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Tell how, when, why etc. did you become a Linkin Park fan.


It first started when I was a child, some of my family members liked In The End, then I began to like it too. I actually didn't listen to music much then, so this was one of few songs I knew. Throughout my life I was listening to rock music. And there was actually a period when I didn't like LP, I considered them as strange people, probably because ITE music video. Somewhere between March-April 2012 I saw a music video Never Back Down with two LP songs, Papercut and Points Of Authority. Then I fell in love with Papercut (I still love this song very much). After that I discovered more and more LP songs, I discovered they're amazing live. And I didn't know new songs, later I got very disappointed, I was so-called Old LP fan, and I didn't like their new stuff and their new live performances. Later I listened more closely to theirs new stuff. And I began to like it, I began to be interested in them as persons and became Hardcore LP fan. I've been Hardcore LP fan for a long time before I discovered LPLive.net. And I knew the site for a long time before I joined it.


I told my story, now it's your turn to tell yours!

Posted (edited)

Short Version: My dad liked Linkin Park, so I listened to them because I was a little kid and listened to whatever the fuck I could hear. I liked the big, catchy singles from HT and Meteora (In The End, Numb, Crawling, Somewhere I Belong etc.) After Transformers, I was a casual fan up until just before LIVING THINGS was released, when I became a hardcore fan for reasons I will go more into detail on in the Long Version, if you're interested.

Edited by SasstielExperience

It roots back to the good ol' days of 2007, when I was a moron. Whenever I went to my aunt's house, we always listened to What I've Done. There was something about that song that made me feel happy. At that time I basically knew two songs: The Kill (30STM) and WID. Something with these two songs stuck with me. It wasn't until late 2011 until I started discovering more LP: Faint, Numb, With You, all the good shit. The rest is history.

Posted (edited)

I first saw the music video for SIB in 2003. Then, I heard Faint on the radio. I didn't know who the band was when I first heard it, since LP was still so new to me. I somehow found out it was Linkin Park and the song was Faint so I went out and bought Meteora and ended up enjoying it so much that I listened to it everyday. SIB was on there too, which made me happy. I then started High School and made a friend who also liked Linkin Park and after that, I ended up buying tons of LP CD's and merch, etc. and that is when I became obsessed with Linkin Park. I then joined the LPU in 3.0 and I have renewed in one way or another each year since. I also joined LPA around that time, 2003 or 2004, I can't remember.


I have been to 19 LP shows, seen FM, DBS and STP live and also have several Linkin Park tattoos. I've met the band, been able to meet a lot of cool friends from the LP community, etc. I would say my obsession for the band grows more each year. I love the band and always will.

Edited by Geki
Posted (edited)

I remember I heard some Linkin Park songs in 2006, maybe With You or Breaking The Habit...

Before that, I only heard Fort Minor, and What I've Done in 2007...


but actually I bacame a big fan in 2009 for the English song contest at school.

Edited by franktaiwan

Back in the 2001 i was watching MTV then a band of hardcore rude boys appeared, it was Lincoln Park, the video was Crawling at first i hated the song, it was so annoying, i completly hated it.


Then i was watching my favorite comedy show and the host said that this was the next big rock band, that they had a pretty awesome debut album and then they presented the OSC video.


My mind exploded! the video was so cool, interesting, the voice of the vocalist was so great and also the rap parts (which i thought it was Mike) i searched for the name of the band and it was the same band that i hated, LINKIN PARK.


I fell in love with One Step Closer and they will always be part of me, btw i also joined LPU 1 those forums were the best ever, it was a really great experience to be part of the LPU.


Wow time really flies... it's been almost 13 years of being a LP fan, it's weird that to think that some of you are 13 or 14 but years old lol.

Posted (edited)

It's cool that some of you guys became hardcore fans of LP back in like 2000/2001 when Hybrid Theory was blowing up. Like I said, I became a hardcore fan more or less in 2003, so I missed out on that time. Lol.

