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Posts posted by anjum




    Can I record original lyrics over the snippet if it is a instrumental???

  2. Yeah this was the first video I ever took with my new iPhone! More info about everything is coming soon.

    Yippee. As Mike said this 'soon' thing last week. I guess it's about time. YEAH!! Low and Behold people. It's that calm before the storm!!!

  3. I don't get why to say "It's getting closer" when everyone knows the release date of the first single and approximately the release date of the album.

    It's time to drop some LPTVs and some artworks!

    I second that.


    They're pulling a clever trick on us... notice how all three instances that we see Mike 'today in the studio' he's wearing the EXACT SAME THING?








    These are all from the same day, just posted apart. The album is done, they're just acting like it's not done to pull a fast one.

    Oh Yeah! You are damn right. OMG LP!!

  4. They came for the sole reason fans and only if a band tours a place they will come to know the fan base here , and the name Lp is just enough for 30 - 40000 people to turn up on minimum basis and i think it decent enuf for a big band and the rock culture is becoming famous here and is not the exact way it is like in europe or in any other part of the world and in my city itself i know 50 guys upto my knowledge their might be lots even and imagine a country with 28 states imagine the crowd which cna turn up from each and every state !!!!!!!!!! , and lp had even toured singapore , thailand in the previous years why not us !!!!!!!!!!!!! if it is a matter of crowd we are definitely far ahead and can be the one of the best


    itz high time lp decides and gives the fans some recognition :)

    I totally agree with you Aravind. Considering that India is the 7th largest country by land and has a HUUUUGE music listening population, it should definitely figure in the list of LP's touring countries. Tickets are not very expensive and can easily be afforded. And ya, a crowd of 40k can easily gather for such a popular and humongous band like LP. India deserves a show atleast once. I hope we get a show in 2011. I am dying to see them live.

  5. i know its really expensive going to some other country and watch but no other choice , might be in uk i hope

    Yeah! Awesome bro! Enjoy the show. Me still waiting for the time when they'll play here. Approximately how much will all this trip cost you in Rupees (including airfare, tickets, accomodation etc)???

  6. dude i come frm chennai , i have been on the old lp boards for more than 2 years ,i do visit here often but the new board is quite less impressive and no healthy discussions over there these days ;) , when iron maiden can come i donno why lp couldnt , man we keep on saying next next ............... there seeems to be no end when is the next gonna end and lp gonna see us , only way is to fly 2 some country and see them , and thats what im gonna do this year , man im done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant stand much longer

    I really hope that this wait would end soon. Cool bro! I can't afford going to another country for a show. :(

    Where you going by the way?? US?Germany? wHeRe???

  7. Linkin park has received constant messages from Lp indian fans ,and mike knows it well from lpu indian fans donno when they r going to come here and play , i donno whether they will even come or not i have waited all long for more than 7 years still no hope :(

    I have been waiting for like the last 6 years. It's getting so frustrating. AARGHH!!!!! But somehow i have a feeling that they will surely visit Delhi/Bangalore this year or the next. BTW which city do you live in??

  8. I've seen LP 9 times. I'm all for them playing in places where people have never seen them before.


    Serbia, India, Israel, South America, Central America, west side of Canada, South Africa. That'd be awesome. Just give me DSP's of them all and I'm good to go!

    Hope they listen to you. My life would be a fuckin shit if i die without seeing LP live. AARGHHHH!!!!!!!!

  9. Wow, amazing. Not only that, but he's saying that Valentine's Day is also better than Bleed It Out. I didn't know it was possible to have such an opinion. Oh well, it's just a testament to how everyone's tastes are different. Anyone can think anything.

    VD is actually thousand times better than BIO for me.


    Word! That song is just the most epic song Linkin Park has done. And Chester's vocals are a thing of beauty on it. It is by far the most under appreciated song by LP because people don't know what to make of it since it is so far from what they're known for.

    Yeah!! It took me some time to let it grow on me. But now that song is a MONSTER!!


    Valentine's Day destroys the album version of Bleed It Out. There, I said it. I love Valentine's Day for its very unique song structure. BIO album version just does not bring it and doesn't do the song any damn justice. Now go listen to BIO from the best DSP ever (aka Auburn 2007) and THAT is a masterpiece. Slow -> fast outro at that show, DAMN.


    BIO live is a monster. Well, it was in 2007. 2008 and 2009, it was cool, just not as epic. But BIO album version...yucky.


    Haha!! There you have it!! LP's arguably biggest fan thinks the same way as me. WIN WIN!!


    has anyone mention easier to run yet? i LOVE that song. its hard for me to pick my favorite LP song but if i absolutely had to ide pick ETR

    Hey my collab brother, that's there with the best LP songs along with TLTGYA.


    Though LP's devoted online fanbase is far larger than the overall fanbase of most bands :lol:


  10. That track is about one of the only LP tracks I understood on the first listen. It is about the constant approval/disapproval of writing a song. "Here we go for the 100th time/ Hand grenade pins in every line" - The 100th rewrite of the song/ garbage(or something you would just throw away....aka grenade pins) are in every line. "Bleed It Out/ Digging deeper just to throw it away" - Getting as much as you can from the song, just to throw it away.

    Never knew they meant that. Still they donot connect as much as their other works do. But that's just me.


    I just dont like it. we all have opinions. Its just a weird song for me. So is Valentine's Day, i think tats a weird song

    Never said u were at fault. We all have are opinions. Agreed. BTW I love Valentine's Day. 2nd best on MTM for me. LOL!!



    LOL at the fact that the so few posts in the last 2 pages are about the message. All courtesy me n gradon. :D

  11. I think LOATR and IB are the best songs on the album. I did not like Bleed it Out, but its not the worst. I thought the worst was TLTTGYA.

    Oh Man!! Now my fav (and unarguably the best) has been turned to the worst of the album. LOL. TLTGYA is not a song. It's a journey through heaven. LP has so many different fans with so many different choices!!

  12. I consider GU and NMS to be among LP's heaviest tracks to date.

    Hmmmm....on second thoughts.....you are right..... but APFMD is also in that list.......


    EDIT: @GraDon : Uhh!! That's such a horrible sig!! Pathetic!! Projects as if you endorse that thought!! Who are the teams in question btw??

  13. The hunting of the snippets on cd seller websites is begun.


    *Indiana Jones theme*

    Haha!! That would be so fuckin awesome if someone finds them in the coming week.

  14. Are you saying that In Between is better than Bleed it Out? Really?

    Yea! I actually really like IB. BIO just doesnt work for me. Really not a fan of it's chorus and unmeaningful lyrics.


    no way, mikes lines are badass to the max, that song gets me fired up. Plus i think the 2 heavy songs on MTM are crap, i like NMS a lot more than GU but both are below par IMO.

    Compared to HT/Meteora songs they lack heaviness but individually BIO doesnt stand a chance against them. IMO.

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