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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Don't worry I believe in the rippers, LPBits rocks.
  2. I'm giving away this orange badge for free, so you don't have to pay $40 to mr Leto... oh my god that price is so fucking stupid... anyway can't wait for the free download after the show.
  3. That is so lame and sad, if the LPU really cared about the fans they would save some tickets and give them away for free or for low prices. After reading this thread I kinda feel dissapointed at the LPU, they want to make money with everything in the Summits.
  4. I don't really care about Daron joining the band, he's just the guitar guy and to my ears Brad is playing the song just fine... also there's nothing to discuss the band won't do anything special so for those who are lucky to be at this show have a blast... enjoy the show in my honor lol The only special thing to me is the DOYS mashup, it so good and the band took a time to create something new for us... Mike solo is awesome, Rebellion is insane, GATS is amazing Blackout interlude was a bad idea... that song deserves to be played in full.
  5. I don't think that this song is the ultimate Meteora song that every one of us love, elections are misleading lol
  6. I'll make an MP3 of this, it's so great for a ringtone.
  7. MONTERREY 2015 SET JZ ACT I No More Sorrow (Long Intro) Lying From You (DOYS Samples) Points of Authority Papercut Guilty All The Same ACT II Rebellion Wastelands (LPLive shoutout) When They Come For Me With You Castle of Glass (Experience) ACT III Burn It Down (Shortened) Waiting For The End (Shortened) Mike Solo Numb (Shortened) What I've Done (Shortened, Extended guitar solo) Final Masquerade Until It's Gone (Shortened) In The End Bleed It Out (W/ Drum Solo) ENCORE Blackout A Place For My Head A Line In The Sand Faint (Album Version) One Step Closer (Extended Outro) Thoughts?
  8. I wonder if the band would continue if Brad quits, who would you guys want for his replacement? (be serious)
  9. If Astat is that awesome I would love to hear original music by him, I wonder if he has better stuff than Brad, all I heard from you are covers, share something dude =)
  10. I regret for what I said about your extra long preshow posts, this one is gorgeous. The video looks like a 2007 recording lol
  11. Too bad that the band doesn't care about the hardcore fans they give us the middle finger most of the time, it shouldn't be that hard to open a space in the set for 2 songs to please the hardcore fans but Mike is really worried that a poppy stupid casual fan won't sing along to Across The Line, Dedicated, And One, Part of Me or any other song that WE love.
  12. Who the fuck is IAVA? The first and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to improving the lives of new veterans and their families. Don't just thank us, join us!
  13. I feel lazy to read all the full post you are probably giving more info than what we need just write the most important facts not all of them and also writing about the support bands is unnecessary to me. Save some facts for future shows. This is just my opinion remember that I'm your fan soulish.
  14. I also prefer Ethan's mixing, taking the guitars to the front is a no brainer, in the things that Pooch have mixed they always sounded cheap. It has some mistakes here and there, the autotune during their talking was a dumb mistake and i'm sure that if they corrected the Chester's flaws during Crawling everyone would be bitching ''hey they corrected Chester's vocals, another copy paste bla bla bla'' I also don't undertand why Hahninator said that 'he understand why they dont play Forgotten anymore' with a little bit of rehearsing they can nail the intro, the rest of it was played withouth mistakes and it has a lot of energy.
  15. I don't see a problem with that, they can do an extended outro and that would be enough to be the last song.
  16. I don't think so, the encore has so many low-mid tempo songs, one song won't change much... the encore feels like a mid set thing lol
  17. It's awesome how a single song can make a set 100x better lol
  18. You can but you can't, awesome. just kidding you can give us the report after the show in case that we don't have someone else.
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