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About Hybrider

  • Birthday 08/20/1995

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Telekom Volt Fesztival 2017: Hungary, Sopron

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    Nu Metal, Rapcore, Rap, Hip Hop, Metal, Space, Crypto, Mars, Bodybuilding, Science and more...


    I am a person who found on the internet two unreleased demos. First one was "Unreleased" by The Visionaries feat. Linkin Park and the second one was an instrumental version of "Rhinestone" by Xero which was used on audition for Chester Bennington.

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  1. I want to hear FM version of YO. Episodes too. Both demos are LP and FM demos too.
  2. I want to hear live version of "Fuse" in 2025.
  3. Not adding Across the Line to the album was the biggest mistake. It's way better than some songs in album. I never heard Song 72. It's the first time I hear this. Wow. I hope they will release it in MTM20. It really has amazing piano melody.
  4. Mine too. So Far Away is such a banger. They could it finish on HT.
  5. I wonder if Jeff have Xero - Coal. There isn't anything about that demo. At least I don't know about it. There must be more unfinished instrumental demos like Coal is. All of those demos which Jeff have, have also vocals. So there must exist more unfinished demos which maybe even Jeff don't know about them.
  6. If Pointillism is So Far Away, that means it's originated from Xero and maybe it has Mark's vocals too. Edit: There is also a different version of Slip where the begining of the song is the instrumental of released version's bridge. We can hear this version in some old video. I think video is called Jammin with Linkin Park.
  7. This is incredible. Tell us more about unreleased demos. Are there any 2001 demos? How they sound? And did you heard Xero versions of Step Up or Stick N Move from studio?
  8. See ya in Nickelsdorf!
  9. As Nik Nocturnal on YouTube wrote: Two Step Closer 😂
  10. It was neccesary after so many years. And it is neccesary to have nu metal album like this song. We have more experimental albums than albums with their old sound. I hope next album will be like Meteora or HT, or at least like From Zero.
  11. Two Faced video is amazing. That's how I imagined it. Whole band is there playing the song. Video fits into this song. This is my favorite track from FZ.
  12. Shit... I wanted to ask Mike how many finished songs they have that didn't got into From Zero album. I never catch him there.
  13. Would be fine if we get a LPU24 CD. And if not LPU24, then next year LPU25 CD.
  14. I love this album. Some songs are amazing, some less. But I like them all. My top 3 favorites are Two Faced, Casualty and IGYEIH. Softer songs reminds me Post Traumatic. There is a high Post Traumatic and Corona jams influence in these softer songs. And the only soft track Good Things Go is like a soft rock version of a One More Light track. P.S. I wonder if Two Faced demo is called Plaster 3. Fucking banger song. I can't wait to see how successful this song will be as a single. Most of fans like this song, so that means they still want LP to do Meteora and HT like songs. LP should do a next album in that style as most of fans know them. The demand for such an album is big, as there are more soft albums and songs, than these ones. Edit: I miss Chester and his voice in these songs. He is a great talented legend. Always will miss him.
  15. Two Faced is biggest surprise. Really sounds like it was made just after Meteora. We need more songs like these. It deserves to be a single.
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