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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. the performances are not shit like some people say.. the camera work is just insane.. the best LP live DVD, with a better setlist it would be epic.
  2. you should try to get a phone number, that would be better than an email.
  3. lol when i download torrents of 300 mb it takes like 6 hours maybe i can download this in two years.
  4. Because they have played it at every show since the 2003, im sure that they will delete that song for the next touring cycle, it would be a HUGE surprise if they still play it.
  5. i know man.. but getting some words from mike would be awesome for me. no matter how.-
  6. you know what? thats the best prize you can get talking to mike shinonda? how awesome is that?
  7. i remember when i downloaded that video.. 5 kb/ps that video was recorded in london, somewhere in the 2001.
  8. mike or someone in the band should do something, the owner of that page had to pay to share those files, its a way to show your love to the band.. and i think that he had some copyright material, like LPTV, dvd's etc..
  9. oh yeah! Numb acoustic would be pretty good they should just try to play with acoustic guitars + vocals, nothing else what you think about my ideas guys?
  10. OK since we dont have no more LP Live performances.. what they should do to their old songs? we all know that LP likes to update their songs with new intros/outros what would you do to LP's songs? i have 2 ideas 1) Mike rapping the full Jay's verse (Collision Course style) 2) they should create a super new version of PMA starting with the piano (verse 1) the chorus would be studio version and then add P5HNG bridge, or something like that! i cant explaint it but it would be fucking awesome all i want its a mix of the 3 versions of this song and this is not an update but, they should end all of their sets with APFMH/OSC thats the best ending EVER
  11. Open: No More Sorrow Close main set: A Place For My Head Open Encore: My December Close Encore: One Step Closer ps: the best way to close a set was APFMH and OSC and i dont think that WID its a song that belongs to an encore, its more like a song in the middle of the set.
  12. hahaha http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrysler-PT...sspagenameZWDVW hahaha look at this!! how awesome would be to have a car owned by Chester..!! and his music colection oh god thats insane, i wish thtat i had enough money lol
  13. i dont have a favorite sbd recording most of them sound like the same i have favorite performances like BIO in East troy and Chester with Camp Freddy thats something special.
  14. i dont get it why people buy digital music.. when you can have the 'normal' thing in your hands it will always be better.
  15. lol the song with Cornell wasnt a real exclusive..
  16. thats right! if they can make awesome tracks just 'messing around' like locksaw they should try to do that next time for the lpu..
  17. we dont have to remove anything they should remove the LPU8 cd from my memory, oh god it was so bad lol
  18. so.. whats the name of the song? does it have some vocals? lenght? cant wait to get this.
  19. im still dissapointed with the cd, it was a big slap in my face those tracks are worth to get them free, i want tracks that i would love for the rest of my life like dedicated, i still love that track, or the cover of Wish,m not that shit
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