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Posts posted by Coizu

  1. Really excited to get the whole song. Preview sounds great. Can't wait for the rest.


    The whole lp.com game was a mess though. They exchanged the tape we apparently found somehow (so the tiktok link) with a new link to the Lost preview now, so I assume the game is. The whole game was probably rearranged at one point to fit a different schedule and that's why it made no sense. There are a couple of resources left that were not used, I'll link them below, and I think the tape should have arrived through that package that we were supposed to pick up at the warehouse at Friday. That way the game would have made some more sense I think. Something must have gone wrong and they had to replan a lot of things.


    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/9L7Cgr7o24aD.png Recovered package

    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/s4rN5nrz1EPO.png - Thanks note, this one used to say Friday 6 AM in the beginning but the original files were deleted on the second update on Thursday and these new versions got added

    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/51x7tlFj1t6A.png - Thanks note, but bigger (probably when you would have clicked on it)

    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/Mobil.png - PDA style phone

    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/modal-7-postit.png - post it with all items crossed out (big)

    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/Computer-7-Postit.png - same post it, bug small

    https://www.linkinpark.com/sites/g/files/g2000015666/files/PHONE.png - iPhone, I would really have loved to see how that would fit into the game, but I guess we never find out.


  2. I have no idea how people think that those recordings are definitely for three different things/demos/songs. A shitload of other things are possible. Like the first thing recording could just be a recording to note what the following recordings are about. So back when those things were recorded you recorded first „this is about x“. Then you recorded a bunch of ideas and then before you record ideas for another song you would record „this is about y“ first. It‘s not like with phones nowadays where you just entered the filename based on what it belonged to, or you had no tagging system or whatever. You had to mark your stuff somehow. So all recordings could be ideas for the same track or not, we simply don‘t know at this point.
    Secondly „Resolution“ doesn‘t have to be a title for a demo or a song. A resolution can be a technical term in music. I don‘t understand all the words of the recording so I can‘t say if it makes sense in this context though. 

    edit: I forgot that Resolution is a demo we will get that we already know the name of. My bad. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, AJ93 said:

    whoever was that employee posted the Meteora|20 Box Set on warner website, he or she might get demoted or sacked.

    We know nothing about what happened. What if when the product listing went up, it was supposed to go up, but it got delayed but the listing was forgotten? What if it was a technical error? There are so many reasons that wouldn't warrant firing anyone.

  4. 9 hours ago, LPLStaff said:

    No update today, maybe something broke. Seems weird to take a day off.


    My theory is that the whole thing is delayed, but future spoilers ahead so don't read on if you don't want to don't read spoilers:



    I think that the whole thing got finished way too late and they delayed the whole thing and if they would have pushed out an update yesterday (Friday), it would have been confusing and caused anger in some people.


    When the whole thing started on Wednesday, one of the already uploaded files that looked like one of the final hints said something like "Thanks for the help, I'll meet you at the warehouse Friday 6 AM" (I didn't save that image, so I don't have the exact wording). When they updated the website on Thursday the file for that "Friday 6 AM" hint disappeared and a new one that is very similar got added, it just got the "6 AM" part removed. My first reaction was that they don't want to commit to a specific time (or maybe they figured out that using one specific time without any timezone clue might be confusing) but maybe they were simply not done in time for that. Within the first 24 hours they also pushed out a couple of changes to the clues as well (mostly technical and typo changes as far as I can tell, nothing that changes the game). During the HT20 thing I don't remember that happening at any point. To me that looks like it was rushed and that they had to clean it up after it was technically out already.


    So next look at how much game we have left. For that we need to get a little bit technical for a second:

    The game loads two things from the server. The first thing is what they call "homeicons". A homeicon is the base state of the game for a specific step of the game (i.e. after each update, there is a new homeicon resource that defines how the game looks like when you start it). The other thing are "blocks". A block is the result of an interaction you do in the game. I.e. you press on a photo, then the game loads the block that belongs to that interaction from the server and then displays you the result of that block on your screen. That way they can control server side what parts of the game are accessible and what not, basically their way of timegating the content. There are some exceptions to this whole thing, but that's mainly how the system worked in HT20 and now.

    So why is this interesting? Even though the blocks are locked server side, it is already possible to figure out which possible homeicons and blocks potentially exist, we just can't see the content yet, and therefore we can figure out how many interactions are yet to be unlocked. I created a list of all possible resources on the first day of the game and put down notes which one belongs to which interaction once they got unlocked, click here to see an image of it. As you can see on that image, we used up most of them already. There are only 9 left, where at least one has to be used for a homeicon resource and that would leave us with 8 block resources. If we look at previous days, on average (not sure if you can call it average after 2 days) they used 1 homeicon resource and 6 blocks per day.

    So what does that mean? With the resources we seem to have left, we most probably only get one more update, two at most I would say.


