a repeat!


Really interesting to hear where the title came from and also what space Chester was in when he wrote the songs. Really makes me even more anxious to have that puppy in my hands already! I have a feeling I better buy 2 cds because there's a very high likelihood I'll wear the poor thing out playing it so much. :lol:

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