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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Well here are some comments of casual fans: ''Linkin Park put on a hell of a show'' ''concert was so awesome words can't even describe it'' ''Such amazing energy! Seeing @linkinpark live for the first time!'' ''wo thumbs up @linkinpark. High energy performance.'' So they still managed to do a decent show, I understand Mark, being a hardcore fan and getting that set would be a great let down.. I still want to know what happened to Chester, I will support him no matter what.. the dude is my idol I deserve to know what's going on with him, all my positive energy to Chester! Don't act like WBSoul again.. Soulish. _______ Most wanted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snVKmBx1VOo I was really worried about Mike singing this song live, but the dude nailed it! also Brad sounded awesome, there you go for those who thought that LP couldn't play this song! Chester did an awesome job too!
  2. You should change your nick to WBSoul I dont see why we cant talk about that, its not like we are talking about his penis loool
  3. Keys To The Kingdom sounds so much better without the vocals in the intro.
  4. (ANow I know why I don't love Chester's screaming in Rebellion, it has an helicopter effect (?) it sucks balls lol
  5. If the crowd left after Robot Boy, how do we know the rest of the set? I assume that Pooch gave the setlist to Mark.
  6. I just realized that they are playing all The Hunting Party Youtube songs uploaded to their channel, they love to please casual fans... We are not asking for a 25 tracks set full of the HTEP and LPU tracks, we just want to have 2 or 3 spots for the real hardcore fans and the rest can be all the single shit that we also love.
  7. Dude.. it's a rehearsal, somebody might be preparing the keyboard for the next song, he is not playing anything on Rebellion.
  8. I would rather have any song from the ballad medley being performed in a regular way, I would love to hear a full Leave Out or Shadow rather than the piano shit.
  9. I'm not worried about Brad, he can nail it, it's all about his skill...I'm really worried about Mike, he's not a great live singer, probably Chester will help him during the verses.
  10. Probably Brad read Astat's post and said ''im going to make this guy shut up'' looool they are going to play Rebellion, my prediction became true... well almost, I'm waiting to post the video in this thread!!! In your face Astat lol XD
  11. the uploader is an ass, why not a good quality vid? thx dude
  12. That's true dude, tell us your story HT 97, you must have a Hybrid Theory (band) sampler
  13. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL WTF This election lost its credibility, a guy named ''BIBLE'' eliminated APFMH? this is bullshit, massive bullshit, we all know that APFMH is the fan favorite song, change the topic to bullshit election time with some noobs and the bible guy.
  14. Do you guys really love ITE? I hate it, I can't stand it...
  15. This video sucks balls, where is the usual slow motion? bring back Mr Hahn!
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