    If we assume there is only one update left and they would have pushed it out yesterday, it would have basically said "Meet you Friday" on a Friday which would have been very confusing. Would they mean the same day or the next Friday? Imagine how people would behave if they figure out that the last clue tells them to wait a week again.


    In addition to all that the whole thing just seems scrambled together real quick and buggy. If you haven't encountered any bugs yet, I invite you to open the game in a private browser session and play around with the combo lock for a while. It probably won't take you long to figure out how badly it behaves if you for example want to delete the previous number with your keyboard.


    So my theory is that the game was supposed to be released a couple of days earlier in January and we would have gotten the "Friday 6 AM" clue a couple of days earlier. Maybe something like Wednesday. For some reason that might not have worked out as planned and they delayed the whole thing into February and since they announced something for January, they squeezed in the countdown (or made it longer than originally planned). With my current knowledge, I assume we get the first substantial thing next Friday, so that puts a wait time of 15 days between the start of the countdown and whatever will happen on that day. I can't imagine that they planned the whole thing to drag along for so long. Especially since we got an announcement for an announcement for an announcement at this point (Newsletter -> Countdown -> Final clue that points towards Friday). I mean it is possible that that's how it was supposed to go from the start and everything I thought about is just totally wrong, obviously I have no proper insight on what they are doing, but it sounds a little bit ridiculous at that point.

    Also everything that I gathered so far can change at any moment. They can upload a whole different set of images, add blocks etc. Maybe they added dummy items as red herrings. I don't know.

    So take everything I said with a grain of salt and think for yourself.


  5. In case anyone is wondering what changed:


    There are some artwork things on the wall now

    Some files were added to the cabinet on the right side

    Crowbar got added on the right side

    Opening up the suitcase and plugging the usb drive into the computer seems to be the only progress that can be done today


    Also if you wonder what the code is, it is:




  6. Really excited. I loved the HT20 computer and I also love this. Don't pay any attention to the haters. These games are fun.


    Anyway, I was digging through a lot of things I... let's say found and I have a very strong theory on the "story" and result of this thing.

    It's a theory and I am not 100% sure about a lot of things yet, but it might contain very heavy spoilers, so if you want to keep this thing a surprise _DO NOT KEEP READING_



    We will find a suitcase that we need to open (looks like it will be a combination of digits we need to figure out), in the suitcase we will find the flash drive to restore the computer. On the computer there will be some kind of warehouse software called "DeliveryApp". I don't know how all those things will add up but at one point (Friday 6 AM LA time most probably) those things will lead us to picking up a package that most probably contains the tape. We will then be able to put that tape into recorder and listen to a demo of Faint.


    Oh also at one point an iPhone is going to show up which makes me really wonder in which time this game is supposed to take place in 😄


  7. 1 minute ago, BrandonR24 said:

    I know In the End's demo got released early for Hybrid 20th. I wonder if the song was complete enough if they would release Lost as the "single." I'm assuming LP probably doesn't want radio play from it though. I don't think the In the End demo got any radio play. Just streaming release.

    Lost would be the equivalent to the She Couldn't single release from HT20, not the ITE demo.

  8. 1 minute ago, CFRANS said:

    I can say for sure that at least Brazilian folks back in 2005 wrote like this all the time in MSN Messenger and Orkut. hehe

    Now that you say it I remember people doing that in like ICQ statuses or whatever. But I don't recall filenames being called like that on filesharing platforms like limewire, emule, kazaa or whatever the names were and I guess that's the reference.

  9. I don't want to complain just want to point out some things that are historically incorrect.

    • Spongecase (wRiTiNg LiKe ThIs) wasn't a thing until 2017 and things were never named like this back then on file sharing platforms (which I guess is the reference). Adding leetspeak tags to filenames was what people did back then, which usually held information like the group who leaked the track, the origin/source and the encoding. Also sometimes people wrote everything in all uppercase besides the i (e.g. LiNKiNGPARK-NUMB.exe) but I don't know the historical background around that.
    • Blue screens didn't collect information about the crash until Windows 8 which wasn't released until 2012. In the Windows 98/2000/ME/XP times, Bluescreens were super basic and they just gave you an error code.

    As I said, I am not complaining that those things are wrong, no sane person thinks about all those small details, just thought it's interesting to point out for whatever reason (I guess no one actually cares though and people will think I am crazy 😄)

  10. 17 minutes ago, LPForAll said:

    Well, it is so much better than Live In Texas.

    Thinking about it, I am so happy now that they didn't waste a DVD slot for LIT.


    Also in case you missed the product page: a cached version is available on google btw in case you missed it, a cached version of the product page is still available: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:F1WSB_Ybxe0J:https://store.warnermusic.com/en/linkin-park/meteora-20th-anniversary-limited-super-deluxe-edition/093624880998.html&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de&client=firefox-b-d

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