I'm not talking about the ones people try to replace Emily's voice with Chester's voice which is awful
something like this:
still not a fan of this song
IMO, it sounds like someone tried to make a song similar to Linkin Park by using Ai
my biggest problem with this song is the bridge
But awesome video
I kinda agree with you
It's a good radio friendly song
But GG is a radio friendly song too
Overflow as well
If this song is from FZ in any ways it's not even included for original tracklist.
Among all this amazing songs from FZ (IGYEIH, GG, Overflow) they are releasing this song as a single and made a video for it?!
Not a big fan this song so far
this is awesome
Overflow next PLZ
oh and maybe FTI and FF and I would like to see this hybrid version of LOST
does anyone else think youtube fucked up the quality of this video?
I mean like yeah that's awesome to have yesterday show with better mix and everything but we already watched it
or the Live tracks from the albums. except OEO we already heard TEM and HITC
or RAR01 from HT20 and many more examples
I don't know you guys but when an artist or a band release a live show in any form I like it to be from a show that I didn't watched or heard before that release
Like Bogota shows was an amazing show.
or if you had a plan to release last night show in official forms you shouldn't let it to be streamed live