Edited by Geki
Posted (edited)
  Geki said:

It's cool that some of you guys became hardcore fans of LP back in like 2000/2001 when Hybrid Theory was blowing up. Like I said, I became a hardcore fan more or less in 2003, so I missed out on that time. Lol.

Yeah u missed some awesome moments, buying HT in the 2001 several times was great, i remember getting sick of listening to In The End, because of that is one of my least favorite songs, it was everywhere.. like Rolling in the deep.


LP.com was fucking cool back then, it had all of those flash animations, it was red.. the band wrote journals i felt that they really cared about us


btw i also remember getting videos from the House of Blues show with a p2p program.. it was ... kazaa? getting a video was a epic moment for me, it took ages to download it, i had a 56k connection lol

Edited by Linkin JZÉ
  Linkin JZÉ said:

Yeah u missed some awesome moments, buying HT in the 2001 several times was great, i remember getting sick of listening to In The End, because of that is one of my least favorite songs, it was everywhere.. like Rolling in the deep.


LP.com was fucking cool back then, it had all of those flash animations, it was red.. the band wrote journals i felt that they really cared about us


btw i also remember getting videos from the House of Blues show with a p2p program.. it was ... kazaa? getting a video was a epic moment for me, it took ages to download it, i had a 56k connection lol


I wish I could go back in time and experience all of that.


It was 2003 and I was 8-9 years old. We all had mobile phones that could share files and play MIDI's. We were pretty crazy about it - every kid used to have like 200 MIDI songs on their phone. So I really digged In The End, Faint and Numb. Naturally, when I got an Internet connection at home, one of the first things I did was to check Linkin Park. Been following the band ever since. :)

Posted (edited)
  dark_master said:

It was 2003 and I was 8-9 years old. We all had mobile phones that could share files and play MIDI's. We were pretty crazy about it - every kid used to have like 200 MIDI songs on their phone. So I really digged In The End, Faint and Numb. Naturally, when I got an Internet connection at home, one of the first things I did was to check Linkin Park. Been following the band ever since. :)

Yay, another Meteora Era fan.

Edited by Geki
  Linkin JZÉ said:

i remember getting sick of listening to In The End, because of that is one of my least favorite songs, it was everywhere.. like Rolling in the deep.

You seem to hate things and never give them another chance lol
  Soul said:

You seem to hate things and never give them another chance lol

I was sick of Numb too and then i listened to the Town Hall show and i fell in love with those 2 songs again, it was nice to hear Chester sing the bridge again!


I heard One Step Closer on the radio when I was like 8 (back in 2000) and was hooked ever since. Later the album came out and I had my mom buy me that. It was my first album and I listened to it basically on repeat and from that point on they were my favorite band (until 2008 when I decided I liked Nine Inch Nails more - coincidentally, I only started listening to NIN after hearing Linkin Park's cover of Wish).


A few years after that, Meteora came out which was about when I discovered the LPU CD's as well.


When I was 12 I began remixing LP stuff and they are still the band I do the most remix work of.


When Rising Tied came out, it was the first hip-hop album I liked and it pushed me towards appreciating that genre much in the same way that MTM would eventually push me towards appreciating softer music a little while later. Minutes to Midnight was actually the first album leak I ever downloaded.


A Thousand Suns (and MTM to an extent) really changed the way I view LP's earlier albums. They really aren't anywhere near as interesting from a musical standpoint (whether that is a good or bad thing is up to the listener) which makes me not really like them as much anymore. I can still go back and listen to my favorites (OSC, APFMH, Faint, Figure.09, BTH) but it's kind of difficult to listen to those albums as a whole anymore.


In all, Linkin Park has really shaped the way I view music and what kind of music I like. Whether it's helping me discover my favorite band (NIN through the Wish cover), appreciating a new genre (hip-hop through The Rising Tied) or just expanding my musical tastes in general (Minutes to Midnight), Linkin Park has been a major influence on my music preference.


It's been a great 13 years of LP fandom and here's hoping they won't be gone anytime soon.

  Geki said:

Yay, another 2003er!

