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Everything posted by ivan_astahov27

  1. And when the instructions will be send? 'cause for some people, the road to Moscow will take more than 2 days - on the train, without(or with very expensive because of roaming) Internet and they can't check their mail on the road.
  2. 7PM at Moscow time. Damn, I can't be there... at this time I'll be on my way to Moscow for Transformers show...
  3. I redeemed my package even before i've received newsletter from LPU, so I'm on it BTW, names in the list in alphabet order by surname, except #1-3.What's wrong with them?
  4. It's poster from radio station that was mentioned at press-release on Transformers's Facebook. It says, they will give 20 000 invites to show to those who will listen this radio and hear special 'access code'.
  5. ...and all my smiles and 'lol's just became invisible at once )) I know what is REAL racism. Anв situation with contest isn't racism, but discrimination, i know. it's just very emotional joke using hyperbole, like US residents is another race, that are "intrinsically superior to members of other races" and it's the reason why only they are allowed to join the contest I'm sorry.
  6. no.Of course it isn't racism, if you ARE US resident US have other opinion about "what is racism" and it isn't "when you're banned from contest just becaule you're living in wrong (non-US) country"
  7. yeah, there was some of the European countries... not for US only Proof is NoBraiN - he is from Poland, AFAIK But there was an alternative contest for those who couldn't join the official contest. LPL, LPAssociataon and LPTimes was hosters. maybe they will do it again?
  8. Damn. Open only to US Residents. http://www.linkinpark.com/profiles/blogs/i...artwork-contest It's some kind of Racism, lol What do you think about the idea to organize alternative contest for non-US residents, like it was with "The Catalyst" remix contest???
  9. i gusess now it could be added to Shows-list here @ LPLive
  10. no, it starts at the end of June, cuz 8 weeks from may,2 is June,27.
  11. If this show really will be on the Red Square, I guess it will be VERY HARD to keep it secret.
  12. now all we really need is official info and ANY info about date of performance!!! Anyway, I'll do everything to be there!
  13. I guess it will be movie-premiere before cinema-release (30.06) so it could be 22/23/24/29.06.11. Waiting for official confirmation...
  14. Mr.Hahn in a cowboy hat reminds me about "Get Me Gone"
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