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Everything posted by Legend

  1. If WTCFM becomes a single, which I hope, numbers will double.
  2. You pulled off the word shindig in your post. You got my props.
  3. EDIT: I modded myself because I was being a dick.
  4. I was thinking the same aswell. Such an amazing game!
  5. You LPU members need to stop being emo little shits.
  6. Well, since you must know, I thought I would tell you. Sucking Ass 101 The activity of sucking the buttocks, in this case known as an ass isn't a very difficult task at all. It has been done for thousands of years, with some records indicating as far back as the 15th century when the Jewish population was forced out of Spain for sucking too much ass. It is now 2010, thousands of years later. You throw in your brand new Linkin Park album and start listening to the number one album known as A Thousand Suns. Some songs are great, and some songs are the suckage. And then it hits you. Hits you like a fucking 'GET OVER HERE' from a very pissed off yellow Ninja. Hits you faster than a sumo wrestler wanting his subway sandwich that you stole from him. Hit's you faster than a punch from Mike Tyson as a rabid flying squirrel is chewing on his balls. One of the most suckiest suckages of all time, hereby known as Waiting For The End. Low and behold, this horrendous monstrosity of a song starts playing over your overly-priced speaker system that you regretted purchasing two weeks after you did, but you lost the receipt so you couldn't return it, so now you have to deal with a suckage song playing on a just as equal suckage speaker box. What do you do? Yell out, "THIS SONG SUCKS ASS!" Of course, there is that one person in the world who may think he has won over a legend such as yourself, and says... "lol sucking ass isn't possible. ur post failz. u snooze u looz. ass in front. can't suck. wut do?" That is where you are wrong my friend, and Legend will hereby win another gold medal, and go to bed on his mountain of never ending diamonds. Sucking ass isn't very hard at all! Legend recommends finding a nice, smooth, shiny, female ass to suck. Why? Because it's fun time when the ass is enjoyable. Avoid hair, pimples, freckles, moles, and turd nuggets on your asses. Those are highly unattractive and any hair stuck in your teeth is a bitch to get out. Guys, this is a perfect time to call your wives or girlfriends and get them ready for one hell of an awkward time. Girls, call your female friends, because if a guy takes care of his ass, you have other things to worry about. Any who! Once your ass has been chosen for this special occasion, you will need to get on your knees. Yes, your beautiful knees. This will be on of the most degrading BUT exhilarating moments of your ass sucking. Why? This is the most fragile moment where you will be face to face with the ass that you are about to delectably indulge. Make sure your partner is bent over for extra comfort. This is where the business happens. Softly place your lips on your partners ass, as if you were kissing a knifes blade. It needs to be slow, soft, and compassionate. You need to be very delicate. An ass is a very important part of the human body. A lot of business gets handled through it. Any extra force from your face to their ass is unneeded. We are trying to suck the love out of an ass, not head but the turds out of one. As your gentle lips are softly placed on the buttock of an ass, slowly draw in the air between your lips inside your mouth, carefully sucking in the top layer of the ass, as if you were creating a low powered vacuum with your mouth. The pressure gradient between your lips and their ass will slowly propel the ass deeper to the lower pressured area of your mouth, slowly but surely concluding to the sucking of an ass. Of course, more vacuum pressure from your mouth to the ass may be exerted for a more exhilarating and pleasurable experience for your partner. And that my friends, is how to suck an ass. But now, how does this song suck ass? Sucking ass is a negative. Waiting For The End is a negative. And a negative and a negative is a double negative. And a double negative is extreme sucking.
  7. The Messenger is the suckiest suck of all that have sucked. I've listened to it in full about 3 times, and skipped it every other time. Fuck that shit, yo. I enjoyed Give Me Your Name a hell of a lot more, and that's saying A LOT!
  8. Ash, I love you in ways a man should never love another man.
  9. Sup yo. Show me your credentials from law school por favor. Sadly, if you had credentials, and you said this statement, I would recommend you go back to school and learn some more. Having download links to these videos is NOT illegal. MySpace/Warner MAY look down on this, but it is completely LEGAL. How is this legal you ask? Let Legend tell you! I am currently viewing these two videos online, FOR FREE, without even having an account on MySpace. The first thing that comes to your head... No Registration? I don't need to buy anything? FREE SHIT! This is the internet, where many things are FREE, and if it's not free, someone can make it free. Luckily, the head honchos up above that control are pathetic little hearts of love for Linkin Park decided to tease us with a freebie, to download/view, and masturbate to, to our hearts content. You won't see these videos that were just posted up for the whole world to see for free, being sold anytime soon. And if Warner WERE to decide to sell these two videos up at a later date, LEGALLY it's impossible to attack those who have already downloaded it while it was free. No matter what Hahninator, Hawk, Warner, MySpace, Santa Clause, Michael Jordan, Obama, and Batman say, these videos are not illegal to download. They just want to see Hawk shit their pants, because rumor has it, Hawk shit's glitter and butterflies and EVERYONE loves glitter and butterflies. LMFAO! What the fuck? A leaked version of BITS is HIGHLY Illegal to download (only if you get caught, lulz), but a video that is supposedly "compiled fan footage" that was put up online by MYSPACE with permission from WARNER for PROMOTION PURPOSES (if it wasn't stated, it's pretty fucking obvious) is definitely not illegal. But I fully believe you are one smart mother fucker. Let's do the math. In The End can't be seen on YouTube because In The End is a track from Hybrid Theory and the music from the album is over a video so that makes it illegal because you can listen to the official song on the official video on youtube, and the song is on the album, which costs money. Isn't math fun? My penis is soooooo haaarrrrrdd right now.
  10. I'm about to be smellin' what the rock is cookin!
  11. Your username: Legend Username of your nominee: JaySinkie Which prize they would receive: iPod Reason for nomination: I vote for JaySinkie because Sinkie sounds like Slinky, and I like Slinkys.
  12. I bet three pikachus and a holographic charizard that The Requiem will open.
  13. Legend

    MTV VMA's

    P.Diddy loved The Catalyst
  14. Legend

    MTV VMA's

    I agree with Hahninator. It sucked. Chester's voice was horrid. You're all just high because you haven't seen LP in a long ass time. Bitches.
  15. Lauryn Hill Biggie Smallz Big Daddy Kane Chuck D
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlM87dwYPjg...feature=related I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war. This way of settling differences is not just This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love
  17. Legend has mixed feelings on this album. I would consider this the best LP album ever, however, I am still a little bitch holding onto that one last hope of the HT days (When They Come For Me reminds me of it, and it's one of the best songs on the album). I'll give the album a few more listens. This album is really fucking sick, and I seem to like it more and more with every listen. However, the only thing that bothers the shit out of me is the accents they do in some of the songs. That shit makes my penis flacid.
  18. The Requiem is better, faggot.
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