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  1. https://imgur.com/a/Oq4pQ8b Mine has just arrived. Hurry & Chair are complete on the LPU rarities CD which comes in a sealed paper envelope. Not compared the other items to their other replacements yet. The hybrid solider print still looks blocky but potentially nicer than the previous one. Will need to check!
  2. Most people haven’t got it yet due to the strikes. Mine was sitting in a sorting office somewhere over Christmas and has moved today to the local one. Will post all the pictures when I can. Honestly not sure you’ll be able to see much difference. When they resent the prints last time they were just as pixelated… The CD will be interesting though to see if it’s got any identifying number or similar to show it’s the corrected one.
  3. I don’t know. Parcels are getting priority here. Won’t be holding my breath for it though! also how the hell are you? You vanished off all social media just as I was trying to message you.
  4. Similarly got the tracking number for 48 hour delivery. Although with the strikes I expect the earliest deliveries will be the 29th / 30th December. Considering I got the original replacement package, complained about the lithographs and soon after got a message saying that they were stopping doing replacement items... I'm intrigued with what's actually going to turn up.
  5. New updated video is now live in the original post. Torrent will go up later today.
  6. Small update. I had a failed render (approx three and a half hours of the computer thinking about it). Visually it looked great but the audio was broken. It’s been a long day - so going to look at it tomorrow and see if I can just do the audio separately and merge it together. I have an lpbits account so the new copy will be on torrent and mega once I’m happy with it. Expect it up Friday.
  7. Brilliant - is there a format or anything that lpbits prefers? Feel free to drop me a PM with any requests.
  8. The blue bits are new shots or footage (apart from the first half / audio of LitE). This cut is just over a minute and a half longer with Mike & Chester joking about Invisible, shout out to Stormzy, and some more talking about Jon Greene before NCSMN. Between those songs there is now no gaps at all. All intros are there in full, every moment! Lost in the Echo is not a single camera source anymore, and has a mix of two - this means that that only song that relies on one camera is Burn It Down. I'll be rendering this tonight, if I get chance to upload it tonight too I will with keeping in mind of some of the requests here. This is likely the version I'll burn to bluray unless any more footage appears! Then I'll dive in to Scala & Roundhouse Mike gigs (although you can see 5 tracks of Mike at the roundhouse on my Youtube channel already)
  9. Yeah Mike asked fans what they wanted to hear and he ended up doing this quite unique mash-up. This was the version I uploaded at the time, but the new version obviously incorporates other people's cameras.
  10. The hint is in the paragraph you quoted... 'Fort Minor Scala gig' https://lplive.net/shows/fortminor/20150908 Currently the last show Mike went under 'Fort Minor'. I have most the show in some form. There They Go / APFMH is great...
  11. I will be shortly adding a new version of the video. I came across a 17 minute long clip and this fills in a few gaps, adds some new shots and means that from Lost in the Echo, all the way to Waiting for the End we don’t lose a second. We hear some more talking from the band which is always a bonus. I’ll be putting it up in multiple zip files to make it easier for you and others to download.
  12. Here's xxHybridXeroxx's audio rip up on Mega. https://mega.nz/#!LMABRSZY!uIgaj1iVL25-wUniOXo34gUrKIk6h_adRokgG34XFss ---- However! Always a risk with things like this... a friend posted a link on FB that fills in a few gaps. A 17 minute long video taken from the front row that starts in Lost in the Echo and goes all the way to Invisible. There's a few gaps in between, and the quality is only 480p, however it fills in the band talking between the songs and some nice interactions, so next week I'll look at adding that in! I'm trying to contact the original uploader to see if there was anything else filmed.
  13. Well done guys. Sorry I was away yesterday.
  14. So when creating something like this, I used audio from multiple cameras. The idea being that the sounds you want to hear can be heard from different points in the crowd, and people talking will only be heard on one audio source so should be quieter. You also find that different phones / cameras react different to the levels of noise differently, and using multiple sources you get a more balanced sound. In theory this means best quality... this only works if the sounds are in sync though. Faint on the 2018 version suffers from serious echo problems and the sound is more muffled than it should be. This was because while visually the cameras appeared in sync, the audio for a few cameras was not. So in the new downloadable version I've gone back in and corrected the audio - so while it's not suddenly perfect, it is better than the previous version. That might be making things over complex - but hopefully it makes sense?
  15. If h265 supports chapter markers then I'm all for it. I am working on a personal version to burn to bluray for my collection, so the markers exist to do this. Will have a bit of research and see what I can do. Having a nose at finishing and uploading the Fort Minor Scala gig. People seem to forget this show ever happened, it was such an intimate show. It was in a small room and crazy. Sadly unless I find a wealth of more videos this show won't be 100% complete, but I have videos of every song, and at least a minute and a half, but most songs will be there in a complete form. Here's a version of Welcome I did way back in 2015 to give you an idea. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6LboQOyzQcdM1lUUl9NclJoSmc
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