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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. just as i thought it got extremely boring with the infinite rounds.
  2. Is the same Vice that remixed IBG? That avatar hurts my eyes.
  3. The Requiem: mike commentary That first track, “The Requiem,” is actually made up of sounds that you’re about to hear on the album. There’s a Juno pad that appears a little bit in that that also appears in “Journada Del Muerto,” and the pad is the main pad underneath “Blackout.” Blackout : We have a song called “Blackout” that we got a scat vocal for, but every time we tried to write words, it sounded terrible. So Rick suggested we try automatic writing. He said, “Do you know what that is?” I said, “No.” He said, “I’ve tried it with Tom Petty and Johnny Cash and Neil Young.” So naturally you gave it a go? Mike Shinoda: (Laughs) I’m like, “That’s a good start. How do I do it?” He said basically, I want you to walk up to the mic and start pretending you know the words. Any words that come to mind, let them fall out and that will ho pefully let you know what the part needs to be. You’re going to start finding words that fit. There’s a few songs on the record that we never wrote the words down for. Like I’m still finding myself having to figure them out because we just got up to the mic and started putting stuff down. http://www.examiner.com/article/linkin-par...a-thousand-suns __________________________ Mike talking about Living Things ''It doesn’t lose any of the creativity of the newer stuff and it brings in the energy of the older stuff. It’s kind of a comprehensive sound. I feel like we’ve been able to take all the stuff we’ve learned on the way and put it all together in each song and still keep it fresh and forward-thinking. Whenever we get in the studio we react really badly to anything feeling like it’s a throwback or a repeat of what we’ve done—as long as it feels like we’re taking a step forward it feels good. This record echoes a lot of different random things from what we’ve learned along the way. I think every artist’s “new album” is their favorite one. We’ve been immersed in this one for a year. It’s like we are currently in the eye of the storm. All of my focus is on getting this record perfect and presenting it to the fans in the way that I think is the perfect way. It’ll never be perfect, but we just do our best to make it the best it can be. I’m thrilled about the record, I couldn’t be more excited about people hearing it.'' http://www.complex.com/music/2012/04/inter...s-top-5-rappers
  4. Something that is missing is a commentary about each album in general, i'll try to search some of them.
  5. His artwork is great but it feels lazy that the booklet has the same design as the poster.
  6. I think Foot Patrol and Apaches were later reworked and merged in to one demo that's why it's called Apaches. Those songs are very similar, in contrast with Chester's and Brad's demos.
  7. Primo is definitely one of the best LPU songs ever, there's no competition here.
  8. Well you are right I messed up, tonight when i listened to the album i skipped Primo because i listened to it a few days ago, but still one Chester track is not enough.
  9. I don't care about which songs we get i wouldn't mind about the era give me 97 songs, 2013 it doesnt matter ALL I WANT IS FUCKING VOCALS, if the the next CD has 10 tracks give us a minimum of 6 songs with vocals!
  10. It's a good song it really doesn't fit with the cd, it has that average sounding, nothing special, with this kind of tracks they won't have success. I REALLY MISSED CHESTER! Oh shit, no vocals from him in a LP cd? never thought that day would come, he is really the soul of the band. I listened to the whole cd with my gf i told her ''some songs may not have vocals, do you really want to listen to it? yeah sure!'' she said Oh god it was a punch in my face to not have a lot of vocals, we were saying ''the next one will have vocals for sure!'' we were really surprised that the first track with vocals was Apaches (we skipped Primo) Some of the demos should have sounded awesome with vocals, specially Basquiat. My favorite part of the cd was the HOWLING during APACHES, it sounds so epic! also a special mention to Brad, they should have let that song grow on its own.
  11. Which probably means they will use ATS demos for the next album.
  12. So we got demos from almost every era, a lot of Living Things demos which is something unexpected! since the band rarely released demos of their most recent album! i'm excited about every song! hope we get a lot of vocals. Do we know if Universe and Basquiat are demos of already released tracks? METEORA Cumulus [2002 DEMO] Pretty Birdy [SOMEWHERE I BELONG 2002 DEMO] MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT 07 Universe [2006 DEMO] 01 Basquiat [2007 DEMO] A THOUSAND SUNS Primo [I’LL BE GONE - LONGFORM 2010 DEMO] LIVING THINGS Apaches [uNTIL IT BREAKS DEMO NO.1] Foot Patrol [uNTIL IT BREAKS DEMO NO.2] Three Band Terror [uNTIL IT BREAKS DEMO NO.3] 02 Holding Company [2011 DEMO] (LOST IN THE ECHO) Hemispheres [2011 DEMO]
  13. Complaining party already? LOL It's great to have those 3 demos! we all know that UIB sounds like 3 songs mashed together and know we will finally know how every track sounded in their own! pretty cool stuff!
  14. fuccccccccccccccccccccck please someone leak that list ASAP i can't wait another minute.. i need my BID remixes and my BTH live
  15. He already had two operation, no one can take another one, he will use glasses again forever
  16. Fuck! I just can't wait to see the tracklist...
  17. Pretty awesome remix dude i always loved the Dexter line.
  18. To me the drums are great in this one remember that this was meant to be on ATS and it's just the style of that album. I really love the Vice remix and Primo, the Living Things version to me is just a radio friendly version of Primo. Btw Primo means cousin lol
  19. I was expecting this from you man, considering that the final version sounds similar to the MTM era.
  20. I would rather have more tracks than enhanced files They can upload anything to the LPU site, there's no need for enhaned files.
  21. Primo for your computer. LINK REMOVED.
  22. Back in the 2007 there was a controversy between Mike and Joe The LPA interviewed Joe abou his role in MTM, he said ''Most of my scratching was muted'' Mike then replied in his blog.. dont remember what he said lol
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