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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. I've pre-ordered that HT vinyl reissue from Amazon.com, and it's also not shipped yet
  2. Courtesy of the latest email from Music For Relief, we have learned about a new Linkin Park show in January in none other than....you guessed it....the usual place of Las Vegas, Nevada. Here's the email: "HELP POWER THE WORLD WITH CLEAN COOKSTOVES FOR A CHANCE TO MEET LINKIN PARK Electricity is a privilege unavailable to most poor families in Nepal, so they use thousands of pounds of wood for cooking. Smoke from these indoor fires results in 4 million deaths (mostly women and children) per year from lung and heart diseases, cancers, burns and more. Join us to provide clean biogas cookstoves to benefit people, wildlife, and the planet. If you raise $565 for one biogas system by November 22, you will be entered to win tickets to see Linkin Park at a small, private show in Las Vegas in January." More information can be found here.
  3. Not to create another thread... Did I miss the announcement, or is it some kind of mistake? http://www.amazon.de/Vinyl-Maxi-Single-Sto...words=high+rise High Rise Vinyl?
  4. Of course Shipping Address. That's why it's called "shipping" address.
  5. I'm waiting for my CD.
  6. I wonder why is this video unlisted on YouTube.
  7. I was going to add it, and then forgot. Thanks for reminding and notes about album names. Added missing ones.
  8. Thanks. I used some other icons, actually. I googled for official logos today. Some of them were fine, but some - did not fit our purpose, so I searched for other official sources except press page with logos. Myspace logo was taken from Myspace page on iTunes. I had to use Photoshop a lot this evening to make some of them look better, etc. MikeShinoda's logo looks rather bad comparing to others, but I was not able to find a better version of it, and I don't really know how to draw such logo from scratch or on top of this. I think we did a great job with this page. I really like it. Still some things left to make it perfect. Now we have to think of what else can we add to the list.
  9. Awesome, thanks. I've edited the main post. Few notes: Still need Soundcloud logo of 64x64. I can do it on my own a bit later. For MS website - it has a small favico of MS logo - I think we should find something similar. Also added Club Tattoo site's link. Need logo for that. Joe Hahn's website needs a logo, as well as Ve'Cel, if we consider to keep it. We could add Talinda's twitter and website (cooking one, if I remember correctly), as well as Samantha's twitter. On a side note - I don't like Twitter and Facebook icons. We need to make them similar to others - more roundish... I'm going offline now, so either I'll do it tomorrow, or someone else can find more appropriate icons.
  10. Yeah, I think 64 is great.
  11. I've increased the limit a bit, so now we should be fine. Do you have the same icons with a bigger size? What dimensions are they? I want to resize those that I attached to use them. Also, do you have any ideas about icons for Official Website, and Store? Maybe some WWW icon, and an icon with a $ sign?
  12. But in the post you made - they all fit. How much more can we put there? I edited those icons I found for other sites - in my previous post. We could think of some custom icons for official websites, and stores. Only these two are left, actually.
  13. Nice. Thanks for taking time to do this. I fixed some stuff in quote. I think a bit bigger would be great! If we can't make a post with lots of pictures - we'll have to get along with Codebox than, I guess. We could use these for other missing. Just needs to be resized. I didn't know what would be the final size of icons, so I left original sizes.
  14. For some reason I think that it's not working anymore.
  15. Added Power The World, and also Download To Donate. We could make it more user-friendly by adding icons of the sites instead of their names for YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Viddy, VKontakte, etc. But I would need a set of icons of the same style and size.... And right now I don't know where to find them for so many different websites in one place.
  16. I agree with this. On a much wider perspective - we could think of making news by sections. For example like LPAssociation have for LPA News and Linkin Park News, but in our case we could make it something like: - All News - Linkin Park News - Julien-K News - STPWCB News - etc. Or even make it a multi-selection so that user could pick which categories he wants to see on the homepage, so that if he wants LP and JK - he won't have to select All News and see STP too.
  17. Yeah, I'm wondering this too. Are there any screenshots available to compare it with the old version by any chance?
  18. I have also found these MySpace pages in my connections. Probably they were also official: https://myspace.com/lpuhq https://myspace.com/machineshopmarketing https://myspace.com/ericbobo https://myspace.com/theseedmovie https://myspace.com/musicforrelief https://myspace.com/sobryu Should we add these? There should probably be The Seed section separately.
  19. Done, also added SURU store. Should we add Ve'Cel?
  20. Thanks. Added these. Also added Linkin Park's VK.com page. I'm sure there are much more links. DBS has a MySpace page, right? LP probably has one too. What about Fort Minor? Any links still alive?
  21. No, couldn't remember everything.
  22. List of all links List is definitely not finished. I just can't remember anything else at the moment. Anyone who can help - feel free to post links (and if it's something strange - better give source or any proof that it's real)
  24. I don't know what is CASH U. No, it's not true. LPU accepts VISA/Master Card cards from all over the world (maybe there are some restrictions, but I'm not aware of them). You should try to contact LPU support, and/or your bank that issued your Visa card and ask them why did the transaction not succeed.
  25. There were only 8 tracks on the Reanimation demo cd - that's why there are only those tracks in the list.. Damn, it was very late, when I wrote that post yesterday (or was it today already)...
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