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Everything posted by tschenneck

  1. I was wondering whether these bridges in the corners (CLICK) will be on this show, too.
  2. If they add some talking during the European Tour I'm the happiest man alive. Becuase the actual performance is pretty good but I still miss some talking or interacting.
  3. Well, I can't judge from all 2008 shows but Berlin 2008 was the best show of my life and no show will ever top this.
  4. But then they were really enjoying the shows and were interacting much more than now.
  5. It seems like the only sources we got are youtube videos and the LPL User felipeintheend (he was there, don't know whether he recorded it)...
  6. Chester seemed pretty exhausted on the Given Up scream
  7. is I said before: and arbiter, I fucking now what CookieMonster is talking about. Just by watching the videos from 2008 I get really sad because the band hasn't got that "feeling" for the crowd anymore. They aren't really talking anymore, and that's the sad thing about the new shows. I remember Berlin 2008, they made up an awesome atmosphere and were talking like shit. And now? A few times "Thank You!" and thats it? No talking, no interacting? That isn't the LP I used to know back in 2008.
  8. THIS and guys, it looks good for you. It seems like the broadcast is really happening tonight and I got a guy from LPA who is recording it!
  9. FUCK! I want to see this so much EDIT: A chat post says: "#Swu Lixo do #LinkinPark. Quero ver #Incubus." which means something like "Recycle Linkin Park, I wanna see Incubus." this sounds to me like LP is being broadcasted.
  10. but the festivals website says in the broadcasting area "23.58 - 1.58 Linkin Park" or is this when they perform there?
  11. yeah, the cable channel won't air but it will be broadcasted on the Festivals website.
  12. Okay, thanks for the info. We got anybody here who is going to record this?
  13. I feel sorry for you guys in brazil, but: http://deathbatnews.wordpress.com/2010/10/...ng-linkin-park/
  14. tschenneck


    Me too I always take my bag with me
  15. tschenneck


    ok, so when I went to LP in 2009, I was there about 1,5h before the entry and after the entry I just ran to the stage. I were in the right corner of the first row. So if you want to have a safe place in the first row, lets say 3 hours?
  16. watching videos from 2008 where the band is talking during the show makes me sad
  17. please vote, don't just reply to the topic!
  18. Of course it's their choice, I just wanted to show that it would be logical if they would do it again this year. I will accept it if they play the same set as South America.
  19. but if you look backwards, they have to do it this time. look: 2007 - not many shows -> not rotating 2008 - 3 shows -> rotating 2009 - 2 shows -> not rotating 2010 - 6 shows -> should be rotating again
  20. I want it because then the Berlin setlist would be a surprise to me and it would be better for the guys who go to 4+ concerts...
  21. according to rotating setlists: check my poll in the "Live Discussion" area!
  22. I bet they will. Well, more likely I hope that they will.
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