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About Mohnjorrow

  • Birthday 08/07/1990

Previous Fields

  • LP Shows Attended
    Oklahoma City, OK 2-29-2008Maryland Heights, MO 8-21-2008Kansas City, MO 1-29-2011Tinley Park, IL 8-24-2012West Hollywood, CA 8-3-2013Englewood, CO 9-8-2014Nashville, TN 1-17-2015Columbus, OH 5-15-2015

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    USA, Missouri
  • Interests
    Linkin Park, Video Games, Some Anime, A few Manga's, float trips, walking, working out, listening to music, singing! Tons me just ask! :)

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660 profile views
  1. I found this stream on Youtube but it was not the full concert. Anyone know if the full concert is available somewhere?
  2. Is there anywhere to rewatch this?
  3. There finally coming back to Saint Louis! It's been since 2008
  4. I hope these are streamed or at least filmed.
  5. I never thought I'd see a preshow post any more. Wow! Been following since 2007. It's good to read this. It brought a tear to my eye. Love you soldiers! I'll be at the event too, looking forward to meeting some of you!
  6. I know we can't share links but does anyone know where I can look for the concerts from the M20 DVDs? Or where I can purchase them outside of the box set?
  7. Where would one find such a list? I feel like there isn't many and I want to watch more but only if it's professional recorded.
  8. The link isn't working for me. Can someone upload to mega?
  9. Anyone thats going to chicago want to meet up?
  10. Anyone have any guesses on ticket prices ranges?
  11. I can't wait to finallly meet some LPL members. I've been mostly a lurker.
  12. I am so pumped for this! This is going to be very very emotional for everyone. I can't think of a better way to pay respects to Chester.
  13. Do you guys usually plan a meet up for LPL members? If so, how would I go about joining?
  14. After $500 for air plane ticket and concert ticket I am going to be broke... but this is worth it to me. I cannot and will not miss this event!!!! If anyone in the area can put me up for the night that would be very nice of you! Maybe all of us LPL members could meet up that day as well? I would love to finally meet some of you!
  15. Alex McMillian anyone? From Razor Red Noise?
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