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  1. There needs to be a response to this. No matter who is at fault.
  2. It really is disappointing, but honestly why is it that they are re-using the same set list like a leather jacket. Are we really ready to speculate that some members of the band don't enjoy the shows? Did Linkin Park forget how to play other songs? Or is this really "Linkin Park" up on stage? Find out the answers to these questions and more, NEVER.
  3. They should release the hi-def pics, low-def is a bummer.
  4. Gonna enjoy the hell out of this.
  5. Hey Mark, it was nice meeting you in Sunrise even if it was for like 30 seconds. hopefully next time you come down for a show we could have a legitimate conversation.
  6. Gonna be there for surez! I can't wait. I'll be happy with whatever they trow my way.
  7. Hey Hahninator at what time should I be there? First LP concert.
  8. I get out of school really late the 19th so I can't get together, however I still want to sign the flag. Will I still be able to the day of the concert?
  9. I got Sunrise, I'll send it to you later today.
  10. Chester's face at the end of that video, Priceless.
  11. Awesome interview, am going to keep my eyes peeled during the sunrise show for him.
  12. I first found LPA (just visit it, not a member), but through that found LPL a few years back. Joined the forums around the time the hype for ATS started because I felt it was necessary the express my thoughts on all the madness that was going on. Also the insightful thoughts the community was putting into things caught my attention. Proud member I must say.
  13. I know right, the semester just ended for us Architecture students. We barely see the light of day and we barely sleep also. Thats good of them, just checked their site. Maybe new music will come out of this touring. Back on topic. Man I would love to see LP and SOAD at the same venue, however thats not happening since I life in the other side of the pond and am broke as a bad joke.
  14. System of a Down is back? Since when?
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