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About HybridMeteora798

  • Birthday 10/10/1989

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  1. **NOTE** The Grand Rapids date is in Michigan, not Wisconsin The Orbit Room is about an hour from me.
  2. This DVD is holding up the next album release...
  3. This is an editing error it sounds like. Sounds like copy/paste of the take in the middle of the note, that didn't get cross-faded and/or blended properly.
  4. Awesome!! I have two tickets to the show tomorrow night in Detroit, and I can't make it! If anybody wants 'em, 2 for the price of one! Paypal me 30 and both are yours! Pdf will be emailed.
  5. If anyone is interested I have two sweet LP items up on ebay. One is the 7'' picture disc of FAINT/LYING FROM YOU (LIVE) - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Linkin-Park-Faint-...=item3377237e6c The other is a side stage (revolution stage) VIP pass from Projekt Rev 07 signed by Mike from the Detroit date. - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Linkin-Park-Projek...f#ht_500wt_1203 Other autographs and cool shit are in my Ebay profile (not LP related but Maroon 5 or comic book fans? ha) http://www.ebay.com/sch/randallj09/m.html?...p;_trksid=p3686
  6. Thank you! Don't have that one so it's nice to hear a snippet! Can't wait for the new single and the hidden things on the site, always a fun time. (And stressful...)
  7. http://www.viddy.com/video/1c576ac2-afa2-4...74-5fbcee5a688e - what song is playing there? Call me stupid but lol i don't know!
  8. Scan? I have a picture on the Ebay listing of the item. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?V...6#ht_500wt_1203 - is the new link. If you're talking about the signed ticket? Yeah, the image is here http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-...590995299_n.jpg
  9. If anyone was interested, I wanted to say I have a VIP Pass from the 08/22/2007 Projekt Revolution in Detroit for sale. This is a VIP pass from the Revolution Stage, and it says ML on it. Meaning "Madina Lake" which is who gave me the pass for the show. It is a little worn, but still on the sticker (Unpeeled). It is signed by Mike! I met him before he went on stage with Styles of Beyond. I was waiting to talk to my friends in Madina Lake, and he walked by and talked to me. Most surreal moment of my life. If anyone is interested, it's here on sale. (Also not listed yet, is a signed ticket from the date, that Mike signed!) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Linkin-Park-Projek...4#ht_500wt_1203
  10. My existence is holding up the new album.
  11. If anyone would like to help - I know it's far fetched, but i'm willing to Paypal someone $70 to help me sign up for the $61 (with CD) package? I don't have a bank account hooked up to my Paypal so I can't do the E-Check, nor do I have a credit card, but I do have it in my Paypal balance (but you can't use that for LPU!) PM me if possible. This is the best package I've seen - EVER. At least in my opinion, I haven't been in LPU since 9.0, before that it was 7.0. I'm glad to be in again (Hopefully)!
  12. Prices are very fair. I know Nick wouldn't EVER rip anyone off. I just can't afford it - so my hats off to whomever can! Great deals he's offering.
  13. Oh man, being from Lansing (Michigan, and listening to WRIF ) I really want that RIAA award. But waaay out of my price range. Sad to see you letting stuff go Nick, but I hope worthy people get this awesome collection! If you feel like parting with it for 100...then I can do it ha.
  14. I don't download albums prior to release dates no.
  15. I own the special edition/regular edition of the album through legal purchase. I work in the music industry so I buy all my music - but that's just me. Can't speak for everyone.
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