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Posts posted by anjum

  1. Of course they will! They may not know it's Holi but many people know about the color festival. And of course Chester will wear pretty sari and dance while singing his heart out in high-pitched voice, totally Bollywood style. Or the band will ride elephants and go into a huge battle, that sounds about right, bahaha >.>

    Haha! That would be EPIC!! LOL. This post is tooooooooo funny. Just toooooooo funny to actually happen. :D

  2. An elephant, a colorful Chester and everything related to Krishna that gotta do with 'A thousands Sun', am I the only one thinking of Holi (the color/spring festival in India) here? Linkin Park is gonna have a color fest in the new single, that's it.

    Haha! I doubt that. 95% of the viewers will not get what is happening in the video if something of this kind happens. And moreover, the theme of the song will not go with a video in which chester is playing Holi! LOL.

  3. I'm guessing Figure.09 is hidden somewhere in this puzzle. Damn, we need a whole team to crack this one. Kudos on the difficulty man!

    LOL. I knew if you read this, you would definitely pull a kind of FIGURE.Oh 9 here!! You know what? I was actually thinking of a PS note but forgot it in the end.

    It would have read: And Legend; No! Figure.09 is not the best LP song.

    :D :D :D


    I was listening to Little Things last night, with everything else off (lights,tv computer etch). And I realized that from the aspect of composition,and lyrically it's the best lp song, hands down.

    Actually this is the only drawback of the song that if you want to get lost in it, you nee to just listen to the song and do nothing else for 6.23 mins, otherwise the effect of the song is not as strong.

  4. How many of you fantasize about a dream collaboration between LP & another of your fav artist?? Though there is no assurance of it actually happening, we can atleast talk about it while we wait for ATS. LP ft. ________ Fill this with what will be a dream come true for you.



    I dream for a Linkin Park Featuring. Amy Lee.

    Chester & Amy Lee are the best fucking vocalists in this whole fucking universe. I really want to see this or a Evanescence Feat. Chester Bennington.

  5. So, here is the deal. IMO this by far is the best song LP has ever made. This actually is not a song but a journey. A journey through Heaven. You fully immerse in it on listening to it and it makes you forget all of your troubles for 6.23 minutes. The crescendo in this song is unlike I have ever heard & I am sure I will never ever hear again something of this magnitude.


    So who agrees with me on this being the BEST LP STUDIO SONG EVER??

  6. Some weeks back, when it was disclosed that the answer of that message was A THOUSAND SUNS and was indirectly related to The Bhagavad Gita, I posted this link and asked the same thing. Then someone (I think it was LPxDC) told me that this was'nt LP's personal studio and what was put up on the walls had nothing to do with them. I guess that's all.

  7. Well actually, we are going to have to remove my vocals. =[ We will have to remix their vocals in time with what I sang and Melodyne it in key and stuff. It will be hard, but we will see what happens. You can still download our version if you want, but we will probably submit the other one instead.

    Why don't you just submit both of them? Make a different myspace account & submit the one with your original vocals through it. Period.


    EDIT: @Alex Why don't you also do the same thing I said above. And please, even if you don't submit the one with the original vocals, atleast release them on your YT Channel.

  8. We've had many others posting several works in progress. If I went through and deleted duplicated posts or consolidated submissions by user into just one of their posts, this thread would be nowhere near the length it is.

    Go Ahead. Give it a shot. LOL. It would take you HOURS!!

  9. People, great remixes!


    But I have to say one thing, you ARE aware that you can ditch parts of the stems and add your own, aren't you?

    You just have to have at least one of them! After all the remixes I've listened to, (and I've listened to A LOT) I haven't heard not a ONE that ditches vocals, (I love mikes part on this song :) ) But really, it's suppose to be a remix contest, make it REALLY different, add your own voices! Write your own lyrics! For Heavens Sake, make things a bit more interesting.


    Oh and Ana, I liked your first remix without the vocals the best. What I'd personally would like to hear is maybe you recording your own voice (I dunno if you can sing) Or just ditch the vocals entirely and add the guitar part to the old remix you had. Because OMG it was awesome. :)



    Your such a big reply is almost a waste!! Only If you had read the rules!! Original lyrics and vocals are not allowed.

  10. This is good. If someone could add some nice guitar to it, i think itd be a winner

    Declaring a winner so easily?? Out of all the people who will submit, about only 5% must be finished by now (and that too with a DEMOish version)!!

  11. 2. ELIGIBILITY: Contest is open only to legal residents physically residing within the fifty (50) United States, Washington D.C., Canada (excluding Quebec), United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Mexico, Turkey, Poland, Spain, France, Italy, Brazil, Argentina (excluding residents of the province of Mendoza), Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Austria, Japan, and China


    Unfair!! they didn't mention The Netherlands, bummer

    FUCK!! I feel like crying!! :( I was surely entering, though I didnt expect to win, it's kinda sad that they left India out. :(

    That's not fair LP :(

  12. Warner and Linkin Park will make millions with the single/album cause everybody is talking about their "collaboration" with a fan. But that's just marketing. If you win, you're name will maybe be written on myspace and in the booklet in a very small font size. it's by far not enough to start the big career. It's about the hype, not about finding a talented musician ;)

    You are such a pessimist!!

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