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Everything posted by linkin_boss

  1. oh, i completely forgot that there were webcast of those shows thanks
  2. I was just wondering, anyone knows if there is any proshot recording of Step up (fully played, not on the medley), either on audio or video? EDIT: okay, i just realized there is one on SIB single. anyways does it exist anything on video?
  3. I ripped KROQ kevin and bean 2007 show, uploaded it, and sent some show notes regarding mike mistaking on piano when he was playing PMA, wich made the band started to play that song slower than on SS06 shows. hum... also i helped to translate and keep well informed to hahninator about maquinaria festival 2010 show, since he wasn't ver much into spanish i gathered all the information concering that in early july. that's it, if i'm right. actually if you see the page from that show, i appear as the taper of one of the sources. in the old website i was mentioned in the show notes, but it was edited when lpl 4.0 was launched.
  4. http://lplive.net/shows/20040723.php i wasnt ther nor anything. but if i'm right, they haven't dropped in the end anytime during PR 04, isn't it?, so it should be right after faint. http://lplive.net/shows/20040622.php also, in this show it says "Lying From Yo", wich should be "Lying From You", just a minor detail, but i thought it would be good to mention Fixed by SpikeMinoda 5th May
  5. yeah. producers of the event completely screwed it... far as i'm concerned, that taping is equally to what they played on the screens of the stage, so, is similar to camdem show in some way... also most people here thinks that there exist a tape from the whole festival. they have released songs from QOTSA before, and there were a couple of shots seen on the news, back in october. =/ hopefully someday we'll get it
  6. hahaha... yeah, you're right, that was hilarious LOL. hopefully this will bring a proshot of BITS or something that we don't have proshot from this tour
  7. =/ that sucks. i loved to be a contributor. hopefully i'll find how to help here so i can be one again LOL
  8. i used to be a contributor... but someday it just turned back to regular member... i'm not sure if it was because i was banned during january :X
  9. Opening main set: With you with a new intro, or just to mess up things... maybe wake/from the inside. Closing main set: Being realistic. i would like them to close it with Faint. it needs to be something fast. Just wishfully thinking i would love to have Hip hop medley around here. Opening encore: What i've done (w/ ambo intro) i loved that intro, i would be glad to have it back. it wouldn't be bad either if they play Crawling (w/reanimation intro). Closing encore: I'm not sure if something can be done around here. OSC is a staple, it would make some sense to close with ITE some day (hence the name), is doesn't deliver too much energy, but that can be worked with a extended bridge or outro (as in BIO).
  10. both reasons makes sense. :S i was amazed when i found out that the it was a DVD-5 (4.7g) instead of a DVD-9 (8.5 gb) it makes me wonder why they didn't released it with a better resolution. and yeah... it could be the legal issue. but since this is a marketed product it wouldn't be much problem to pay the copyrights for the dvd. btw I got it. just to make the statement, it's being selling in Chile at least (also is being produced here by warner music Chile). i'm not aware about the situation of the rest of south america.
  11. btw did madrid show had wisdom justice and love?, since is not listed on the tracks i'm not sure if it's there
  12. i think they should bring out something with something that hasn't been taped before, like a setlist with BITS, or so... anyways i would love to have a dvd from asia or south america, it's cool to see different crowds... anyway... they should redit live in texas as a bd, or at least having another old school show as bd. anyway... if the bands releases madrid show as a bd i would be pissed off after i just bought ATS+
  13. 09/10/11 Maquinaria Festival in Santiago, Chile. =/ unfortunately i guess it'll be my only show until i'm able to left this country xD
  14. Not alone would have fit when they played in chile, since they played the same year we had the earthquake, but they didn't. I'm sure they won't play that song ever.
  15. I think they can change a bit (See C5 to C6), but, it won't be anything special I mean, basically all the new sets are mere rearrangements of the songs plus 2 or 3 songs rotating. if they keep A1, then they'll be rotating a couple of more songs. still, I'm hoping to see at least SIB or POA played at some point of the ATS Tour
  16. or maybe he will play some DBS stuff acoustic again. anyone's tapping?
  17. it probably was, no one expected another earthquake and tsunami this soon
  18. Big Pimpin/Papercut... that song is like meh, for me, the other ones aren't bad at least
  19. I'm wondering why they decided to make an instrumental rather a full-track. anyway, cool that they're doing something about it, japan really needs helps by now
  20. Izzo/In the End... it's the only song i really depise in the album... it completely kills the whole meaning on the song.
  21. i'm wondering if they will play another places after asia
  22. on 14.09.10 show, the release show: "- The show was recorded for a DSP, which will be released on downloads.linkinpark.com." this actually never happened, it should be changed or erased, isn't it? Yep, you're totally right, fixed it. Thanks!
  23. yeah, they were uploaded, but WJL was erased from some shows on downloads.linkinpark.com you're supposed to get it through there. , i checked yesterday and i found that it was erased from 2011 shows. the 2010 shows that i've reviewed still had the song there.
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