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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. They won't change it, think about all the production costs, the crew needed, no sponsors... It's fair enough.
  2. Lol I don't understand all the bitching about this, it's awesome to have the opportunity to obtain a new proshot if you don't want to pay for it just wait for the rip it will be available ASAP.
  3. The next album will be synth metal with a touch of mariachi. source: I came back from the future.
  4. Mega is the best thing, get all the tools in order to use it properly.
  5. Paramore is not the best live band ever but they put a fun show and so full of energy... some members like Soul, COG and Hahninator can back me up on this. BTW I want to share this part of a interview...Hayley has a great opinion that many of us would love this to be Mike's words: DIYMAG: So, do you think it’s important to tailor your live show? ''It’s important to find balance between a big explosive festival type set, with singles and big songs and then also to show your older fans that no matter how high you may make it onto a bill you haven’t forgotten the songs that laid the foundation to where you are now. LP doesn't really care about what we think, the hardcore fans how many times fans have asked them if they are going to perform any song from the HTEP? some b-sides? and they just don't want to do it.. it won't hurt anyone to hear And One in one of their shows.They really care about the casual fans.. oh crap this is sad.
  6. Who the fuck mixed this? this is fucking amazing, best audio release since... Berlin 12 btw thx Geki for being a coward, hope you enjoyed the shit i sent you.
  7. Sand is the perfect song for the last spot... too soft? are you insane? it's the best way to end a show... after the fucking thunderstorm you get the Mike's last part its just perfect.
  8. That's lame... no pictures, no hugs? a selfie wont hurt anyone lol
  9. That was very shitty, I remember back in the 00's and 90's what a real making of was, a 30 minute special with a bunch of awesome details of the video. What's wrong with Fiore? could someone ask him personally why all the videos are so fucking short? most of them are 2:30...
  10. Holy shit what a crime... did you seriously login only to say this? lol
  11. Let's not talk about 30STK, everytime I read something about them, I can't control myself B )
  12. Meteora Worst LP album by far, haven't listened to it since like 2004.. I rarely listen to any song from this album, I love Easier To Run... also F9 is the most overrated song ever.
  13. Could you guys forget about Martinez and tell me what do you think of the flow of the song?
  14. Who the fuck would want to pay for a LP show and then you get that crap instead lol
  15. I did some edits to Keys To The Kingdom, I believe that the Chester's part are repeated A LOT... I believe that in this way the song flows better, also you can enjoy a lot more the Brad's solo, thoughts please? http://1drv.ms/1oQB5vP
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