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Everything posted by castro78

  1. Chester comparing Heavy to the songs he mentioned is ridiculous. Obviously, I don't like the song, but I'm pretty amazed that they don't think it's a pop song. Mike denied it, and now Chester is saying this.
  2. Something we agree on...
  3. This is Mike's band, what he wants to do is what they do. Unfortunately, for me at least, Mike seems to enjoy making radio friendly pop songs right now. It is what it is.
  4. Sounds terrible...which is exactly what I expect from this record.
  5. You should direct that to Astat...I only responded to his nonsense.
  6. Astat...why do you always have to be such a huge douche? Do I make comments directed at you when you come in here and act like you're the only person on Earth who understands music? Seriously, there are times when you literally act like you invented music. Do I talk shit to you then? When you're being an arrogant asshole? No, I don't. I don't know you and you don't know me. So do me a favor, keep your mouth shut about me. Nobody asked for your opinion about my hatred of Heavy.
  7. The song is total garbage.
  8. I just can't understand why they would go in this direction. Why team up with outside song writers? Why take a complete 180 from the last record? This has Shinoda and Brad written all over it.
  9. The reason to go this route is simple....it's sells.
  10. I've been ripping the song all day, but I have to admit, that live piano version is pretty good. Chester and Kiiara sound great together.
  11. I'm sure they were serious. LP is run by Mike. Him, Brad, and Chester write all of the songs and decide what direction the band is going.
  12. I love Shinoda, but he's being delusional. This is the epitome of a radio friendly pop song.
  13. The rest of the album is going to be more of the same. Shinoda said it himself. They've really lost their way this time.
  14. Mike says 'Heavy' is a great representation of what the album sounds like. Cool, so the album is full of generic pop songs. Can't wait.
  15. Shinoda runs the show with LP. He wants to make different music every album to a fault. Generic pop songs are not the route most LP fans wanted them to take.
  16. This song is garbage. What a disappointing way to start things off. Chester sounds horrible in the opening verse...much better in the chorus. Kiiara sounds awesome...should have been her song.
  17. This song is such an obvious attempt at getting on the radio. Really disappointed in the direction of this.
  18. Ten songs?? Awesome....great job guys. I have zero expectations for this record.
  19. That song is fucking garbage. Chester sounds horrible in the first verse. Just another boring pop song, meant to appeal to the masses. What happened to this band? Kiiara's vicals sound great, the rest of it is shit.
  20. Honestly, some of you will go crazy. I matter what they put out. I get it, but that's not me.
  21. Let's be honest, they wrote a record in THP that wasn't received great, and didn't sell great either. So they decided to go back to a BID type tune to appeal to the masses again. I get it, I just don't like it. Maybe the rest of the record is different. Who knows.
  22. So now we're comparing LP to Timberlake and Maroon 5?? That's who you think they fit in with. Because that's ridiculous.
  23. These are grown men with families, writing pop songs. I hope the rest of the album is different. I shouldn't be surprised, it was obvious they would go this route after THP.
  24. Sounds like a generic pop song. The lyrics are ridiculous for a bunch of 40 year old men.
  25. Sounds pretty "poppy."
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