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Everything posted by [NiKmaN]

  1. I think it's something like 50 US dollars atm. it's about 1€=1,42$. A lot of money for one ticket for a band which is rather unkown (compared to LP and stuff). I thought it'd be something like 20-25€.
  2. hm damn that's pretty expensive. 35€... I'll probably attend one show then I guess.
  3. perhaps Berlin and/or Hamburg. Great they come back. One shouldn't bother too much about not seeing them in US. I dunno about how the record sold in the USA but it was kinda good here, so they go where they have full venues and lots of fans, that's just the way it is. Just like USA got the best (and only real) P:R tour.
  4. Hamburg 2007 *-* I've been waiting so long, might it come true soon? hell yeah! I'm hoping for some SS06 releases and stuff. The very first shows in 2000 and 2001 and the meteora-touring cycle would be a present from heaven, I'm excited about the developement, let's see how it'll turn out in the next one or two years.
  5. [NiKmaN]


    I found it in may 2007 I think, when I searched for cool LPsites and posted on LPProjekt and followed LPA for news. I then discovered LPL via google I think, when I searched for setlists of the 2007 tour. It was even before or short after the LP show in Hamburg in 2007. I stuck to it because I loved searching for old setlists and then see if I can hear the shows with special moments and songs and stuff. I downloaded stuff from linkininside and stuff. I used to visit lptimes a lot last 2 years for news but atm I'm mostly visiting LPL and - ift it wasn't down for some reason - ETP-forums. But I'm not following it as addicted as before because I'm not mostly listening to LP anymore (I started listen to bands like Alter Bridge or Shinedown, who gave me the best fuclin time at a concert ever some weeks ago, go and see them if you have the chance!). I trade LP though, so the site is really important to me ^^
  6. I'd vote like that too. Imo lplive.net is still the place for the setlists and stuff, wouldn't get fully rid of it because I think it's the main part about lplive.
  7. One of the best LPU-CDs so far. Love to hear Mike on Fear (also i'm happy Chester sang LOATR in the end) and Drum Song. Figure09 Bridge is really kickass, too, love Chesters screams. I like every song I think, the small Instrumentals are solid. ATL is not one of my favs thou. Just liked some parts of the end, the song is okay. But NRL is waaayyys better and I think all MtM songs are better than that, the song just seems unfinished (maybe because it's a demo ^^....)
  8. It looks cool, but I'm gonna wait to finally rate it until I have it in my own hands (and that'll take a while since I live in Europe...) The thing I'm most excited about is the vinyl so wooot. I'm still excited about the demos as well and now curious about the little extra stuff?! Well it seems like you did a great job with LPU this year anyways, keep up the god work. LPU8-year was great, too, of course.
  9. now you have an answer why LP did a lot of concerts in Germany... There are just A LOT of fans here. And many hardcore fans I think. Nice stats anyways, keep up the good work. And please don't try to be an all in one fansite, all in one is what destroys most of the promising things today. you're good at what you're doing and that's quiet a lot atm, looking forward to 4.0 ^^
  10. I think that's the way how Warner Germany shows us how to clean out as many wallets as possible >.<Hamburg show would be cool anyway, I was hoping for a free release on DBS.de though. We'd at least get decent quality if the box contains a DVD of the show. hmmm
  11. uuh pff they really wanna make me buy the album a second time -.- I hate it when they release special versions after the first release date and I hate to buy an album two times. I hope it'll be with acoustic songs and/or DVD with Videos and making of.
  12. I'd like to have a pm too if someone of you has got it. It's a shame international listeners can't listen to it on lala >.< I hope we'll get some more acoustic tracks since we already kinda had Let Down in a more acoustic version.
  13. I don't care if it's the 6th string song or not, it just has to be good music ;D (although I love songs with strings) and I hope we won't get too much Demos we already have...
  14. lol, epic gotta film it for yootoooob
  15. nice, I hope you'll be able to give confirmation for acoustic bonus tracks. I love acoustic sessions!I also bought the album, I'm sure it'll be a success. The music is good and kinda mainstream and will surely have some fans who don't listen to LP (at least not to HT and Meteora), but we'll see. I guess I'll also buy the vinyl, just saw on amazon that there is one of OoA, sweet!
  16. there's a german site for DBS : www.dead-by-sunrise.de , but it's somehow in coorperation with my-artist.net . It still has to be the official site, because a man from Warner told us that the proshot of the Hamburg concert will be on that site. There's no clue about the extra tracks though, most likely because the german (and I guess it's the same as in all european countries) album came without any bonus stuff. I hope for more extra tracks with the US-release. The only thing we have yet seems to be The Morning After as a japan bonustrack ^^
  17. YES, Chester said: "We're not playing all songs so that you have something to look forward to when you hear us next time" and YES Dr.Biggiy is the one right to Fabio Am I the only one without Chaz-Pic?`>.< although I was always standing right next to him he never really turned into our direction =/ I'm in the back of a lot of other pics though, lol.
  18. Yeah, Chesterchaz review pretty much says everything ^^ we forgot to mention that there'll be a proshot recording of the whole show from warner (the man said 5 cameras!) on the german dead by sunrise homepage. sweet, isn't it?
  19. yeah I also wonder if it's the CD on vinyl?! when can we expect more information about that? ^^I'm collection vinyls so I really appreciate a vinyl, great! I hope it's not too expensive... last years special membership was too expensive imo...
  20. okay listen. Chester came out before the show to tell us it'll start a bit late and then took plenty of photos with fans and gave autographs and stuff. The performance was great and Chester was amazing, you could really see that he was happy and into his music. the crowd was really nice and there was much respect for DBS, even from the people who didn't really know them. You'll hear a lot of stories from LPL-members, just wait until they come home ^^ Was nice to see you guys, really good and "intense" show
  21. I'm in now too, thx to NoSunToday and BC!
  22. yeah I pm'd them, I'd need two if BlackChester hasn't one already and would drive with him. thanks for the info Chesterchaz ^^
  23. I'd probably like to have one! When does the concert start and who still has tickets? I'd be happy about a PM =)
  24. I wish I could be there, nearly had a ticket so have a lot of fun guys, see you at another concert
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