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Everything posted by AusNeil

  1. Sounds very Grey Daze, just more rock. I think i might fall in love soon. BRB listening to Grey Daze
  2. MTV Australia will get it but not for another 6 months at least.
  3. Chester is also a guy so you can stop calling him "her" from now on. and they say DBS is his solo project because he is the only Linkin Park member from the band. Just like Fort Minor was Mikes solo project, even though there were other people involved.
  4. people need to ask interesting stuff like "what's your favourite colour underwear" ... *cough* or at least stuff thats not asked every LPU chat..
  5. for the record mike said he will never get a twitter. just lettin yall know
  6. i designed some for the Chester Bennington site that never went ahead. heres what they looked like http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-2.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-3.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazo...O-Shirt-3-b.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-4.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazo...O-Shirt-4-b.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-5.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-6.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-7.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-8.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-9.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-10.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-11.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-12.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-13.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/nazon/CBO-Shirt-14.gif
  7. Forgotten is a sweet Studio song but every live version ive heard sounds terrible...
  8. AusNeil


    firstly how about a contest for a contest? so the person who comes up with the idea cant enter? or were all just gonna play to our own strengths --> wont be a fair contest.
  9. i actually own the album. its pretty damn awesome.
  10. New Divide - Single will be available in the store on May 20, 2009 (Australia) there you go. apparently being in the middle of nowhere means we get movies a day ahead but songs a day later! amazing!
  11. its not even up in the Australian iTunes. i cant even see a pre-order download link
  12. personally my fav is this one: Thats not just someones bike.. thats a prop for the video. anyway check it out: http://www.suru-la.com/blog/388/new-divide-on-set
  13. Yes i did firstly but my second edit was after i contacted my local radio station and they confirmed to me that they WILL be playing the new Linkin Park song on MONDAY so before all you US kids. Nova seems to do the same thing all over the place so guess so. just shoot them an email or even call in. (its best to call into the station and not the radio hosts tho)
  14. neither can i. its called the internet. and if they dont allow Australian IP address's to listen in then use an american proxy site. EDIT: Check my post up for times in Australian EST
  15. Sorry for being Australian but what time zone are we speaking in? so i can listen online... i hope (unless us radcore kids over here get it on Nova or some other shitty mediocre station) EDIT: For us AEST kids (is daylight saving still going?) its 10:00 am on Tuesday. So if its a worldwide release on Monday then it looks like we will be getting it first. maybe. ill call up a few stations and ask around. EDIT EDIT: I just got confirmation that Nova 1069 (Brisbane) WILL be playing New Divide sometime on Monday in Australia (+10 gmt) so we hear it first
  16. lol the other day i was arguing with him to come to australia and it merged into a discussion on weather Australia should move closer to LA or LA should move closer to Australia.
  17. honestly i dont think there will be an official announcement. why would he want his page spammed with people asking where he lives and how his day is going and whens the new album out?
  18. Heres the story i got from Jen (she runs Chesters website for him) Chris Cornell got his wife into twitter who got chesters wife into twitter who got chester into twitter, then chesters wife told Jen to post it on the website. I know this story cause Jen and me are good friends. Talinda also mentioned about how the album was being mixed. I have a feeling Hahninator just doesnt want to be embarrassed by posting a story that could be false, in which there is no shame anyway cause if it is fake its a fucking awesome fake. plus
  19. so his website posted it just for fun then? /sarcasm
  20. Quote From Chester: Source: http://twitter.com/chesterbe Discuss, will it be delayed? or is this the final truth? Edit: On a side note, he also said he will be posting on his forum later. (yes i might have asked him.. )
  21. and which rock have you been living under?
  22. im sick of americans complaining about not getting enough concerts. no offence but what about countries who havnt had a show yet? or get a show every 3 years, instead of like a show + per year?
  23. errr... you can. its called buying online and paying for international shipping OR going to your favourite music store and asking them to ship it over for you. if they dont slap them cause obviously they suck and go to a better store.
  24. lol much. I downloaded it... only cause i bought it and they shipped it but i havent gotten it yet cause i live in australia...
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