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About linkin_boss

  • Birthday 09/04/1990

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  • LP Shows Attended
    09-10-10 Club Hipico, Maquinaria Festival, Chile 05-10-12 Estadio GEBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 09-05-17 Movistar Arena, Santiago, Chile

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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  1. There is also the chance they could get a sessionist to play these parts live, which is a very common practice when it comes to sampling. Depending on how interested Joe is in what the band does next for sure even if he's busy with other stuff. Either way, the point is, that he could either work with the band just in the studio, just on tour, both, or neither. He would probably give his blessing, I think (and I'm assuming having the band touring would definitively help with royalties and stuff). In regards to Rob, I could see him wanting to retire from public life, it's not for everyone. I don't think that would translate into him not wanting the band to continue or for the legacy of it being kept, I agree it sounds very similar to Deacon's situation. I believe that any promoter that wants to have Linkin Park touring, would take them regardless if they play HT in full or not. Considering how hard it must have been to get them to do it for DL '14, and the band never being too keen to be stuck in just that period, I'd say it's highly unlikely they would agree to that. Furthermore, I would honestly expect if they were to tour with a new singer they would make new music, and they would rearrange songs to play them in a different way that fits their setting (Like how Mike played Papercut in his solo tour). On that note, I think they would tour as Linkin Park. As iconic as Chester's voice is, the name was always meant to symbolize the band and their brand/philosophy in regards to making music, and not just 1 or 2 members. I mean, besides a few festival dates, Mike's tour was very small in comparison when it comes to venues, so I would 100% think that both the band and promoters would want the name recognition to run bigger events.
  2. Now that we have all the info I wonder how long it'll take for someone to make a fixed Papercuts with singles versions and more transitions between songs lol.
  3. They just mentioned it in an interview about their show in Rock In Rio (in Portuguese). They mentioned when they get booked for a show these fees are negotiated in a way that the event producer runs with them.
  4. Well, Queen came back with Adam Lambert and their tributes are still touring around, hasn't been a problem so far. Tributes when they perform at a such large level they pay copyright holders, so that's a fair use of a creative piece. I'm pretty sure nobody ask Mozart if they could perform his pieces everywhere in the world for centuries to come, yet nobody waited for him to be dead to play his music, you know? I think the 70s-90s did a huge disservice to music by enshrining the cult of personality. It's the same endless discussion with the band even getting back together... there will always be people moaning that Chester cannot be replaced, and that is the only way the band can sound, and otherwise they should not sound at all. Yet most bands change guitarists and drummers like shirts and nobody bats an eye.
  5. I guess in hindsight it was to be expected, New single aside this seems to be a very formulaic compilation. I'd be surprised if they did anything interesting with the album booklet.
  6. Of course, people will complain one way or the other, but at the end of the day it will still mostly as a "hardcore linkin park fan" discussion. I don't think the mainstream audiences would engage in that discussion for long.
  7. I think a good chunk of Mike's not getting a lot of success is that whenever he comes to conversation a lot of people have no idea who he is. I run into this pretty often, until I say ahh the guy that raps in Linkin Park, and then everyone goes "Aaaaaaahhhhh....." I think just by carrying the Linkin Park name, whether they get a singer to deal with the parts Mike can't reach or if they do new stuff just with him, it would be more successful than his solo career.
  8. I think QWERTY makes sense. It's a singles collection, and they knew if Friendly Fire was the single to promote the release, people would complaint it's a pop song. QWERTY is finished enough that can stand as a new single as well, and it'd play better with the rock/metal crowd. Now, considering the live version from 2006 and the LPU studio release had some differences. Will we see the same mixing as in LPU 6? or will they make a new mix for this release?
  9. Papercuts as a name sounds good honestly, it makes sense as a compilation of different cuts from different periods. That being said I would have preferred a busier cover, along the lines of songs from the underground or LPU X. I know the LPU one is super busy, but it fits the papercuts concept :P.
  10. well to be fair, QWERTY was sort of an MTM outtake. I mean, still recorded during the period before the album release, and it sounds nothing like it
  11. I think most of all I would love to see a full pro shot of either of the 2017 UK shows, we know they recorded video in at least 2 of them and these were by far the largest setlist the band ever played live. On top of that, there were some collabs and performances were pretty good. I know the band might not have been in the right place to edit them when OML Live released, but it would have been great if it were a DVD+CD release like the previous lives.
  12. I know this is probably impossible but going on the idea of best performances, I'd love to see them release studio versions of their favorite live versions of songs (Like faint with the extended outro, WFTE with wall of sound, etc), I think that would add a lot of value to a compilation of this nature
  13. I know it seems to be the overall mood of this topic, but will this be ever over? 🤣
  14. I agree about Tokyo being the best one. Particularly the bass and the piano added so much flavor (And at times it felt a little Anime Opening-esque 😅), it kind of reminds me a little bit of Miyavi too. On a side note, it seems like Already Over wants to dethrone Breaking the Habit in the number of non-DSP releases lol. Can't wait for Mike's next project: "Is it really over? Like for real?"
  15. That looks like a fun prank.... hopefully someone subs it at some point
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