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Posts posted by anjum

  1. Mike recently updated his blog with an lenghty article explaining what he thinks is the difference between 'Recording Artisits' and 'Performers'. He expresses his view about the current state of the music industry and also cites their own example :


    "My own band has had to deal with these same issues in one way or another in the past. We grew up recording on a computer, at the specific point in time when home recording software became accessible to the average kid. When we met a record executive for the first time, we had played no shows. At that moment, we realized that we needed to start playing live and practicing our new songs, so we could eventually bring them to a stage. It would be years before anyone had ever heard of Linkin Park. We were lucky enough to get through worst of our awkward live mistakes while we were still a baby band, unsigned, without a million people coming to our first show to see what all the hype was about, and by the time “In The End” hit the mainstream, we had probably played 150-200 shows together and worked a lot of the kinks out."


    The article is a very good read and can be read here in its entirety.


    Staff Edit: Not really newsworthy, but it deserves to be read. Thoughts?

  2. I don't know if it's supposed to, but the "happy reminder" thing made me laugh... :lol:


    Anyway, no problem with that, I'm just waiting for somebody saying the song has surfaced, then I'll be looking for it on the Internet (or will maybe ask a friendly PM =D). And I bet it's the same for 90% of the guys here.


    I guess that must be the case for about 99.999 % people out here. Hey look below, 110 people are reading this. AWESOME!!!

  3. Clearly the respect is NOT mutual, just look at Mark's response.


    Ya maybe not from Mark's side, but i meant the respect is mutual atleast from my side (thought that i should make this clear since i was the one who started this thread)!!!!

  4. Aside from that, I just wanna go on the record and say I support LPL and respect them as a fan site. Always have, and I hope the respect is mutual. Keep up the hard work guys!


    Surely the respect is mutual. You too keep it up. Always pleasing to visit your site for LP discography.



    Posting that makes it sound like you're not willing.

    Totally Agreed.

  5. I totally agree with you LPxDC. If we were to keep our opinion to ourselves, then why would we have joined a forum anyway?? Could have just been in the sidelines. But we are active members and there is no harm in discussing things.

  6. Honestly, I think that the LPA has a batter layout, small but very very nice community, awesome images and wallpapers, information about the band, better music collection and doesn't go on about OTHER BANDS.


    I think LPL and LPA have equal exclusives.


    LPL has the better online guide, thats because thats what you're mean't to be.



    After all that, you can ban me if you must....lol


    Well you know what? When i said they have many common members i primarily meant you. I have seen you on both the forums. And i expected that you would surely be on their side. Hey tell me a thing you say that LPA has a small community but i think they have about 4 times registered members vis-a-vis LPL. Correct me if i am wrong!!!!

  7. I was just reading the wikipedia article on Julien-K and I found a lot of working titles they have for the new album. I have previusly heard only 2-3 of them. Others were new for me. Dunno about you guys. You heard these before??


    * "1000 Years Of Destruction" (working title)

    * "Cruel Heart Girl" (Julien-K featuring Z-Listers)

    * "The Dregs Of The World" (working title)

    * "Everyone Knows" (planned to be featured on 2nd Julien-K album)

    * "The Hunting" (working title)

    * "Nights Of Future Past" (Julien-K featuring Sam Vandal)

    * "They'll Try To Take Me Away" (working title)

    * "Walking With The Dead In My Arms" (working title)

  8. So what do you think?? I know both the sites are at good terms with each other and have many common members, so i do not intend to create any sort of rivalry between the two. I just wanted to know what you guys think. I think though LPA's layout and the amount of info about LP in it is great, it's lack of regular updates pissed me off (I folowed it for 3 years). And on 1 day it linked to LPL (She Couldnt Exclusive) and since then there's been no looking back ( I hope LPL 4.0 gives me more reasons to love it). And i was like : "Whoa! This site is GREAT!!!!" Awesome exlusives and regular updates hooked me on to it as they fed my insatiable love for LP. And ya if you throw LPTimes (I think its a bit messy and its updates are at times absurd) in the mix, this can be a great disscussion. So voice your opinions. GET SET GO!!!!!!!!!

  9. Mike recently updated his blog : We've officially moved our band's Twitter presence over to: http://twitter.com/linkinpark. Make sure to follow there (and http://twitter.com/m_shinoda; yes, it's true, I occasionally tweet).


    We just surpassed 4 million fans on Facebook. Pretty awesome. If you haven't become a fan of us on FB yet, now's the time…http://www.facebook.com/linkinPark.


    And lastly, there was a great Washington Post piece about our game. Here's a bit of the story:


    "DENVER (Billboard) – When avid technophile Mike Shinoda was approached backstage last year with an idea for developing a Linkin Park iPhone game, the band’s co-frontman knew he wanted it to be more than just another run-of-the-mill artist app.


    "It was important to us to do something creative and fun," he says. "We didn't want to throw a bunch of songs at the game, slap our name on it and cash the checks."

    The result is "8-Bit Rebellion," a soon-to-be-released iPhone game with an iPad version on the way. Whereas most artist-branded games tend to be rhythm-based, "8-Bit Rebellion" is an action game that has users fighting enemies alongside members of the band. The soundtrack features several Linkin Park hits in both standard and 8-bit fidelity, plus an exclusive track, "Blackbirds," for fans who complete the game.

    But according to Maryanna Donaldson, creative director of the game's developer, Artificial Life, the real innovation was the degree to which Linkin Park was involved. Each band member helped design a different "district" in which the game takes place, personalized to his individual interests. Shinoda designed the members' avatars and edited every line of dialogue. The process wound up taking the better part of a year, but Donaldson says the result sets a new bar for artist-branded apps.

  10. What's your favourite lyrics from a song?



    'Sometimes i think of letting go and never looking back

    and never moving forward so there'd never be a past'


    'The memory now is like the picture was then

    When the paper's crumpled up it can't be perfect again'


    'can't you see that you're smothering me

    holding too tightly

    afraid to lose control'


    man!!! your tastes are quite similar to mine....

    Something has been taken from deep inside of me

    A secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see


    Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past

    Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have

    Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back

    And never moving forward so there'd never be a past


    If I could change, I would

    Take back the pain, I would

    Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would

    If I could stand up and take the blame, I would

    If I could take all the shame to the grave, I would

    If I could change, I would

    Take back the pain, I would

    Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would

    If I could stand up and take the blame, I would

    I would take all my shame to the grave

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