Yeah! Although I was far from hardcore - I was just getting into the band, being still a kid after all. But I remember spending days on fan sites (mostly Bulgarian ones), remember listening to CC for the first time, remember The Rising Tied coming out and asking people to download it for me because I had terrible connection, things like that. And, of course, the MTM anticipation, which will always be memorable to me, as it was the first real album I was waiting for. And it's still my favorite Linkin Park record. Whether it is for its quality or for the memories it brings, I don't know, but damn, those were the times!
  dark_master said:

Yeah! Although I was far from hardcore - I was just getting into the band, being still a kid after all. But I remember spending days on fan sites (mostly Bulgarian ones), remember listening to CC for the first time, remember The Rising Tied coming out and asking people to download it for me because I had terrible connection, things like that. And, of course, the MTM anticipation, which will always be memorable to me, as it was the first real album I was waiting for. And it's still my favorite Linkin Park record. Whether it is for its quality or for the memories it brings, I don't know, but damn, those were the times!

Definitely. The MTM anticipation was insane...

Posted (edited)

I became a Linkin Park fan in 2011 when my brother put some songs on my MP3 (I had no iPod then...) and he put some LP Songs and Collision Course songs, as soon as I remember when I was a kid, he had the CD/DVD of Collision Course but still has the LIT CD/DVD too (the CD part is messed up on 2 songs) and I remember watching the Documentary and the songs when I was young and I loved and remembered it (until 2 months ago when I got the Collision Course album) and I re-enjoyed it ever since. Anyway.. after I was finished listening to the LP/JZ songs, I found a few LP Songs that he did download on there and I took a listen, I really loved the music, so I got some more songs by download, eventually, I got some of the CDs like CC, HT, Meteora, MTM, LT...



Still short on my collection, but that's my story :D


EDIT: The first LP-related song I listened to was LFY/DOYS


and the First LP song I listened to was ITE and the first video was ITE, just to let you know

Edited by xLinkinpark0562x
  Linkin JZÉ said:

Back in the 2001 i was watching MTV then a band of hardcore rude boys appeared, it was Lincoln Park, the video was Crawling at first i hated the song, it was so annoying, i completly hated it.


Then i was watching my favorite comedy show and the host said that this was the next big rock band, that they had a pretty awesome debut album and then they presented the OSC video.


My mind exploded! the video was so cool, interesting, the voice of the vocalist was so great and also the rap parts (which i thought it was Mike) i searched for the name of the band and it was the same band that i hated, LINKIN PARK.


I fell in love with One Step Closer and they will always be part of me, btw i also joined LPU 1 those forums were the best ever, it was a really great experience to be part of the LPU.


Wow time really flies... it's been almost 13 years of being a LP fan, it's weird that to think that some of you are 13 or 14 but years old lol.

exact same here it is weird lol


Listening to "In The End" on the radio as a 6 year old, it was awesome and I immediately started liking them, but being six I didn't exactly have favorites, I was still drowned in Backstreet Boys and NSync. When I was in 7th grade, I fully geeked out and got into them again and here I am. I never looked back, the music did mentally help me through the "stress" of middle school/high school with my depression and other issues, just like the lyrics were intended to.

Posted (edited)

I was 10 years old in 2001, on my way home from school when In the End came on the radio. My dad basically said "hey, listen to this song I think you might like it." I did listen, and I loved it. He bought me the ITE single a few days later, HT after that. LP has been my favorite band for the last 13 years now. It sounds crazy to say that, makes me feel really old. It's true though. So yeah.. my dad introduced me to LP and I'm forever grateful.

Edited by Justin

I heard "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence and in the video description said that the one who sang the "male" part of the song was Mike. I searched more about Linkin Park and opened the first song I saw. It was 2005 and the song was Numb / Encore. I knew I had heard that song somewhere, and went looking for the files from my old pc. There were three songs on the LP karaoke (yes, karaoke for pc) format: One Step Closer, In The End and Numb. Thereafter it was only joy, as they say in Brazil.

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