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Posts posted by Justin

  1. I hate to keep bringing up The Beatles lol but I only remember this because I was following all the pre-order stuff.


    What they did during the pre-order phase for their anniversary releases was to release the album version of a song, remastered, and a demo of that song.


    For example, when they announced Abbey Road pre-orders, they released Something (remastered), and an early take of that same song.


    So for LP, if they did have HT remastered, the equivalent would be like if they announced pre-orders and released the album version of APFMH (remastered) and Esaul. That would be great, and my point is that there's precedent for bands doing that.

  2. 28 minutes ago, gorast said:

    No BS, one of the versions of Esaul would be a great hype track for pre-orders. Same energy as the final song since the instrumental is mostly the same, but you get new "content" since Mike's verses are different in every version of the song. Regardless of whether or not it's a version we already have (be it from LPU or the 9-track demo), for marketing purposes it seems like a good pick. That or an In the End demo, lol.


    I would love it to be Esaul, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it were a demo of ITE or Crawling.

  3. 1 hour ago, mrfox said:

    Pictureboard = In yourself and people asking on twitch what Mike likes on breakfest lol, if there was a theory why nobody figured out send him link with Be yourself jam?

    To be fair, Mike has had question redemptions closed since before this promotional campaign even started. He was just so backed up that he still is working his way through them.

  4. Amazing post. Thanks for that! Definitely agree that this needed its own post. I hope this isn't a red herring lol because this plot twist is just too perfect.


    Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the parallel to Carnival of Light! Their poor fanbase has been waiting for 52 years and counting lol

  5. The fact that Mark and the band are on good terms leads me to think they have no reason to exclude him/ It's not like there's any kind of bad blood that would make it awkward. It's a celebration of HT, but the foundations of HT were laid with Xero. Any Xero songs that weren't re-recorded with Chester shouldn't be excluded arbitrarily.

    Mark left, which we can all be thankful for since his departure opened the door for Chester to come in and take LP to unimaginable heights.

  6. 14 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:


    Bands usually don't do more than 1 big blowout release for an album. Just one and that's it, all said and done. HT30 won't happen, it'll be ATS20 by then which should (if things go right) get the same treatment as HT20. By setting the bar high with HT20, they have set it up so every album on its 20th anniversary can get a great release.


    Metallica, for example, doesn't do a big release every 10 years for an album, it's just one big one they explode and close the door on. If LP is going to do something, now's the time. Could easily see this being 4 CDs, a DVD, a vinyl, merch, art. Something epic. We'll see.


    Maybe it's announced THIS week.


    I'm honestly already hyped at just the thought of ATS 20. Amazing album, and the imagery of the ATS era was really cool. It will make any box sets look amazing.


    Also, no, I can't imagine this whole thing is leading up to just HT remastered with a few bonus tracks lol.

  7. 2 hours ago, xeroboi said:

    When we getting them?

    You’ve been asking questions like this for the entire thread. We don’t know lol. That’s the whole point of the band doing it this way. We know the same info as you do, and all of that info is in here.

    I promise you, as soon as finding out solid details is possible, it will be posted here immediately.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Diaux said:

    Imagine if the 4 songs were from the underground albums that we already had (6, 9, 10 and 11). that would be the biggest troll move in a long time.



    Honestly, I would probably laugh before the disappointment actually sunk in.

  9. 52 minutes ago, DylHDZ said:

    I think he meant new stuff, as in the One More Light b-side he was talking about. That would be like almost a brand new LP song, not a demo. Then again, he might have said that to throw people off and make HT20 more of a surprise. They’re celebrating the album anniversary I doubt there will be any Mark stuff....think everyone is pretty sure it’s Chesters audition stuff plus some other demos that didn’t make the album. 


    He was explicitly talking about Friendly Fire when he said that. Somebody asked him to play it during the stream, and he laughed it off by saying something like "Yeah right, let's just debut a brand new Linkin Park song with Chester's vocals on a Twitch stream," and then wound up saying "You guys are going to have to wait literally years to hear that stuff".

  10. Most of these instrumentals are not the type of music he would normally make, and he obviously isn’t putting 100% into them either way. He makes them from scratch in 3 hours and just polishes them up a little bit before releasing them.


    Plus, it’s just Dropped Frames. Mike literally said himself he’s only releasing these so that the people who have been watching the streams can have them, and he recommended that they be used as background music. These are not serious album releases. These are very niche releases. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Coizu said:

    Does someone have numbers how much big anniversary releases of other bands cost? I think Metallica and Beatles were mentioned a couple of times here.


    I paid about $90 for the Super Deluxe 50th anniversary release for Abbey Road. It comes with a hardback book, a remastered CD, 2 CD's of demos/outtakes, and a Blu-Ray with the remastered audio


    I got the 50th anniversary Sgt. Pepper's release for around $130. Hardback book, remastered CD, 2 CD's of demos/outtakes, CD with original mono mix, Blu-Ray with remastered audio and making of documentary, and 2 posters.

  12. On 8/4/2020 at 5:18 PM, Hybrid1988 said:

    Any concerns that Jeff could be considered an "unreliable narrator"? Fact is, he knows a ton about the band's early history and origins. Just worried that he might embellish or change things for "dramatic purposes" or to make himself look more favorable.


    Yes. That's what I was getting at in my earlier post in this thread lol. I don't think he would be writing a book to let us all know that he definitely wanted Mike out of the band or restricted to just keyboards. Plus the stuff with Chester basically telling him to fuck off after being told "You should be the star", him wanting Joe to wear a lab coat on stage, him showing the ITE demo to another rapper and then telling the band "This guy didn't like it, you should change the whole song". It doesn't sound like the band and he are on great terms, so the fact that he's writing a book about them at all is weird enough.


    I would probably check it out and read it, but any completely outlandish claims I would take with a grain of salt.

  13. 5 hours ago, hahninator said:

    There are VERY FEW bands and VERY FEW things from those actual bands I'd pay that much for - Hybrid Theory 20 is one of them. There are a couple of things off the top of my head that if they potentially include in this.... you could just name a price and I'd pay it. Let's see what they do.


    Agreed 1000%. I wouldn't even consider dropping $500 (or anything in that neighborhood) for most bands, but for HT 20? I'm down.

  14. 4 hours ago, hahninator said:

    Well they don't like Jeff currently so they aren't going to have a positive opinion on him releasing a tell-all book of the 1998-2000 time period from his perspective when LP is trying to celebrate the album's anniversary lol


    Watch him claim the total opposite of everything we've heard about him so far lol. I can see it now: "The guys all came to me privately and said "We want Mike gone", but I told them that wouldn't be smart. I knew they had something special with the interplay between Mike and Chester's vocals."

  15. So I texted grandson through his Community app number about this song, and he responded! The exchange was as follows:


    Me: riptide is great!! I would be very interested to know what role Mike Shinoda played in the creation of this song. Was it just production, or was he a part of the lyric writing process on this one as well?


    grandson: Good question. Well first off it was at his studio, with him encouraging us to dig deeper and make something we really like...I had written the guitar and lyrics but hadn't actually put them together, who knows if that would've happened without him. Beyond that he helped us figure out the structure of the song like how long each section should be, gave his thoughts on production and then some mix notes at the end.


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