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Everything posted by tschenneck

  1. Activision just announced that the following tracks are aviable as DLC on Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock: "Blackout" "Burning In The Skies" "The Catalyst" "The Messenger" "Waiting For The End" They will be aviable on October 19th. Source: Activision
  2. Sorry, I thought Mark is the man for the newswire So, thanks for moving and editing! And yeah, love it too.
  3. Just wait till Mark comes online I guess he will edit and move it.
  4. Ghost Town Media have created VFX for some amazing music videos and on-stage projection graphics for Linkin Park. In this blog post we'll have a look at some of this work and see how Trapcode software was used. Ghost Town Media VFX team: Brandon Parvini, Jeff Lichtfuss and David Torno. Freelancers: Gabriel Perez and Tae Lee To fully see this awesome work, please watch the vids in HD and fullscreen. [...] You can find the whole article here. Source: Trapcode
  5. I would love to see another PR in Germany.
  6. They need to talk with Chester about DBS, announcing anything before would be senseless!
  7. As I said before, I had these impressions of 2008, too. I got the DVD of my show on my HDD and it's always fun to watch it. Yesterday I saw that Phoenix almost fell down during OSC because he was moving like hell! lol
  8. again, congrats Can you tell me what song you are talking about? Please!
  9. ah okay What you attempted, if it's not a secret?
  10. really cool They love their fans really
  11. HAHA, awesome Mike is the best
  12. fully agreed. I think in 2009 they look bored, not in 2008... My 2 cents.
  13. I was wondering how you can have 1,5k posts without being a Contributor?!
  14. Fuck. I'm already 50% warned So I should seriously calm down
  15. Before this I got something to say: I'm apologizing for every diss I posted here. I was just on a "rage" because of this discussion and had to post something angry. I will also accept when someone says something about 2008 from now, too. Also, a special "sorry!" goes to sckofelng. Sorry, dude Sorry to all of you, but now back to topic.
  16. cool! Record it and upload it somewhere, would be awesome!
  17. If you mean me with praising everything, you're wrong. I don't praise everything. For example I critized that the band isn't talking anymore. Also, I'm not complaining at the moment because I'm really happy with the setlist, performance and all... Just my 2 cents, too.
  18. I seriously agree on this one and I "fixed" the post. But I can't understand it when someone is complaining about almost everything the band does, this makes me feel like the band can't satisfy him...
  19. Agreed, but you forgot one thing: how awesome The Radiance is live.
  20. Please give me one example where I had two (or more) different opinions! The only thing you can do is complaining. Complaining about interludes, the setlist at all and the duration of the show. You sir, are complaining about EVERYTHING. I would rather have multiple opinions than being a guy who is complaining about everything and everybody. You should just accept other users more. Respect that they got other (or even multiple) opinions and not complaining about taste. You laugh at me because I like Chesters voice in 2008, that isn't normal. Well, thats MY impression about YOU.
  21. Seriously, you don't get it. That's it. I don't really want to discuss with you, it just make no sense. Well, you're right. Maybe I should bring 2005 back.^^
  22. Have you watched the APFMH video I posted in the shoutbox? This sounds way better than "weak".
  23. I don't know what you mean, but seriously Berlin 2008 was the fucking opposite of everything you mentioned above! Maybe the other shows from this year were bad, but this one was fucking brilliant!
  24. Agreed, but 2009 has the most things I don't like so I choosed this one.
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