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  1. Audio came out garbage. The end of the mic was loose. So every time i moved and spiked the levels. I think I cut out one channel then split the good channel on both sides. Yeah Last time too because he was a week away going to Mansfield before he died. Before that, I was suppose to see Chris Cornell the next day too before he died.
  2. Nice little video of one of Chester's last performances http://xplicitbootlegs.com/index.php?r=site/index&aid=748&rid=7612 😃
  3. Boom, 2cam + ext audio
  4. Cool, I might attend as well Lol @ Stubhub.... 8$ tickets, score
  5. Will be here on Tuesday, in Boston, MA anyone want that filmed? www.xplicitconcerts.com
  6. The shows are listed in the picture, Unless you mean something else?
  7. Sounds like you have nothing to offer lol
  8. i haz nameless lp masters
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