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Everything posted by Legend

  1. And your name is Jack, but you called yourself Jimmy forever. Shut the fuck up and shine my shoes. P.S: I love you
  2. What's this I hear about a live guide? You must all be in your little dream world. It's impossible!
  3. DangerSilent is holding up the new album
  4. Pissed me off, I had to send out a tweet like a thousand times just so I can keep hearing it. . My minimal followers are probably pissed right now.
  5. It only plays if you send a tweet. Doing anything else to avoid sending the tweet, you won't get it.
  6. A little weird SparkArt didn't design it this time.
  7. I also believe we will be getting a snippet of the catalyst, since we are trying to "help set something free."
  8. I believe all these "twitter messages", that are pixels, will form into a picture, probably album art or single art.
  9. I'm guessing the little sound effects are part of the real song. If so, Legend just shit himself. I need a cleanup! Requesting Cleanup!
  10. First person that can read correctly. I would have hated to p00n everyone in this thread. You saved me from a bunch of bitchings!
  11. The person who thought about making it anonymous deserves a cookie. Wonderful idea.
  12. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this...
  13. Unless your name is Linkin Park. Then we'll get it an hour before the actual release, because LP likes to give their fans heart attacks.
  14. It's not that. I'm not asking for another HT or Meteora, but I didn't enjoy many songs from MTM. I feel they were too soft. I don't like falling asleep listening to music. That's what Coldplay is for.
  15. This album is going to make the decision for me... if I stay an LP fan or leave. After HT and Meteora, MTM didn't cut it for me.
  16. A song that sounds like it should be on Reanimation? I have NO complaints here! My system better be bumping!
  17. A lot of these are fantastic! I am very impressed with many of you. Keep up the great work everyone.
  18. With all the talent on the internet these days, and seeing we have those stems, I wouldn't be surprised if a radio station played something made by a fan thinking it was real.
  19. Hey bro. http://lplive.net/setlistssongs/linkinparkallsongslive.php Will tell you when it was last played. To save you some time, With You was last played on 8/15/2006.
  20. You guys are big bullies. . I'm reporting you to the higher powers that be! BIG FAT MEANIES!
  21. Oh you mother fuxer. You said you would NEVER tell anyone! What would you do if I told everyone you were scared of Strawberry Jell-O!? Don't eff with me, yo. Don't eff with me.
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