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Posts posted by Hybrid1988

  1. Before you all lose it and buy tickets and flights to Download. Don't do something you might regret later. Wait for them to announce more shows. This won't be the only show they'll do this. For example Metallica did it for an entire tour. I was pissed of in 2007 when they announced Rock im Park/Rock am Ring and got a ticket for RiP and then they announced the Hamburg arena show which was a billion times better.

    Those were my thoughts as well. Every band I have seen that does this usually just ends up making a tour or series of shows for it. I'm sure with all the time they spend rehearsing, they figure they might as well make it worth it.. I'm sure LP won't be different.

    I'm expecting next years tour to be HT in its entirety.

  2. Wow. I forgot how awesome High Voltage (Remix) is! That is definitely taking top spot for songs i'd like to see brought back.


    If I had to pick 3 i'd Choose:


    High Voltage (Remix)


    The Little Things Give You Away


    All songs I've never seen live. I'd LOVE to hear In Pieces and Valentines Day as well but I am pretty sure those will never be played again. I'm guessing they don't like those songs anymore?


    In all honesty though, I'd gladly welcome back any of the songs that have been listed in the main post. The Living Things tour was kinda "meh" for me as far as setlists go (except for Set B).

  3. This guy gets personally asked by the band what song he wants to hear and he picks BTH. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Awful.


    Oh well, that's what happens whenever KROQ throws a contest. Everybody and their mom enters and the hardcore fans don't have a chance.


    So what are everyone's hopes that the set will change or we'll get an old school song now? I'm personally not expecting a change at all but I'd love to be surprised. Maybe a Steve Aoki appearance?


    edit: just saw gravegaurd's post. Yeah, that'll probably end up being the only special thing they do. At least they somewhat listened to us though. Better than nothing :P

  4. At this point I'd rather see Robot Boy than anything else from LT but we'll see what happens.

    This x1000 !!


    After a year of letting it sink in, LT is easily the one LP album with the least lasting appeal for me save for a couple songs. It actually makes me sad that this was the successor to the absolutely amazing ATS.


    Like someone else said, the band is getting to the point where they have way too many popular singles. That could be bad for the long time and die hard fans because the way things have been going, it really only leaves a couple of options for future shows: either future sets filled with only singles or different sets with heavy song rotations (leaving fans that can only manage one show a tour to be left disappointed if they don't get the set they are hoping for).


    Hell, maybe I am being pessimistic and we will be surprised with "An Evening With Linkin Park" style shows in the future . That would be amazing and they could really pull out some songs form the vault and experiment.

  5. I'll be highly disappointed if they don't mix up the set somehow. Doesn't need to be anything drastic. Swap out a couple songs for some other ones to return or add an entirely new one. I'm not asking nor expecting anything amazing at this point because it's pretty obvious they are set in their ways when it comes to the live show. It's too bad they can't take a page from Muse's book and go balls out at a hometown show. I hate to say it but it seems like they've really been phoning it in this cycle.

  6. I honestly wouldn't mind if LP took another small ''hiatus'' and took a few years off and work on Fort Minor and solo projects, and then came back for a new LP album and tour and etc.

    I was actually hoping for this but oh well. I can't really complain too much about new LP music. I just think it's funny that the quickest LP album to be made is the one that had the least lasting appeal to me.


    Also, My Suffering demo >>>>> album version

  7. Julien-K said the guys were no longer friends with him.

    Wait. what? lol Wasn't he doing a bunch of studio vids with them and such? I wonder what happened. *shrug*



    Aaaanyway, this sudden turn of events is AWESOME! I can't think of a better singer than Chester for them. His voice really works best with hard rock in my opinion. Obviously, he is versatile and makes everything he sings on work well but damn, get some good heavy rock music behind him and he just KILLS IT!

  8. I'm all for this.

    Hopefully this can be worked out in some way even if it's only a few shows.

    I know I'd buy the 03-24-03 show in a heartbeat. (my first LPshow!)

  9. You know what would be great? If during their next album touring cycle they did what SOAD did. (and I believe Muse did this as well?)


    They could put up a poll of all their songs (or at least the ones they could feasibly play live) and have fans vote on them for each show (or tour). The songs with the most votes will be added to the set therefore giving casual and hardcore fans a chance at being happy. Of course, the downside would be that since hardcore fans are the minority, we'd be out voted in every poll but I would wager that with all the fan sites in on the action, we could coordinate our votes and have an eclectic mix of songs added.


    I fell in love with this idea during SOAD's comeback tour a couple years ago. The setlist turned out amazing and had such an awesome mix of singles and deep cuts.

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