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Everything posted by praya

  1. i think that to an extent w&k was their old style refined. heavy riffs, in your face rapping, chester shredding the chorus. to me it kind of harkens back to the old doomsday type music we used to have, it's just that the delivery is different from chester and mike.
  2. lol i think its safe to say that linkin park is going to touch every genre of music with this album
  3. dude, can you imagine the fuckin live performance of this? who ever said this would melt your face off aint lieing. it's like old school hardcore public enemy.
  4. i love that they're comparing it to Kid A, i just it was more indepth in terms of what works and what doesn't. but makes me more optimistic though
  5. -praya -19 -Edgewood, MD Well first let me give a little introduction for thoes who are unaware of me. I've been part of the LP community since around 04, (aww I remember when hanhninator was just a little noob ) I was a moderator/admin on Linkinparkforums.com(RIP) as Azemkamikaze03. I then moved on to Fortminorworld.com which was changed in to LPprojekt.com which appears to have died. I joined this page not to long ago, but I've always just kinda floated around the forum topics. I still do and occasionally post if I see that there is something worth saying. Alot of people may not know me in the LP community any more but I've always been pretty dedicated to LP and their community. Anyways! So why I should win? To be quite honest with you, I've only ever been to one "concert" in my life and it was B.o.B. at Six Flags Great Adventure less than a month ago. And while B.o.B. put on the best show he could, it was basically lame. It rained the whole time, and the crowd was dismal. Since about 03 when I really started getting into Linkin Park I, like most people, have been craving to see them live. Especially in their glory days ProRev, SummerSonic, MWT, RockAm, etc etc. But my parents weren't in to the whole take your kids to concert stuff so I missed out. I think what sets me apart from the people wanting to attend this concert is not the fact that I want to just see linkin park perform, but more or less I want to see them perform music they want to play. They aren't making numetal anymore which is something I feel held them back for so long. when you see the interviews now a days about ATS you see a gleam in their eyes. they're excited about this music, it seems like for once they actually want to just get back on stage as a band and play again. I felt like they weren't happy with the band as a whole when m2m came out and that they were squirming to get free, and if ATS is a representation of their freedom to express their music as they would like to then I would love to be in that crowd when they do so. To me it's more than a fanboys dream, its the ability to for myself as a musician to relate to linkin park not on an emotional lyrical level but on a artistic level for one night. I could probably get a ticket for next summer when they tour, im sure most could. but I really would prefer to be able to see this one time event. so yea, please consider. love. praya. ;]
  6. lol no body is mentioning how insanely drama filled this dvd is apparently gunna be
  7. ...is this dead now? lol
  8. well I assume for the most part Linkin park and the folks at wb are revolving most of their debuting around American standards. New albums in america debut on tuesdays. so if anything, if the leaks are supposed to happen two weeks prior that means that today would probably be the day for that to happen. if it does.
  9. i felt like the review was kind of wack. half of the stuff he didn't remember, which was kind of wack. i mean at least he helps present a better idea of some of the tracks but I feel like I'm not sure if i should trust his judgement 100% though
  10. praya

    New LPTV

    epic fail syndrome in full effect.
  11. i thought it was dope, but I would have definately traded in the whole guys in masks and random group of ten people moshing for shots of the whole band. but with that being said this video does kind of give me that old school linkin park feel. with the masks and what not which is a nice memory jogger. btw whats with lp and apocalyptic themes? can't they just make a video were chester has his girlfriend come over for the first time and warns the whole crew not to misbehave, but they do anyway and the whole time chaz is like flippin out trying to keep everything under control but it turns out the girl is crazy fun too and they all just end up having fun and a good time? Yes the whole band would live together in the video because they're like bffl.
  12. excellent point. It all depends on how the Catalyst does for the charts. if push comes to shove and it performs poorly we'll have another single out before sept 14th but if it does well which it seems on track to doin' then they are gunna try to keep it's popularity going as long as possible.
  13. Brad looked pissed when Mike said that "pot smokers" line.
  14. Don't talk to strangers unless they have candy. And if they don't tell them "Let Me Go." But really, LP is pretty black and white when it comes to the meaning of their lyrics.
  15. To me, if they were to continue to make songs like What I've Done, Numb, Breaking The Habit, Crawling, Blackbirds, or New Divide. That'd be selling out to me. Because for a band like linkin park their sound was already fairly mainstream friendly and generic to begin with, so they couldn't really sell out anymore unless they put justin beiber and akon on a track. So I really don't see any of thoes arguments as valid. Catalyst seems like a step in a direction the Beatles headed in when they departed from their cheesey boy band music and who was to blame? Lenon...and drugs. (chill out beatles enthusiast lol) I think for all the haters you're gunna have to hear the album to like this song. It sounds like me it'll be consistent sonically with the rest of the album and fit in like a puzzle peice.
  16. i liked reanimation more because you can really just zone out. it paints like this fluid dreamscape and you can kind of just close your eyes after a long night and disapear into the music. for HT when i play that im generally in my car in the mood to scream at something and just rock out with my cawk out.
  17. They said in one of thoes 'making of vids' that they basically used instruments and sounds that weren't expected in a Linkin Park song. And that's what makes this sound good. Between the seamless fading of Chester and Mike (which before it was a clear distinction of the two) to the insane synths, the upbeat poppy drum play. no clear focus on the separation of chorus and verses. the flange lol. The thing is it's a sound you can't mimic. No matter what I could never had made this track. I could probably make any song off any of their other albums, but I wouldn't have been able to think of a soundscape like this. so yea with that being said it's garbage. jk i love it lol it's gucci
  18. I disagree. I think people will at first be shocked at this sound but then again think of it as a trend. Exaggerated Autotune was weird as hell when tPain first started doing it, but now it's like a industry standard. Maybe LP will push in a new wave of rock, which always happens. Rock's sound popularity always changes. from grunge to ska to punk to new metal to coldplay to fall out boy to w/e it is now. lol so don't think of it as Linkin Park losing fans, look at it as them possibly setting a new trend in rock music.
  19. Agreed. Didn't they say they were creating a new format/way to listen and enjoy music? They were saying a lot of crazy things about this album way back lol
  20. I think this will be pretty sick live. it feels likes it would be something were they get the whole crowd to chant along and really get emotional with it and this epic level
  21. Okay, so I'm confused just a little and there are to many pages to sift through for an answer. So basically is the single being released via iTunes today(Aug 1)? And if the answer is yes, Why is it not up yet? Oh btw they finnally but the album up for presale on iTunes
  22. I think everyone including Linkin Park was pushing for a new sound and if this is any indication of how ATS will sound I think it's an appropriate one. From what I've gathered this song at least is like if ReAnimation was an original album, and it was on crack. It's an acquired taste definitely, but I mean What I've Done, New Divide, and even Black Birds and some of their other singles (Yea, BB wasn't a single I know) that culminate their sound were starting to get a bit played out. I'm glad they chose this as a single as oppose to something more generic and safe as they usually do.
  23. could be in the vein of something like Reanimation, where the interludes scratched out around 30 seconds to one minute. I'm pretty sure they have an intro which is probably going to be really short and at least one interlude to keep the album connected. Joe will probably get back a track as well. Idk, I s'pose it really doesn't matter though as long as the album feels complete no matter the length.
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