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Everything posted by maatze

  1. To be honest. I really want new setlists but the truth of the matter is, that they have every right to play the same setlist because the asian people didn't saw them so far.
  2. omg... sorry. I'm in vacation for like 7 weeks and sometimes I forget which day it is.^^
  3. I don't want to bitch ( please don't get me wrong ). But I think the people, who were bitching about the set are just scared cause when they don't even play older stuff infront of almost only hardcore fans the chances are slim to none that they ever do. But hey guys, at least the set is better than the set in 09^^. btw: do you guys like faint as a opener?
  4. I am confused about "a Tokyo" not just Tokyo
  5. I tried to recap some facts I remember: - Mike was drinking coffee. - I asked him about a mobile art show -> he said, that it would be a cool idea. - Mike refused to sing "Nyan Cat". - The donated money for the secret show will transferd completly(=100%) to MFR. - Future Summits maybe can last three days. - Mike gave kinda a hint that the next Summit will be in Asia. Maybe Tokio. (NOT SURE THOUGH) - Mike doesn't like tattoos. - Mike believes, that there is a subliminal message in "Nyan Cat". - They have no idea about the setlist for the secret show yet. - Mike said, that it's sometimes hard for him to pronounce the names of some LPU members. Just for the record: people from the LPU chat room could call Mike: Nothing that special though. Some people talked about their experience from Summits and stuff. A girl called in and asked Mike if he knows the song - then she played Nyan Cat. LOL. Funny reaction by Mike. Because the time was running out, Mike went quickly through the lines and thanked everyone who was waiting. At the end, Mike tried to confuse the callers by putting ten of them in a conference.
  6. Can somebody explain to me how that private screening happend? I never heard of that?
  7. What I don't understand is, they're saying that the need that long time to make sure that every song is perfect and they do what THEY LIKE and LOVE. I'd understand when they'd say okay I am kinda bored to play it but I don't understand why Chester HATEs songs such as QWERTY. But the sets are amazing anyhow.
  8. Speaking of setlists, I am very afraid to not see W&K anymore. I am dreaming of POA, followed by a 1 minute scratch freestyle from joe and then into W&K.^^
  9. I would be happy to hear With You und Qwerty live - extremly happy. I understand the point with the hardcore fans in comparison with the causual fans, but they can play just ONE old song(excluding PC, OSC etc.) per set, which is maybe 1/19 (excluding Interludes). Or at least maybe once or twice a tour. They don't have to play such songs permanently. However, I'd enjoy the shows anyway.
  10. I just think he practised his live part.
  11. Mike actually played the part he plays live on piano.
  12. I wasn't serious =) I am so excited for the show tonight no matter what they do.
  13. No matter what it is, it's a free show in HD. So Maybe we get another Proshot of Blackout or BITS!!!. I am happy with that, even when theres no suprise. But when Mike posted something like that infront of 30.000.000 facebook fans it has to be something special.
  14. I know you put LPA as a source but where Mike said that?
  15. 100% agree. Sorry for saying so but Mike shouldn't have said that. I think it was also a big mistake that he said that they MAYBE bring back "With You".
  16. I GOT A BIG PROBLEM: I want the DSP from Hamburg. But unfortenately nobody of my family has a credit card.. -.- I thought you can pay it with PayPal. Is there another posibility to get it?
  17. OMG XD WRETCHES&KINGS is back. Wondering anyway why the dropped it lately
  18. I don't want to fuck you up - AND I AM NOT SAYING that it's not much in "Germany". Sorry if you thought that. But I think you get something. We just pay once and get something like M&G and stuff. I know some people are saying that M&Gs are nothing special but for me it is. Same with the Summits. I'm very interessted in music and for me playing on their instruments and talking to pooch and jim was very exciting for me. To have a look behind the scenes and learning something that fans from other artists can't do. But I am also saying that people who are in the LPU aren't more important or something like that. I am just saying that I think the price is okay. But that's just my opinion.
  19. Whats funny is, that I had this discussion just recently with a friend. He's not a LPU member and he was also pissed about the 60$ annual price.I don't want to attack people but I think 60$ isn't that much. Yeah it is but If somebody really wants to be in the LPU he can get the money. For the guys who are smoking. In Germany you have to pay 5 € = 7,18 $ for one pack of cigarettes. So if you save ~ 8 packs per year you can afford the LPU. In addition you (now) get a tshirt, a cellphone bag, a print and the chance for FREE MEET&GREETS and SUMMITS. I know so many people - fans of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Eminem and of course Bieber. They would pay hundreds of dollars for just say hi to them. And we get something like Summits. Backstagetours, Crewbustours, Walk on Stage and Q&A Sessions and videochats with the band. We get videos of Pooch explaining how to mix live concerts, we get studiotour-videos with Mike and explanations of how they achieved some of their sounds. LPU does so much for theire fans. (Think about the story with LPFan1989). Don't know why people always complaing about LP.
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