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Posts posted by RentEznor

  1. I listened LT all over again yesterday. It's far from a masterpiece but far from a disaster. I get the rushed out part cause they made that album like, in a few months (while being on Tour, they always weren't in NRG)? THP had more time to make and technically it was better, though, I still prefer LT over THP personally.

  2. We have tons of demos from the HT era from way way way before Don Gilmore touched anything and all I can say about Don is that he didn't tell them how to sound he helped them to perfect the songs at its maximum quality


    There's no demo from HT that it's better than the final version, Don did a fucking amazing job.

    Agreed, Don Gilmore nailed it on Hybrid Theory and Meteora. Rubin nailed it on MTM and ATS and then really let the reigns become too loose. Living Things is a disaster and shouldn't have ever been released in the way it was.

    Agree to disagree. I think they wrote some better lyrics than most of the final versions on the first 2 albums, with Rubin, that was another story. LT a disaster? I actually enjoyed a couple of songs from that album, it's been a while since I listened to it though.

  3. So according to some comments here, this is basically Hybrid Theory part 3 Pop version: "They're making music for the masses, not for themselves" without Don Gilmore or Warner telling them how to sound. It's what I understood. To a certain degree I could agree, but it doesn't take away that some of these songs have potential of sounding just fine live. Still, I will hear the whole thing on the 19th to be sure if I dig this or not so much, time will tell.


    Huh? I don't see a lot of angry people around here. Most just state their displeasure about the setlist which is I guess a pretty major point of having a forum and discussion like this? I don't know why people expect that only positive things get posted in here. It's the same thing as with Heavy where every criticism was called hate and stuff like that.


    Of course, cause I'm that type of person who praises everything that I like without any criticism, yep. Some LP fans are known for being so kind and open minded about new ideas right? I'm talking about in general, not just this forum. Not trying to say people necessarily who commented here were hostile, not even close, but sometimes I feel like some complain for small things like this, not even constructive criticism.

  5. According to Linkinpedia:

    Wretches - release date: September 2nd

    Live debut: September 14th


    Lies Greed Misery - release date in May 24th

    Live debut in May 17th, but the performance was only released in June 19th for Rio+Social. The first known live performance was in May 26th (Rock in Rio)


    Wastelands - release date in June 1st

    Live debut in May 24th


    Also, if we count, Tinfoil also was played before its release


    ATS was leaked a week or two before the worldwide release. Unless that date was an official release, then I've never heard of it.

  6. Gotta love some people are already angry about their first show of the OML cicle, can't imagine how's gonna be in the US tour in a few months lol.


    I actually appreciate a shake-up after the long drowned setlist of 2014-2015, never enjoyed it at all like how I did with 2010-2011 (personal favorite) and 2012-2013. It's a nice start and I agree that the order they played some songs felt weird, but still, I enjoyed it. Easily the highlight of the show was either ITE acapella by the crowd or LOATR, got tired of the Ballad Medley after a while and that felt 100 times more enjoyable and fresh, couldn't have asked a better change.

  7. Fck.


    Literally Fck.


    I hate this so so so much.


    I'd rather have MGK!


    I literally can not stand Snoop Dogg one bit. One of the most overrated artists of all time.


    Where's an up and coming rock band? Or an up and coming rapper who LP could bring more fans.


    I was happy when I hears the West Coast dates got someone other than MGK but now I'd rather have MGK back!!!!




    Overrated? Lol I've heard much worse.

  8. Is it possible for the band playing "P5HNG ME A*WY" again?


    They haven't played it for over 15 years. I don't think now suddenly they will touch something like that, it would feeld weird cause it doesn't match the current album cicle style.

  9. Never knew they actually tried to make a show in 2002, I get why cause they were making Meteora but still, that was a dick move by them. I'm sure their mgmt changed over time right? There's no way they're gonna tell them no again.

  10. https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/poprock/detail/-/art/linkin-park-story-so-far/hnum/6499047


    What do you guys think? The snippets are in really poor quality I don't know If Meteora instrumantals are the same versions, we already have.


    Definitely. They used some of the official instrumentals that we've got a few years ago, with the exception of ITE, being the Rock Band instrumental version, and Nobody's Listening, wich it sounds like a typical terrible edited fan made instrumental.


    It would be LOST IN THE ECHO. Wastelands was cool the first month, after that, I'm not listening it anymore. HT/Meteora songs won't never get old, this is the main reason that they are good songs: so, who do remember Wastelands? or Wretches and Kings? Anybody, and LP know it.


    It's also the reason that they play most of HT/Meteora songs on shows and less from after these.


    Honestly. I'd take Wretches and Kings over a track like In the End or Numb. They have played those 2 songs so many f*cking times I'm somehow tired of them (unless they decided to play Enth E Nd again since 2006 but that's unlikely). I like their old stuff but anyone who absolutely denies that they haven't produced good quality songs after Meteora, especially for their live shows, they're lying to themselves.



    And if you compare RTR with their shows at the Docklands Arena in Londen in 2001 or with RaR in 2004, RTR wasn't even that mad. However, if you compare it to tracks like BID and Heavy, you could even describe RTR as completely insane.


    Sad. It's getting downwards. It has been like that for the last 10 years.


    Different cicles, different music, different mindset. When I watch their House of Blues show in 2001 I don't think about RTR or Madrid 2010, I think about House of Blues, my mind it's on that place, that era. When I watch RTR or Madrid 2010, my mind is there, not at House of Blues or how "better" their shows were in the early days. Maybe I have this hability of knowing how and when to separate my feelings when I watch their shows, older or newer, I rarely think like this with other artists and bands.

  12. When LP says their next album has a harder, "in your face" sound, people expect HT part 2 (this happens with every new LP album)

    When LP says their next album focusses on lyrics, everyone expects top notch lyrics that even the greatest poets couldn't write.


    Astat said it perfectly once. People take Mike's word literally and they create their own expectations about the upcoming album to lately be likely disappointed.

  13. That indeed is one of the best LP remixes out there. Middle fucking explodes. I've had it on my iPod/in my iTunes since 2010. They really should play Wretches again. As much bullshit as we give them about A Place For My Head, Reading My Eyes, etc....Wretches is a super underrated song and was fun as hell live.


    I second this. ATS was such a fun album as a whole to hear play it live. One of my personal favorite cicles.

  14. Gotta be honest. It's quite sad that fans are the only ones who bother to find stuff like this instead of the band actually once in a while releasing exclusive stuff (either releasing it on iTunes, Amazon, etc or LPU), it wouldn't take that much time. I know they don't want to look back and I'm sure they're proud of what they've made, but they need to be aware that some hardcore fans still appreciate to hear more rare and unreleased tracks and not just demos on the LPU.


    With that said, I hope some good human being finds that treasure even if it's buried deep down the ocean.

  15. I lol'd at the end so hard. While I actually enjoyed what they played there and not the original new song, it's really tiring to see some people still wanting HT part 3 at this point. Funny touch by Mike & Chester wich sadly a lot of people are gonna take it seriously 100% as an insult like if they were mocking Hybrid Theory.

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